The Action of Disciple II

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 The true positioning of a disciple is based on an action that revolutionizes. 2 A spiritual law and spiritual knowledge are assimilated when they are lived inwardly. 3 A disciple learns to observe the energies that work their bodies, their chakras, their mind, their conscience. You can only donate, with the mind, the conscience and the heart in unity with the soul. 4 Your internal action is what directs you to true wisdom and that puts you in conditions to reach certain spiritual horizons, to ascend in the Light, to reach initiations. 5 The energies of God-Mother are working the inner gardens, the inner beds at the physical-etheric, emotional, mental and buddhic levels. 6 The energies of the Christ are laying a new foundation in your mind. 7 The action of the true disciple is always as important to him as to others. 8 A disciple is a great conqueror, his action always brings a Light that enlightens others, so his work is group, that is, a work with himself, with his soul, with his Master, with other Masters, with his companions and brothers, whether in the physical plane, in the astral plane or in the mental plane.

Channeled Messages of the Masters of Light

In Portuguese the original.

May the force of higher energies, of true divine action, illuminate your bodies!

The true positioning of a disciple is based on an action that revolutionizes.

The inner action of a true disciple has to revolutionize his life, his way, his mind, his conscience. This internal action must reflect the truth that directs your steps .

A spiritual law and spiritual knowledge are assimilated when they are lived inwardly.

The disciple walks inside the unit . Each step taken makes it stronger within that unity and diminishes its duality. His actions are one with the soul and with the spirit . He cannot have a look towards a horizon and an action towards another horizon, his senses are in unison with his internal action; that is why his action revolutionizes because it is carried out within the internal unity that he is, as well as within the planetary, solar and cosmic external unity, where he is inserted.

Your spiritual action has to revolutionize your life, awaken love in your hearts, expand your consciousness and also your inner and outer realization.

A disciple does not live a life choosing which side he wants to stay on . Either it is a disciple of the Light, or it is a disciple of the shadows, there is no middle term. His action is not palliative, it is direct; Your action does not serve as a subterfuge, it is real. His action sows, plants, expects the fruits to be born one day, his action is complete, is complete.

A disciple learns to observe the energies that work their bodies, their chakras, their mind, their consciousness. You can only donate, with the mind, the conscience and the heart in unity with the soul.

There is no middle term for an action, or it is an action or stagnation. There is no half transmutation or half transformation. The actions of the soul, of the spirit, the actions of the higher energies, of the divine energies are full and well defined.

They have to witness your experience, agents of your own transformation, transmutation and renewal.

There is no savior, or one who will reward you with enlightenment, with great initiations and great conquests.

You are agents of your own path, you have to rediscover your own source, go to the source, look for the resources that are in your soul, relearn and give your personality the opportunity to hear and assimilate.

Seek to consider your personality as a seed that has not yet blossomed, that needs care, and needs to be directed to emerge with full force towards the Light, after germinating within it the Triune Principles of divine life and unifying them with the soul and the spirit

That's where your biggest unit is!

Your internal action is what directs you to true wisdom and that puts you in conditions to reach certain spiritual horizons, to ascend in the Light, to reach initiations.

Your inner universe is rich with great divine beauty!

Your origins dignify your steps, your walk and journey in the Light.

Thus, you are the agents of the walk itself, the evaluators of each step taken and its meaning; It is the experience that will lead you to dilute the doubts.

Only the concrete experience searches and transforms it on the way.

But what experience is this?

It is the experience with your own being . It is the constant diving in the divinity, in the divine nature that is within you, is to look for that force, that beauty that God-Father and God-Mother will infuse in your evolving being.

On the Path of Light there are no utopias, there are no idealisms; in it every action revolutionizes, energizes, transforms, renews, innovates, purifies, unifies, adds and multiplies.

You do not need the knowledge you imagine to have wisdom, you need to experience the inner universe so that wisdom gives you knowledge.

The energies of God-Mother are working the inner gardens, the inner beds at the physical-etheric, emotional, mental and buddhic levels.

The Great Mother is working your inner land to lead you to see with the eyes of the soul and the spirit, to use the spiritual senses, your gifts, your faculties.

There are seeds that will explode in your inner land, but if it does not lead you to an experience with these energies, if you do not seek to immerse yourself in the energies brought by God-Mother, how will they know in which direction these seeds will take you?

The energies of Christ are laying a new foundation in your mind.

- But how will you know, if you do not seek within yourself the reunion with these Christic energies?

It is time to rediscover the true language of your being, gradually detach yourself from the forms that are conditioned, from the dogmas, from the patterns, from the concepts and prejudices, and then search within that inner living nature for its true language.

