PES: from extrasensory perception to extrasecret program

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 PES: Extra Sensory Perception. 2 KNOWING HIMSELF 3 NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming. 4 KNOWING ME 5 PES: Secret Space Program 6 KNOWING THE ONE

On the thresholds of the 19th century and at the dawn of the 20th century, partisan conflicts resulted in the dominant reflection on the Nation, on issues related to political, economic and social development, conceived with the sole interest of organizing Republics under instruction conditioned, that legitimizes the culture and educational development of society. The educators found three ways to follow: indoctrination, training or instruction. The profession of teacher was projected as the art that resided, by divine canon in the priesthood; by natural right, in the parents, and by voluntary delegation, in the educator, who represented the authority full of knowledge, capable of articulating in his pedagogical work the teachings of his natural predecessors.

At the end of the first decade of the twentieth century, the method made more sense in education and instruction, both in school and in teaching. This was considered the path that every teacher would have to follow to meet and achieve the end and means of education, conceived in state laws. For the second decade of the twentieth century, a religious, confessional mentality was reflected in education, through which it aspired to awaken in the spirit of each one, the principle of life that sustained it: to educate, not only to instruct; form decent habits, rather than teach theoretical notions, always keep in mind that education is the task of forming minds and hearts, so that they can perform their duties in life and achieve their outermost ends.

After World War II, psychology and philosophy were united by methodology. Like the merchant and his accountant, the second told the first what was the right way to talk about the signs he found. The word "mind" remained a "bad" word forbidden in prevailing psychology. The methods became a concern: methods to convert the subjective into objective, the hidden undercover, the abstract into concrete.

Subsequently, at the end of the 1950s, there was what is now called the cognitive revolution. Psychologists and linguists devoted themselves to inquiring about the way in which knowledge was represented in the mind. The mind was now defined as the modalities in which thought is organized or as a set of strategies for ordering knowledge in order to achieve the proposed results.

Thus the psychologists were giving way to technologists and engineers. Psychologists work under the Delphic mandate, "Man know yourself, " the financiers are the custodians of money, as a means by which you can live on the physical plane, engineers have shown us how technology is incorporated into objects, processes or people, who when seeing how the "thinking" machines worked, shaped the mind-computer analogy that was quickly assumed by the philosophical current called functionalism. The mind is to the brain, what the program is to the computer. In this article I will try to show the differences between perception and programming, the soul and its mechanism, discipleship and education.

PES: Extra Sensory Perception.

Extrasensory perception is one of the modalities of a hypothetical psychic function that was supposed to potentially exist in all human beings. In 1934 several people had already been contacted by extra-terrestrial beings to receive information that clarified the functioning of the universe: the microcosm and the macrocosm.

This is the case of the Urantia book, a spiritual, theological and philosophical literary work about God, man, religion, philosophy and destiny. It was written between 1922 and 1939 and first published in the United States in 1955; in the text it is pointed out that it has been written directly by celestial creatures. At the beginning of the 1920s, Dr. William Sadler coordinated a forum that as time went by became a cosmopolitan meeting consisting of professional men and women doctors, lawyers, dentists, ministers, teachers along with individuals of all kinds grankers, housewives, secretaries, clerks and common workers, this forum generated the commission Contact who received the Urantia documents.

It was also in 1934 that the Tibetan Master revealed his name: Djwal Khul. In November 1919 this Master contacted Alice A. Bailey, and asked him to write and publish some books that should appear, in order to impart the truth. In his treatise on psychology he explains the origin and difference of psychic powers, since he classifies them into lower powers and higher powers. The former are characteristic of the animal soul and the latter are gifts granted by the divine soul.

The ancient powers and faculties, which humanity developed and possessed in past times, were relegated to the background in their consciousness and below the threshold of common perception, in order to develop the mind and turn the human being into a conqueror and a personality. Higher powers and faculties are the prerogative of the conscious soul. They constitute the superior powers to which Christ referred, when he promised his disciples that somebody would do greater things than he did.

