Reach Fullness by Francisco de Sales

  • 2012

Ken Wilber, one of the main theoreticians of the Transpersonal and Integral Psychology movement, believes that the human being has the capacity to develop in different aspects, and it is preferable that it be simultaneously, and divides it into six aspects, which, in my opinion, are seven.

From that idea, I have expanded what follows.

The human being must be understood and accepted as what he is: Unity and Mystery.

There is an excessive interest in dividing and subdividing, and this, which may be even interesting to facilitate understanding at the beginning, may end up turning against oneself, since it may come to believe that, indeed, It is the sum of a lot of different things that have been grouped into it.

Body, mind, soul, interior, exterior, spirituality, divinity, conscious, unconscious ...

The human being is a Unit - in the sense of only one element, indivisible - and nothing more.

These are the senses in which, according to Ken Wilber, one has to develop his potentiality, and the way to do it:

ENERGY - Yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Gigong, Bioenergetics, Reiki ...

MIND - Psychotherapy, Visualizations, Affirmations, Group therapies, Self-knowledge, Shadow ...

MEDITATION - Zen, Vipassana, Prayer, Silence, Philosophical Reflection, Experimentation of mystical states ...

COMMUNITY - Volunteering, Compassionate Care, Social Commitment, Self Responsibility ...

NATURE - Recycling, Hiking, Celebrations in nature ...

And I add:

LOVE - Family, Friends, Overcoming ego, Compassion, Empathy, Generosity ...

The development of this, presided over by honesty, creativity, courage, balance, and resilience, produces integral changes in the person.

Some people expressly develop in one aspect and leave the rest abandoned, and the integral development of the human being consists in growing in every way.

A person who devotes all his attention to the community, for example, is developing that facet well, and part of that of love, but is abandoning the connection with his being and the development of mental balance.

A balanced Personal Growth requires all these ingredients. It is not coherent but there is order in the psyche, if our energy is under minimum or unbalanced, if we do not share, if we do not resume contact with the nature from which we emanate, or if we do not connect with the divinity through the soul.

A person who sits in the lotus position and spends days trying to empty or fill himself, or contact his interior, or detach himself from the mundane, leaves his facet of relating to others and sharing that love in a tangible way. towards others that you may feel.

The way to achieve the harmony of the whole, to fulfill the appropriate, and the way to complete the Unity we are, is to act on all the sections.

Time to find and time to share what was found.

Time to physically balance the container in which we live and time to contact the divinity and the ethereal.

If we only develop one or two aspects, we will be incomplete.

Among all of them they unify and complement the Being; all contribute a part to the harmonization, to the improvement, to the Unit.

In each human being these elements must be incorporated, each in the proportion that each considers appropriate to its uniqueness, but all. If one is missing, the same happens when it is cooked and one of the ingredients is not used: yes, but ...

We will be equal to Humans, but not completely balanced or complete.

In personal improvement there are no mathematical formulas that would make it easier for us: no two plus two equals four.

There is a great plurality of spiritual practices and enriching options within our reach.

Being people, all so different, with such different motivations and conditioning, there is no infallible formula.

We can choose the principle of the Way freely, without feeling guilty, and without being conditioned by the level of intellectuality. Start from illusion and trust.

Each one begins with the section with which he feels most identified, or that most affects him, or that seems easier. It does not matter. No matter. Each step he takes simultaneously leads him towards the others, because each one of them is oriented towards the attainment of human lucidity, to the understanding of the Unity of Unicities, to the vision of Divinity in each step and in each line, towards goodness as an essential integrating element, and as an offering to give to others.

One of the stellar moments in life, is the perception that one is each of the others, and that life should be oriented towards love without barriers and hugs without fears, and towards fellowship, to give oneself hand and make each his own way, but together.

We must not forget that the Human Being yearns for its integral development. We must not forget that we are, in our essence, energy, affectivity and intelligence.

If some of these aspects are not activated, updated and perfected, you will have an unsatisfied feeling that something is missing, and that something will prevent you from enjoying yourself fully.

I recommend returning to the beginning of the article, rereading it, and making a firm intention to develop all the aspects that compose us.

Get rid of the "I HAVE TO"

Little by little, each one at the pace that we can, we have to get rid of all those "I have to" that condition us so much.

We just "have to" feed and drink, defecate and urinate, sleep and breathe. I think that is all.

These are necessary things for the body to continue functioning properly.

But we can also choose not to do any of it.

And stick to the consequences.

The "I have to" are voluntary or involuntary elections, but own elections.

I have to work!

You do not have to work.

You choose to work because that way you can access to cover some of the needs you have or have created.

You may not work, but then you should accept the consequences.

I have to take care of my children, cook, pay the bills, go to the doctor, shut up on many occasions ...!

You choose to do all that.

You could choose something else.

Paying attention to the consequences.

But you might not do it ...

I do not propose a revolution of not doing, but, since it has been chosen to do, do it from the attitude that it is a decision of its own, and do it in a positive way.

If one thinks and acts as “I decide to do” instead of “I have to do”, the work to be done is the same, but in one way you do what you want to do and otherwise you do it by obligation and, possibly, with reluctance.

And I want to also refer to another aspect in this getting rid of the "I have to".

I mean those commitments, assignments, obligations, duties, charges, demands, impositions ... to which we can say NO.

To which it would be better to say NO.

Because we occupy a time that we could devote to doing other things that we like.

Yes, I already know it is not easy

But it is possible in many cases

And it will allow you more time to be with you, to rest, to be at peace, to do what you really want to do.

Francisco de Sales

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