The Quantum Awakening of June 2009: A Thought, A Way of Life

A Website and a Global Electronic Bulletin

JUNE 2009 NUMBER 124


*** The Gift of Prophecy: July 7 - August 8

*** Quantum Awareness

*** Our Dolphin Connection

*** You are a Living Vortex

*** Den of a Spring that is Full

*** The Light Meeting: Melbourne, Florida, August 8, 2009


July 7 - August 8

By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Through time and history there have been seers, visionaries, prophets. Those who saw the future and then proclaimed it to the people of their lands. His words were written physically and energetically in stone, carved into the wall of a cave, and transmitted in papyrus rolls. They watched the stars, the bones, the reflection in the waters in search of their truths. They invoked their ancestors, in every kind of ceremony, ritual and prayer imaginable. They sacrificed beautiful maidens, goats, calves, and even themselves to be able to see even a hint of future possibilities.

The gift of prophecy was revered, was considered sacred, has been immortalized in texts and traditions. Temples were erected, towers were built, and lands were sanctified. Our books, our media, our spiritual leaders, teach us that ancient prophecies had to happen, they have to happen! It was our destiny, divine providence, and our job to make sure the prophecies came true. We were the midwives, making sure that they were born in our world on time, neither too soon nor too late, but as written. All that changed. What was once considered true cannot resist the energies that come in the next sequence of light and eclipses.

We are all in the process of becoming psychically the prophets. Each of us by our own personal truths and intentions, has karmatically cleared the landing field of the past for ourselves and most of our family. We are all shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, in our intentions to create a world that goes beyond any ancient limiting prophecy. Together we have changed the past and we are in the process of changing the future.

You will feel the rise of Oneness in your heart as we line up for the next generation of Light, from July 7 to August 8, 2009. Entering and leaving through 3 eclipses that are holding hands, we will be doing a dangerous circus act with great precision. It is here. Finally we are going to meet our own hearts!

Our future depends largely on our actions in the now. Two together make a stronger connection (and reconnection) that allows an electronic charge that was not present before to be used to rise a little more, to shine a little more. If only we could believe as One Heart that anything and everything is possible!

We will continue with more eclipses, more conjunctions, more alignments, and more ancient prophecy to dissolve and replace with the vibration of Love. Inch to inch, thought to thought, we will move through stellar debris.

The gift of prophecy jumps out of impatience as he lifts his head and asks them to come up. As the energies line up between August 8 and July 7, set an intent template for something physical; that contains the vibration of what they promised to do, to be, to become. A place that cannot be broken since it vibrates in your heart.

July 7, 2009: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

July 22, 2009: Total Solar Eclipse

August 6, 2009: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

December 31, 2009: Partial Lunar Eclipse


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Everything in the Universe is made up of living subatmic particles called Quantum (or Quarks). All quanta have the same stellar content and the same DNA. These particles are so small that they have eluded physicists for centuries. The Quantans are constantly in a state of flux. It continually changes with chameleon properties to adapt to the thinking of who is watching them.

The Quantum Field of every person is made of the same material but is different in context and result. Every thought changes the Quanta. If 10 people were observing these subatomic particles each one would see something different, since their personal universe is composed of different vibrations of light that are born from the charge (positive or negative) of each thought . Each thought has a different electronic signature, and therefore attracts a different result.

The world as they know it responds and reflects each of their thoughts, words and actions (sayings and tacit). The material form in the world are Solidified Living Quantities (such as your car, sofa, money, etc.), everything else is Shapeless, awaiting your instructions.

Imagine all the air in the world as quanta without form (in truth that is what it is). With every breath they take they are inhaling an unlimited potential that circulates throughout their body, through their thoughts, and then they exhale it back into the physical world. On exhalation, the manifestation process begins. What were they thinking, praying, talking, while they inhaled those chameleonic quantum subatomic particles? Whatever their thoughts or actions, they have just given rise to a new experience for themselves. The Quants have adhered to their thoughts and are now in the process of forming and formulating a situation / experience to reflect that! Think about that! Every breath, every thought, every day!

In one day there are 86, 400 seconds. It takes about 4 seconds to inhale and exhale (as a planet we have short breathing). Every day they have approximately 21, 600 experiences that are being cultivated and created by you. Knowing this, begin to inhale and exhale in a more determined way. A way that demonstrates your ability to consciously create your world according to your highest needs, desires and thoughts. We are always 100% responsible for everything we experience.

Everything they do defines who and what they are! Each choice they make shows in which direction they are choosing to lead their lives. The options are always multiple and should be honored to all. Do not yell at the Universe when events occur that displease you; Change your Quanta, and your world will change.

