Consciously Nourish

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Are you feeding, nourishing or poisoning yourself? 2 1-What comes through the mouth 3 Where do we start from, where are we and where to go? 4 Reflect 5 2-What comes out of mind 6 3-What comes in from outside

Are you feeding, nourishing or poisoning yourself?

To answer this question it is necessary to understand the difference between these concepts and in what circumstances each of them occurs. The consequence of nourishing, feeding or intoxicating you will be given through how you perform various bodily functions and what you incorporate in each of them: what you eat by mouth, what you project with your mind and what you get from outside. Understanding the different aspects that influence internal organic processes and the consequences that behave according to your food, will also be the first steps to become aware of what you are really doing, thus being able to self-manage the healthy conscious nutrition of the physical, mental body and spiritual, instead of simply feeding you or maybe even intoxicating you.

Let's look at the three main nutritional factors.

1-What enters through the mouth

Feeding you consists of eating food without more, without assessing what is going to produce what you are eating. To nourish you must have the right information about what foods are and which ones are the most suitable for humans. Instead, eating any food or product unconsciously will be the starting gun in the race towards intoxication.

Daily, food is ingested that the body must digest, process, assimilate or discard. Depending on the type of food that is ingested, these will produce certain reactions and consequences that are specific and innate to each organism or the mixtures between them and that are part of the chemical-organic process that has to be carried out to digest everything It enters through the mouth.

As soon as a food enters the mouth, and even before it does, simply with its presence or the intention of eating it, the body reacts by triggering a multitude of substances that will be necessary to shred it and extract from it everything that may be useful. As a result of this process, there remain unusable remains that must be eliminated and that will be more or less toxic as they ingested.

The natural purpose of taking food is to nourish and, for this, it is necessary to know which foods are more related to the digestive and metabolic system of the human being; Those will be the ones that will provide energy and nutrients of high biological value to achieve a perfect and healthy body functioning. As you move away from the consumption of the most related foods and focus on the densest, they will bring you more and more useless remains and, therefore, intoxicants for the organism, which it must process, neutralize and eliminate, either because it contains them the food itself or because they were generated during the digestive process. The more dense, processed or processed the food you eat, the lower the biological value the nutrients will be, the greater the useless remains and the higher the consequent intoxication.

The contribution to the body of healthy nutrients will be obtained from foods whose chemical chemical composition is in its simplest form; That is the easiest way for them to be processed and assimilated with all their value and with the minimum energy expenditure. Taking food without taking into account the bioavailability of its nutrients, it is for the body to fill the tank of a car with all available fuels at the same time, whatever the type of engine and what it needs, making it difficult for it to work properly and to yield to the maximum of its possibilities, eventually collapsing and finally stopping.

As you insist on the intake of dense foods, you will be overloading and saturating the organs to the point of accumulating toxins in the deepest of the tissues, in the fat and in the musculature and will suffer a constant imbalance of the vital liquids, which will cause the disharmonization of the internal terrain, thus initiating a constant dysfunctional process that, when persevering, will cause you illnesses and diseases.

Today, there is a huge variety of processed, prepared, refined, treated foods More than food is simply edible that provides a lot of waste, little nutrition and some energy that, to be obtained, it implies a high degree of wear, both energetic and functional, from which a final balance is derived between what was contributed and what was obtained rather poor and of low yield. By ingesting most of these products, you are simply eating and silencing the sensations transmitted by the body of its real needs, creating a vicious circle of request and false satisfaction. This constant cycle is the typical one caused by refined and denatured products and certain additives added in the industrial processes or contained by the product itself and which are addictive, as is the case with the derivatives of the opi ceos Faced with such a situation, the brain is unable to identify those substances, and in view of the dissatisfaction of its needs and of overstimulation, it reacts with more requests from those same edibles, cre Thus becoming an endless self-intoxicating chain.

Where do we start from, where are we and where to go?

We have commented that food intake would have to respond to the need to nourish the body, providing the tools in their most basic form so that, easily and with little energy and organic effort, it can transform them into biomass energy and with it move all and each of the more than 100 billion cells that make up the functional structure of the body.

It is part of the design of the human body that its physical functioning is through biomass energy, and that this energy is obtained in a healthy way through the adequate intake of food that will be processed thanks to digestion. The physiological design of the digestive system of the human being is prepared to receive a certain type of food, which are the fruits, fruits and seeds that Nature offers. This is discussed in the ancient writings of various cultures, but the most palpable proof is given by Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy, which clearly demonstrate that the human digestive system is structurally the same as that of any frugivorous mammal and very different from the rest of mammals, whether herbivores, carnivores ... Therefore, the ideal foods to nourish the human being are the fruits.

During the course of time, they have been modifying and incorporating all kinds of increasingly dense foods and away from those that are innate to the human being. Despite this, the structural basis of the digestive and organic system has remained the same. By repeatedly insisting on eating such food, internal homeostasis as an act of survival, has adapted to what has been possible, but not without causing premature organic wear, an intoxicating accumulation and subsequent effects on the organism that entails in the form of ailments, diseases, dementias, physical impairments, premature old age ...

Current cultivation techniques based on mass food production, overexploitation of the land through synthesized chemicals and the use of adulterated or transgenized varieties, are able to offer a genus of good size and appearance, full of water and fiber, but with a growing deficit in its nutritional and biological content with respect to its original form and that are increasingly moving away from natural crops made with old varieties in clean soils, fertilized by Nature and without synthetic chemical additives, which are those that produce food Fully nutritious and healthy. The massive-productive trend of obtaining food focused only on kilos of food, represents an energy-productive waste and a deficit nutritional balance, in addition to the organic and energetic wear that the body is supposed to have to process.