Only through it will you meet your inner unity and tune in to this action that revolutionizes, this will that revolutionizes. Thus, you will rediscover the strength of the Triune and One Love that lives in your being.

You tend to learn, or relearn to feed your being of Light, to open your hearts to receive so that, nourished and reconstituted energetically, you can donate. You cannot donate what you do not know, you cannot donate the result only of the knowledge registered in your brain. It is necessary that you live the energies internally so that you can donate with full hands, with a full heart.
It is necessary to create a real union between your conscience and your feeling, so that you are not deceived by vanities and the proud of personality. You cannot serve the soul today and tomorrow serve the personality, its vanities and illusions.
- This is not the life of a disciple!

You tend to discern your thoughts, those who serve the Way and those who destroy your steps.
It is necessary to use word and thought to build, to add; you need to learn to consult your inner source more times, create the ease of diving and look at the inner altar, and in your cardiac sanctuary, the necessary forces to solve the problems of the day, to transform the difficulties into actions that raise and bring everyone back to be aware and evolve.
We need to build internal actions that will lead you to a real evolution. You will tend to evaluate the changes that your spiritual life has provided to favor a real evolution, to evaluate the fruits of your search, or the fruits of your experience.

If your life continues the same, if the blockages and difficulties are the same, then you have not plunged into the source, you are not yet walking on the right path; you must question what you are looking for : an action that revolutionizes your life, or stagnation, accommodation, illusion.

The action of the true disciple is always as important to him as it is to others.

The action of a disciple is always helping others, because while working he expands his internal unit.
His action helps other disciples and makes many also have the same opportunities to grow and evolve.
His action has its technique, its strength, its rhythm, its movement, but it fits perfectly with the actions of other disciples, it does not cause shocks, it does not collide with any obstacle, It unifies and grows the yeast of unity.
It is time to demystify your personality, dilute the illusions and realize a spiritual action within you, to unify the soul so that the intuition is strengthened, grows and leads you in all the steps of life, so that your yes be firm and coherent as well as your no, or better, that both always have an evolutionary meaning.
If your internal and external actions contribute to the expansion of the life of this humanity, to the expansion of the Light of your brothers and companions, you will penetrate into that vibrational frequency where all the discs Ulos pulos, of all the evolutionary lines, of all the hierarchies, the plans and dimensions, those that work so that there is a planetary, solar and cosmic unit; where actions move other actions, they bring solutions that open roads and new horizons for those who are behind on the road because they are locked in their personalities, locked in their minds and in their hearts.

A disciple is a great conqueror, his action always brings a Light that enlightens others, so his work is group, that is, a work with himself, with his soul, with his Master, with other Masters, with their companions and brothers, whether they are in the physical plane, in the astral plane or in the mental plane.

You can evaluate the results of your search and your spiritual experience when it transforms you into even better, more open, more fraternal beings, more with each other. Life is a single unit, there is no division between physical life and spiritual life, because its incarnation on the physical plane has an objective that is spiritual, its foundations are spiritual. You only incarnated and reincarnated because you are in the unity of the Light of God-Father, God-Mother and God-Son. They are on the physical plane to manifest the strength of your spiritual parents, to grow as children and dignify life in matter.

You need to open doors inside of you and experience your soul. For that you need not make any sacrifice, just tune in to these natural forces of your being.
Just as the natural forces of life in nature attract you, the natural forces of your inner universe are those that drive you on the Path and that drive you, so you can look for them.

This action will strengthen your will and determination when you rediscover your inner nature, which is divine. Your will and your mind will become unwavering, because you know who you are, where you should walk; you will understand your brothers and you will know how to be compassionate, patient, fraternal, because the same divine nature that resides in your being also dwells in all beings of all planes, of all worlds.
It is in this that you must think and reflect in order that you may be the agents of dilution of the masks themselves, and that your illusions may be undone so that your essence is manifested and with it your truth, so that you are one and free in the Greater Light Trine and One .
Only in this way will you achieve true liberation, only then will you know what true freedom is.

The wings of the mind, conscience and soul are only released, moved by the action of will, determination, courage, and this action has a basic structure that is being reformulated, renewed by the hands of God- Mother and by the hands of Christ - Maitreya.

May your efforts lead you to true action, may each one of your steps bring you closer to the true action of your soul and your spirit every day so that you may be active cells in the great Universal Cosmic Body, in the Great Unity that is Cosmic life

Jupiter Master
Message from the book “Falando com os Mestres”
Authors Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of


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