Ascension Notes: The Equinox and More

  • 2014

I channel the Ascension Notes approximately every ten days, and include the last Ascension energies and a guide to apply them in daily life and anchor the energies higher dimensions to fully integrate them into our bodies.

The Equinox and M s 9/18/2014

The equinox is at 8:29 pm MDT on September 22, which will be followed by the New Moon on the 24th, further empowering this increase in Light. Mother, it has certainly been intense, isn't it? Anything to which they have been attached or any expectations they have had has disappeared in the ethereal mist. And this has certainly been for our evolution to be more than we have allowed ourselves to be. What they might not know is why a certain thing has happened; Let go of the need to know what, why, where, who we know, since these questions are selfish and simply accept everything that is aligned for your greatest good. This is being in the Flow, and being in the Flow is absolutely essential if we are going to be truly anchored in the New.
To align ourselves with the Power of the equinox and the new moon, let us join the energy. Intend to receive. If you are guided to perform a ceremony or ritual, know that it empowers you to receive and transform. There is still great movement with these two events, there is further expansion, as well as the potential to leave certain things behind. And of course, there is greater awareness. This Awareness is like someone who was taking the dream away from their eyes to show them where they have stunted their growth. Much of his past is rising to the surface for review, which includes not only this life but other lives as well. They do not have to return to it to solve it. See it with dispassionate compassion and then let it go, staying in the New Now. The potential of the equinox and the new moon is to move to a higher feeling of Love; to a higher consciousness. The energy will be huge and electric, and it is a gentle push (or not) to make more changes in your life (it is your choice) .. It is full of action. First they have to BE and then do. All doing is guided by being and feeling. Doing without a guide is blind.

The equinox is another jumping from the place. Imagine yourself standing on a cliff and then flying with confidence. Before jumping, evaluate where they have been so that they can be seen clearly without illusions or deceiving themselves. Let go of any label with which the ego restricts you, and allow yourself to be free to expand. Yes, that might seem really awkward because it carries with it a feeling of being lost (an illusion). You are not lost; they are simply floating in the air laden by angels, while settling Heaven on Earth. Open yourself to a new vision of yourself. Realize that you are moving step by step towards a higher and more aligned with your Self. If you feel more secure having one of your Guides holding you, (surely insecurities are also present now), then do it. You can ask them what is the most powerful thing that limits them, and then let it go in a big red balloon. Observe and feel what happens.

Also realize that as you connect with the energies of the equinox and the moon, you are joining with millions of other people raising the Earth in vibration. Stop fighting, suffering and pushing. All this is based on fear and are elements of resistance. Stay in the Moment and trust that everything is Divinely orchestrated by the Source, by the Self and all the Divine Beings of Light and the Divine Plan. Know that the old energies are being cleared from you. . . If they are willing to do it. When they trust, they find clarity about their next steps, focused on the Moment of course.

As we move towards the equinox, we notice how much New there is in your life. This may seem very unfair because they have been stripped (by yourselves) of much. Being in this vulnerable state of being is when the greatest growth happens. Know also that your physical body is changing. Yes, many have experienced many "ascension symptoms" and complain about them. And yet, with all the changes, letting go and movements, doesn't it make sense that their bodies are changing too? Our DNA has changed to a greater degree of Light so our bodies reflect it. If you are someone who complains about your physical changes, it only serves to resist the changes. We have the ability to heal / feel complete, and yet few believe that this is true. So there is still a dependency on others for healing. Yes, we are moving to this powerful place where we feel complete, so perhaps it is not entirely at your disposal because you believe you cannot possibly do that. We are in the process of changing that belief now. We are changing from being carbon based beings to being crystalline beings. And it will take as much time as it takes. We can facilitate this process if we choose it. . . realizing that each of us has the Power to self-healing / feel whole. After all, if we really know that we are sovereign spiritual beings and that we are Beings merged with Spirit, does it not make sense that we are capable of apparent miracles?

Another area in which we are stuck is that we are proud to be empathic. Let me share that as we have moved from the mind to the Heart, it has been important to be empathic. It has helped us feel more and become more sensitive. And it has also created the tendency to absorb the energies of others. Now, in our new phase we can let that go. We do not have to absorb the energies of others, and in fact it is important that we do not. We are now fully focused on the Heart (at least it is our current potential). Being empathic is a necessary step to be fully in the Heart, but we must not stop there; we must continue to evolve to be Love and be powerful in Love. When you are at that point where the only "protection" you need is Love, then you can let go of empathic tendencies. In the meantime, have limits as we continue to change to being fully centered in the Heart. Check inside to see where they are. If you continue to take things personally, you continue in the transition from the mind to the Heart. Everything is in a Divine Order and in a Divine Time, so do not rush it; Honor where you are at this moment. It is the best way to evolve.

Let go of what lowers your energies and focus on the magic of the New. Do not cling to anything or anyone. Let things flow naturally. They do not have to work hard to achieve a certain way of being nor do they have to work hard to “maintain a relationship.” That is old. Be the observer and allow things to unfold naturally, which can be a challenge for you if you feel you must be in control and need to "make things happen." Trust. Be the Compassionate Observer. There is neither win nor lose; just Being. Stand tall and Sean; This is the Path of the Spiritual Warrior.

At this time we are learning amucho about self-love. Ask each moment and situation: “How can I love myself more?” This is not selfish, because when they proceed from a full rate of Love, they will spill on others; so when they love themselves, they are loving others. If you do not perceive it in this way, it is not up to you, everyone has perceptions based on their conscience. Many continue to blame and that's fine for them, but you don't have to take part in that old way of being.
We are so full of Light and the New that it is no longer an option to get off in any way that pleases others. Focus on how you want to feel and be that. Remember that the New is about Flow, Joy and Ease. And remember how much you are loved. As we embrace this new level of Light that is coming with the equinox, empowered by the new moon as well as the greatly increased solar activity, you will notice another change in you and on Earth. Your new foundation will be strengthened and you will experience a new level of Balance.

I publish brief inspirations on my Facebook page between note and Ascension note , if you have inter es Ascension: Soulstice Rising .

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If you feel guided, your continued contributions are accepted gracefully and gratefully. I thank those who continually contribute to this body of work. Giving is giving from Corazon , creating an awareness of Prosperity. I am blessed and I thank each of you!

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