Clairvoyance Clairaudience Mediumship Materialization Divination Magnetic Healing HUMAN SKILLS
Prospective, Insight. Contact, Empathy. Exchange, language Invention. Forecast, planning. Scientific healing SUPERIOR POWERS
Mystical vision Inspiration. Telepathy. Mediation. Creativity. Forecast. Healing by faith.

Sensitivity, awareness and perception are the three qualities of the soul and the problem of light has a definite relationship with our ability to interpret and understand these three qualities. Sensitivity is the response to contact, so greater knowledge is achieved. Awareness is the relationship of personality with the environment when developing the instruments through which consciousness can expand. Perception is the interaction between life and the environment, by understanding the meaning of light.


In the beginning of psychology, the metaphor of the carriage, the horses and the rider proposed by Plato was used to understand how our personality works. The horses are the It, the instinctive forces, while the rider is the Ego, the driver. That metaphor has been updated by using automobile concepts such as The Car, the driver and the passenger. What the aphorism in the temple of Delphi posed as itself, is what we now know as self-concept, the personality that makes use of a body.

The human body as a system is made up of about ten subsystems, with the nervous, endocrine and immune systems containing control intelligence. Life is in the heart, consciousness in the brain and creativity in the throat. The three centers of consciousness are the body, the mind and the spirit.

We know the external framework of the wonderful machinery with which we have all come to the world and some of its internal mechanisms and usual routines. Today we know that in our daily life our psyche works as a personal computer of limited capacity and speed, but enough to solve the problems it has to face. And it is in creativity, problem-conflict resolution and decision-making that human beings put their intellectual competencies into action.

NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Neuro-linguistic programming is an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy, created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California, United States, in the 1970s. Its creators argue that there is a connection between neurological ("neuro") processes, language ("linguistic"), and behavioral patterns learned through experience ("programming"), stating that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.

In 1977 the new CIA director is forced to testify before the Senate about a vast secret mind control program developed since 1949 and that he has successively adopted names as diverse as Bluebird, Artichoke, MK-Naomi, MK-Ultra, MK- Chichwith, MK-often and MK Search. According to his revelations, 185 scientists participated in this program, including internationally renowned behavioral scholars, who developed 149 different experiments in 59 universities, laboratories and foundations, 12 hospitals and 3 prisons, using human guinea pigs outside of what was happening, in a sinister massive violation of the human will that required separate treatment.

Programming is related to language, while thinking is related to meanings. All human activity is directed towards certain objectives by the work of an intelligence that has escaped our understanding. And it does so through general schemes or programs that govern our lives and are shaped by our identification with a series of archetypal roles and situations similar to habits and which, like these, lead us to act in a certain way.

To program is to give concrete instructions to act in a certain situation

Thoughts lead to plans, feelings lead to actions and these actions lead to results.

THINKING is defining the objectives and strategies required to achieve them. A strategy becomes a program and a goal becomes a project.

After thinking we generate agreements, resolutions through decrees, but there is a big difference between a statement and a statement. The statement is a positive statement we make with an emphasis out loud. It is an official manifestation of the intention to undertake a certain course of action or to adopt a specific position. The statement is a positive statement that ensures that an objective we want to achieve is already taking place.


The self is only a mental state, a generated abstract entity which we call the "I" or the "self." But if the self is the personality then how many are there?

The mind is a functional unit, a temporary system of intellect lent to human beings for use during a material life and according to the use made of it we will be accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence. The UNA mind consists of three components: an electrochemical mechanism, a self-conscious device and an electromagnetic system. Human consciousness rests gently on the electrochemical mechanism (concrete lower mind) and is subtly activated by the electromagnetic system (abstract upper mind) using the self-conscious digital device (practical intermediate mind). During mortal life the human being is never fully aware of any of the two systems, therefore he has to work with the intermediate mind (intelligence) of which he is aware.

To understand how these three minds work, the human being has made use of metaphors like this: The mind is a musical instrument with which the human will can play the disharmonies of society or extract the exquisite melodies of divinity. The mind is a ship piloted by thought, under the orders of the human will that is its captain. The mind is the cosmic loom that carries the virtual fabric on which thought weaves the spiritual designs of a universal character of divine meanings and lasting values.

