One day I decided to give up, by Aracelly Pinto

  • 2010

One day I decided to give up… I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality… I wanted to give up my life. Therefore, I went to the forest to have one last talk with God.

Father, I told him. “Could you give me a good reason not to give up? "

His answer surprised me. “Look around you, take a look. Do you see the fern and bamboo? ”

"Yes, " I replied.

“When I sowed the seeds of fern and bamboo, I took good care of them. I gave them light and gave them water. The fern quickly grew .. Its bright green covered the ground. But nothing came out of the bamboo seed. Nevertheless I did not give up on bamboo.

“In the second year the fern grew brighter and more abundant. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not give up bamboo, ”He said

“In the third year, nothing has yet sprouted from the bamboo seed. But I didn't quit, ”he told me.

“In the fourth year, again, nothing came out of the bamboo seed. "I didn't quit, " he said.

Then in the fifth year a small outbreak came out of the earth. In comparison with the fern it was apparently very small and insignificant. But only 6 months after the bamboo grew more than 20 meters high. He had spent five years taking root. Those roots made him strong and gave him what he needed to survive.

He would not give any of my creations a challenge that he could not cope with, he told me.

Did you know that all this time that you've been fighting, have you really been taking root? I didn't give up the bamboo. I will never give up on you. Don't compare yourself with others, he told me. The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, however, both were necessary and made the forest a beautiful place .

Your time will come God told me. You will grow very tall! .

How tall should I grow?, he asked.

How tall will the bamboo grow?, he asked me in response.

As high as you can?, inquire.

I hope these words can help you understand that God will never give up on you. Never regret a day in your life. Good morning gives you happiness. The bad days give you experience. Both are essential for life

Happiness keeps you sweet,

Attempts keep you strong,

The pains keep you human,

The falls keep you humble,

Success keeps you bright.

But only God keeps you walking

May God bless you every day of your life! May it cover you with its light.

Become a conspirator of change, good attitude, keep it and spread it!


(Extracted from:

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