Communiqués of Mother Mary for humanity. Towards a new awakening of your soul

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 2 In Search of Your Healing Codes 3 4 How to Achieve Connection with Your Beings of Light, with Your Spiritual Guides

In Search of Your Healing Codes

At the time of creation, each person received special codes, which allow him to have connection with the different universes; However, these codes have been veiled at the time of incarnation on planet Earth, and they will only be able to acquire or know again if you carry out a true process of purification of your soul. To achieve this, it is necessary:

  • Remove all negative thoughts from your mind.
  • Be aware of the importance of your breathing.
  • Recognize your physical body as a God, value it and respect it.
  • Love your neighbor as yourself.
  • Be aware of every word you say so as not to hurt or hurt anyone.
  • Just profess feelings of love.
  • Listen to your heartbeat and act under its signals.
  • Perform good deeds regarding your brothers.
  • Being happy and cheerful, that nobody can take away from you.
  • May you find and recognize your inner God.
  • Learn to thank and pray.
  • May your soul be free and not feel oppressed by anything.

When you do this, your codes will be transmitted telepathically through sleep. Ask to be able to remember them, for they will help you in healing processes, and so you will learn to heal yourself and your brothers, and prevent physical illnesses from making us leave the planet Earth or suffer. Develop your codes and everything will change.

With infinite love, Mary, mother of grace.

How to Achieve Connection with Your Beings of Light, with Your Spiritual Guides

In the infinite, that is, beyond the stars, there are evolved beings of light that have a direct connection with God. These beings are present in your life, and accompany you in every action you perform. Usually, they are called your spiritual guides. To achieve greater contact with them and make your connection more effective, and therefore their help towards your purposes, you must:

  • Connect with them through your heart. Meditate and ask them to speak to you and tell you who they are.
  • Clean your feelings: may your heart only generate peace and love, may envy, resentment and hate go away from you forever.
  • May your soul be purified: that through your breathing you can oxygenate your spirit and bring purity to your inner being.
  • May you have God present in your life: that you recognize that you have a part of God, that is, that his seed is in you, and that is why your life is a treasure.
  • What values ​​nature: in the water, in the trees and in the tranquility of the forest, these guides or beings of light appear and approach you more easily, so that if you connect with these elements of nature you will see them and Be closer to them.
  • Enjoy every day as if it were the last: take advantage of every moment of your life and value it, maybe tomorrow you have no chance.
  • Thank for your life: permanently thank your Creator for the magnitude of your being and for everything you have on a spiritual and material level.
  • Radiate love to the planet: that this feeling is what motivates you to do everything, and that you transmit it to your brothers.
  • Allow your light to shine: remember your essence and connect with your soul being happy, for that radiates good energies and light to the planet.
  • Thank your spiritual guides for all the time they have accompanied and protected you until today: that will make them know that you recognize them, that you accept them in your life and that they allow them to get closer to you.
  • Bless all people and situations, even if you don't like them or don't agree with them; that varies the action, and allows you to get the positive out of it.

Through these tools, you can activate your connection with your beings of light, that is, with your spiritual guides, with your guardian angel, as you usually know it. This is very important to make the world begin to change.

My best wishes in union with those beings so special that they are to take care of you, enlighten you and protect you while you are incarnated on planet Earth.

With love, Maria.

Channeling done by: Monica del Pilar Novoa Montejo - Bogotá - Colombia

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