Metaphorically we can see the Higher Self, the Soul, as a Sun, and the lower being (composed of the etheric physical and mental bodies), as a ray of Light emanating from that Sun: thus we will begin to differentiate the ray of the soul and the personality ray.

PES: Secret Space Program

The secret space program began in Germany immediately after the end of World War I. In 1934, many races of the Draco Empire contacted the world leaders and made secret treaties with them, offering them advanced military technology in exchange for the enslavement of the massive human population. This was the main reason for the great progress of technology in the 30s. All of these projects needed financing and financing from the confiscation of private gold.

The hidden purpose of the secret space program was to set a stage for the Draconian / Reptilian take of the planet. The attempt to take control has failed and soon the forces of Light will clear the last vestiges of the draconian control of this planet: the Cabal. During World War II, draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and the Draconians settled for a more covert approach.

About 2, 000 Nazi leaders imported into the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the secret government that directs matters on this planet.

After the war, hundreds of thousands of tons of Yamashita gold were put into commercial programs that provided financing for the construction of the massive underground military base system throughout the world. Those bases were built to set the stage for the draconian invasion, which was planned for the year 2000. In the 50s, the secret space program was extended and also involved bases on the Moon and Mars. The construction of the bases under the surface of the Earth was underway and in the mid-1990s there were about 120 bases in the United States and about 400 bases worldwide.

After the Light forces made much progress in the early 1990s, the Draco alliance decided to invade before and instead of the year 2000 their invasion began at the end of 1995. On the objective date of the invasion, on January 11, 1996, they decided to crush the few people who knew their plans. That particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked us and other key people. Phil Schneider was talking openly about the underground military bases:

Between 1996 and 1999, about 500 million reptiles have entered cloned humanoid bodies into these underground bases. After 1999, the Resistance Movement began cleaning those underground bases and eliminated all the Reptilians, except a few people on the planet's surface. The deepest portions of those bases were cleared in 2003. After that, the progress of the Light forces was massive.

Between 2008 and 2011, the Pleiadians have increased their presence in the Earth's orbit to the extent that NASA was forced to close its official manned space program because otherwise they could not avoid leaking evidence of the presence of the Pleiadians.

In 2012, the Resistance Movement has eliminated the vast majority of physical gold from the Cabal's hands. This has paralyzed Cabal operations extensively. Now they hide the last billion of their money in Lichtenstein. Due to the fact that they need between 2 and 3 billion dollars a day to keep their show running, they could last 2 or 3 years if their resources are not touched, which, of course, will not be the case.

At the beginning of 2013, the Resistance Movement has cleared all underground installations of the Cabal through Operation Underlord. Now they have nowhere to hide and are worried.


In truth, all Souls are One, so the Sun is One, and the Central Channels of all beings come from the same Source. The soul and the body are two parts of a whole, spirit and matter are two parts of a whole, everything in creation is part of a whole, the parts of an organism that is life itself: life is a whole, the Source or God / Goddess is Life as a whole, there is nothing outside the One. All souls are equal to the superalm.

The spirit passes from the trinity to duality and from this to unity. First the spirit feels that it is a triune personality similar to the trinity of the father, the son and the spirit. Then he understands that his conscience is a duality realized spirit-matter, life-form, the soul in manifestation. Finally the soul identifies with the Life that dwells internally on the planet and in the solar system. When this happens, a state of being is recorded that is beyond words, but has been known as cosmic rapture. The great Jewish seer Moses tried to explain these three stages with the words I Am That I Am.

We do not have the global vision of the cosmos, however, we do have the global vision of ourselves, so let us begin by understanding the microcosm, that is, the self, the planet and the system. The brain of Being One also has degrees, they are the energies of greater degrees that will form that self. The I, are those general characteristics that determine the One Being, but we have to understand that, as everything in the universe is hierarchical, then the I also has degrees of expression. These are: The ego (zones 1 and 2), The self (3-4), The character (4-5), the personality (5-6), The individuality (6-7-8-9).

So, another metaphor to describe this is that Souls and all life is an ocean, and our bodies and all we see are just waves in that ocean. The waves seem to stand out, but they are still only parts of the ocean. Everything is One.

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