Each of us resides in his own little universe, where the events of the day revolve around us as our own solar system. When the people of our lives choose a path with which we disagree, we cannot magically wave our wand over that situation and change it! However, we can hold for them the vision of their greatest potential as we see it in our hearts. Hold her with love until they wake up and see her for themselves. Life is complicated, complex, and very fiber optic. We never really see how we connect and affect the people and situations of our world.

It is important that you consciously believe anything that brings love and joy and peace to your heart. Then that energy will ceaselessly expand throughout all life everywhere. Believe in what you know in your Soul that is possible. Never give up on your dreams. Keep your vision high enough for the Quans to see. Hold the Greatest Vision for yourself and the world!


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

The Dolphin Spirit has been very animated lately. They swim deep in our hearts and ask us to remember to be fluid in our choices as we go through these coming energies. They ask us to make a leap forward reflected happily in the fullness of the moon.

Today we come to splash your hearts. We are the whales and the dolphins, we are the Sirians, we are their parents, we are their heritage, we are their past, and we are their future. We are your hope, as you are ours. When you look us in the eye, when you see our smiling faces, you remember.

Every person on Earth is connected in body, mind, soul and heart with the energies of at least two dolphin energies. These dolphins are very alive. They swim interdimensionally and are yours to think about. Invite them to your heart when they need love, invite them to your body when they need healing, invite them to your soul when they need the company of the stars. They are the yin and yang of his soul. They are a part of you just as the oceans are a part of you. The blood in your body has the same chemical composition of the ocean itself. Ask the dolphins to sweep and swim through these wastes of the self and take them to a port of scale of light that will purify it.

The dolphins of their world are multidimensional beings that do not swim only in the oceans. They are able to swim in all places of their heart, as well as in all the waters of their Earth. When they see a dolphin / whale swimming in the rivers and in their oceans, it brings back the memory of hope. It brings you the memory of home. That is the memory that dolphins give them every time they think of them, every time they see them.

In the coming months they will feel that they crave a greater amount of the dolphin's frequency. That is because they are merging into a new frequency, in a new dimension, where their telepathic communications / teachings will be of greater intensity (they will realize how many recreational media outlets describe telepathic abilities). They are great teachers who come to teach them. Allow your healing and love to take root in all aspects of your being.

Summon your energies. They come from the star Sirius B. They are part of the Atlantean story. The Atlantean masters of the past have chosen to swim in that particular way to keep the Earth awake at the cellular level. Your energies work with your pineal gland. (It is a small psychic gland under the brain, behind the eyes.) We ask you to visualize that gland as a point of light that opens. This gland is often called the dolphin gland. It is where the inner eye lives. Learn to activate this energy. This same gland is the one that dolphins enlarge and use as a Sonar device. They come with the mind's eye. They are his brothers and sisters of the stars. They are their teachers. Within them reside all truths, through all times. Activate your dolphin connection and activate a stargate.


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You contain all possibilities within yourself, but you do not see it. They believe as the Gods they are. Use your words, your thoughts, your intentions to take them in a complete circle where they should go. If you do not know the terrain, if you do not know the instructions for the next level of your being then ask to be shown and trusted.

Stop being afraid of yourself, your world and your choices. They try to help their families and friends but they get very frustrated, the energies that come out of you are like spikes. They are angry with their families and their friends, because they still sleep. Do you remember when you slept? Would you have liked that the rest of the universe turned its back on you, threw your hair back and left on the road towards sunset, because you had disappointed them? When they disinterested in someone, they know it, they feel it. It seems that there is a neon sign in your energy field. Everyone knows what happens, except you.

In the next 3 months you will experience an immense journey when you enter parts of your past, your future, and your present simultaneously. The energies will overlap and in a moment they will see their surroundings and believe they were in their past, the next minute they will think they were in their future, and then they will return to the present that is pre-sent, as you know (NT: present = present; pre -sent = pre-sent). Invite the highest vibration of your own light.

The human eye can only look forward, you have a tunnel vision. Ask to see through all the cells of your being. Ask to see what is to come, what was, and what will be. Every part of you, every hair, has consciousness. You are a hologram and everything that comes from you and goes to you is a holographic image as well. A single drop of his blood contains his story. A cell in your skin tells the story of your life. A tiny strand of hair gives them the truth that they didn't know about their past, their family, or their genetic history.

You are all vortices. Have you ever stopped in your environment and really observed it? When they look closely, it changes. There are fluctuations in the heat heading within the hologram. When they change their perception, they change everything. You are not here to change the day of Sally and Bob and Mary and Henry. They are here to change their own essence. The Creator starts from a point of centrality and from that point of love and centrality, creates outward. You do not believe from the center of your being. They create externally and then move the energies inward.

Begin from a point of creation that begins at a point of centrality. Start the day accepting who they are. Scan the energies of the day with your mind. You know his program. From that point send love to all those destinations. Start from a point of centrality and go outward.