The food of the human being is increasingly decompensated and far from the simple form that it requires for its bodily function. Resume organically grown natural foods, avoid processed and denatured foods as much as possible, eat simply without excessive mixing, without abuse and from the awareness of how it works and what the body should be fed for, it will be the first step to take it again the reins of conscious nutrition and enjoy full health. From there, you can decide for yourself and without interference what food to consume and how far you want to go; from healthy and simple foods, to those who are innate of the human being or even to live by light - vital energy - if you really feel that way.


“It is not what you eat, but what you digest and assimilate what produces health and strength. Conditions that disturb and damage digestion cause the breakdown of food and poisoning of the body instead of providing nutritional elements. Incorrect food combinations are the main causes that interfere with normal digestive processes. ”

“What is the use of feeding copiously, if instead of digesting food by the natural process of the enzymes that generate as a result, nutrients of maximum quality and assimilation, it is done through the mediation of the bacteria that cause fermentation and putrefaction, obtaining as a result toxic and poisonous to the human organism?

“You can be fooled by the aroma and flavor acquired by highly cooked food or dispose of food as it is offered by Nature, which are already nourished by the generous land, purified by spring water and energetically cooked by the sun . This is the best and most nutritious way to feed your body, mind and soul. But you better do it when you become aware of it, without repression or imposition. ”

“The intake of the type of food you make will depend exclusively on the state of consciousness in which you are; if you change your consciousness, your health will change with you and, at the same time, your well-being will be expressed in the form of happiness. ”

2-What comes out of the mind

The second aspect, and also very important, is mental feeding. Depending on the domain that you allow the mind to exercise in situations that arise in your life, you will be nourishing or intoxicating yourself. The reactions in relation to what happens to you or what you provoke for yourself, will result in specific mental states that will cause specific physical effects. It is the typical case of emotional disturbances that exceed your control. To that extent they are a clear way to progressively poison the organism; on the other hand, the expressions lived from the pure feelings that are born from the deepest of your interior, nourish the spirit and the spirit to the body.

A usual reaction that is usually used to placate emotional disturbances is food. With the excessive intake of all kinds of food, you try to fill the digestive system so that it is entertained with your digestion and so calm the rampant emotional state or the consequent state of stress.

To trigger an emotional state requires the mass production of chemicals that are responsible for sustaining it. These substances are intoxicating and acidifying for the organism, so that their continued action, in the long run entails a high degree of physical and mental intoxication. Instead, the state of feelings is produced by substances that contribute to physical well-being and mental satisfaction. It is proven that staying 20 minutes in an altered emotional state, generates an intoxicating discharge of 6 hours to the body.

In the intestinal part of the digestive system is the subtle energy center of emotional control. It is in the intestine that most of a hormonal substance known as serotonin is produced chemically, which clearly contributes to nervous balance, anti-anxiety and the feeling of well-being.

The intestine is considered as the second brain; it produces most of the serotonin, much more than in the brain. Serotonin is the precursor of melatonin, and both are hormones that appease, regulate and balance the nervous system and the sleep-wake cycle. At the same time, and being that the intestinal area is energetically governed by the chakra of emotions, its energy imbalance will cause restlessness and emotional lack of control, a factor that will often use food to silence these alterations and thus keep the digestive system occupied.

Depending on the balance in which that area is found in terms of the physical-functional state of the intestine and the opening or energy blockage of the chakra, you will be able to control the excessive emotional states so that their successors, pure feelings, emerge.

While intoxication clouds the mind and collapses the body, healthy physical and mental nutrition brings clarity and balance. Nourishing the mind through the non-toxic state of the body and nourishing the body through the non-toxic mind is the way to guarantee full lucidity, health and physical and mental happiness. Nourish yourself mentally with good thoughts, keeping emotions under control and performing those actions that are born as a result of your deepest feelings.

Emotional disturbances are triggered by the lack of understanding of what life really is, how it works and the role that human beings are called to play in it. Awareness is the great regulator of the role that one decides to play in the Great Work of Life, hence with awareness you can regulate any alteration, enjoy your physical body and a lucid mind in a balanced way, and face any situation that comes your way.

3-What enters from outside

The third aspect to consider in conscious nutrition and that is closely related to the previous one, are the influences that come from outside. The fashions, the tendencies and the interests of certain food industry, lead more and more to a distance of the foods that the organism needs with nutritional purpose. To discern where you should go from among all the influences that you receive from outside, you will have to look for the most correct information so that with it you can understand and experience what will lead you to awareness, the trigger that will allow you to feed according to conscious nutrition.

Occasionally, the basic need to feed becomes an act of snobbery and exaggerated delight of the palate, which involves a sophisticated elaboration, inharmonious mixtures and the use of products used as food without being, and all with the intention focused on to silence and / or satisfy needs other than the real origin of the use of food, which is to nourish the needs of the body.

The way in which the delight of food is used and its transformation into a social and relationship act, has been degraded until most of the time it becomes a simple act of satisfying the palate, focused on others, as a discussion inconsequential or for ego satisfaction. The balanced and healthy way of eating is to take advantage of its nutritional purpose and at the same time savor pure and simple foods in a conscious act and feel the union of sharing it with others, thanking Nature and its food for what they offer you, in an act of shared union with everything and everything.

While your consciousness is focused on the material part, you should use mostly material energy and nutrients from physical foods, which will be more or less dense depending on where your consciousness is at that time. As you change your consciousness, you will feel more like simple and healthy foods and your nutrition will be increased by the subtle vital energy, coming from the Creative Source that sustains everything and energizes and nourishes in the purest form.

"The closer you get to the original food designed to nourish the human being, the more you will connect with the subtle energy that nourishes the body, mind and soul, thus reaching a state of maximum health and well-being."

Be aware and you will be constantly happy!

Author: Josep María Montserrat Vila - Cellular Nutritionist

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