They cannot worry about composing those they love. They cannot worry about making them better, making them give up their addictions, their doubts and their fears. Every addiction, every illness, every situation is a gift. They themselves must unwrap them. You cannot unwrap your present (Presence) for them. Keep the vision that your loved ones are healed. Keep the vision for them just as the creator maintains the vision for you, indefinitely. They are never abandoned. He never throws them out. They are always held in the highest esteem and their light is seen as such.

Do not abandon others. Go and speak to your soul of love, the way the Creator comes to you through the energies of light and through your heart. No one will ever be abandoned on Earth. We are the Pleiadian Council and we thank and honor them.

Accept what they hate. Accept what angers them. Accept what you love. Accept what brings you joy. Love your human condition, because only by loving it will it evolve. You are the vertex of your own pyramid. They are what they are looking for. They are the light they seek, they are the love they seek, and they are the peace they seek. Everything else is a reflection.


By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Every day they honor the world with their prayers, with their words, with burning candles, and yet their personal lives are falling apart. Its energy is dispersed. His physical body is exhausted, and his dream patterns are altered. Your life has not been swept, cleaned and shaken because you are very busy aiming your light and energy outside of you, without honoring your own needs. Surrendering as a lamb in sacrifice to each cause, only because they believe that is what they are supposed to do.

Ancient texts and mystery schools speak of the energy of giving. Give from a spring that was full, give from a source that was cleaned and purified. When they are filled and filled with love and light and truth, that radiates by touching everything in their path. In this radiating outward there is a multidimensional wave, a multiplication of effects. It touches everything, from the blades of grass to the stars.

When they are empty, no matter how many prayers they direct, how much light they radiate, how many statements and meditations they pronounce and pray, they will not reach their desired destination. They can only truly give when they are full.

When they continually focus outward and do not honor themselves first, they do a lifetime injustice. By not loving themselves enough, and only yielding to external demands, they cause an imbalance in the entire creation. That imbalance begins and ends in each of you. They did not help anyone or anything by not filling themselves first. The good thoughts, light, prayers and healing they sent simply ran away, they did not reach their goal. They ended up in the department of lost mails of life, because they didn't have enough fuel to reach their destination!

Each of you has at some time received a phone call, an email, a letter from someone asking for help or prayers. They may have just arrived at the door after a hard day at work, exhausted, barely able to think, and then they are asked to give another, to an external event, the little vital force they have left. All they wanted to do was sit, rest, or eat a little to recharge, but they didn't. The 'god of guilt' in you insisted that you send love or healing to the situation immediately. They didn't fill their fuel tank first, so they go with the empty tank trying to put out fires with an empty tank truck, their prayers don't get any results!

They are spending too much time and energy to take the fuel out of the tank, failing the shot. Imagine going to the gas station and filling the cars of everyone around them. Everyone is grateful and says goodbye when they leave and leave them. You sit there empty waiting for someone to fill you, but unfortunately there is no fuel for you. On the seventh day of creation, the Universe / God rested by filling again, preparing to create more. God honors himself first. Everything that is created is created from a point of fullness or not created at all. Everything that is given is given from a point of fullness or not at all.


'An Initiation of Light'

With Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

August 8, 2009

Melbourne, Florida

On July 22, 2009, the Syrian Star ascends and the Atlantean New Year begins and we will have a total solar eclipse, the longest of the 21st century. The eclipse is a 74/11 vibration. This sacred vibration teaches us to believe in what cannot be seen. This Light comes through the heart without allowing anything to separate it from its destiny. The four, which represents the earth and the material, dance and try to seduce the seven to get it out of its holy place. By recognizing the God within all things we will get through the teaching of this vibration. Discipline is needed to maintain peace of mind and avoid drowning in the circumstance.

When the Divine wears all his light suit one realizes that there are no needs ... because all the needs are fluid and capable of covering themselves. Pass through this portal with a deep knowledge. On August 6, 2009 we have a Partial Eclipse of the Sun that accompanies us to the Lion Gate of 8: 8.

August 8, 2009 (8: 8) is an energy threshold that activates the Hall of Etheric and cellular / stellar Records. This is a galactic activation of stellar proportion. Time has accelerated and the 'time matrix' changes in unknown areas. August 8, 2009 is a meeting place for polarities. It is a celebration beyond the time that accompanies us home through the Door of the Lion of the Sphinx to the stars for which we shine. The same ends of our DNA open to embrace a new possibility.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee


EMAIL # 2 (in case the other one doesn't work)

Thanks Margarita López and Susana Peralta !!!

Translation: Margarita López

Edition: Susana Peralta

Official site of The Quantum Awakening in Spanish:

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