Angelic Reiki Course Level 1 and 2 - 11, 12 and 13 November 2016 in Madrid

  • 2016

What is Anglic Reiki?

Reiki Ang lico is the result of channeling of the Arc ngel Metatr n through Christine and Kevin Core, who founded it in 2003. It is a system of healing that works with angels, archangels, ascended masters and other beings of pure light.

What can this course give me?

The course can be another step in your evolution of consciousness since energy is light and light is information, open your heart, release emotions and blockages, wake up abilities and / or sleeping gifts, to feel that you are a human and divine being, to experience the loving energy of the angels.

During the course you will receive: Every day, a karma cleansing and angelic cleansing before initiations.

You will learn different healing techniques: Self-healing with the angels, Healing with Ascended Masters, Multidimensional healing and past lives, etc.

Three initiations during the workshop: two initiations made by the angels, anchoring the symbols in the energy body of the person and one to the Angelic Kingdom through the Arc Angel Metatr n. The Teacher is a simple guide.

Through these initiations the atomic movement of each molecule in the human body of the student receiving the tunings is accelerated. This allows the student's energy to blend perfectly to a greater degree with the energy of the angels that are his constant companions after these initiations.

The following material will be provided to you: Course manual and Certificate of your Level I and II workshop in Angelic Reiki.

For three wonderful days for which the schedules will be:

Friday: from 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

REQUIREMENT: Bring a transparent quartz type generator of average height of 6-7 cm (with the flat base and pointed end).

If you feel that your quartz has to be of another color forward! It will be your master quartz.

He teaches the workshop: Lourdes Gálvez

Angelic Reiki Teacher, Tibetan Usui, Unitarian


Foot Reflexology

Metamorphic Massage


Personal Coach

To reserve a place:

674 91 39 73 (phone & WhatsApp)

Place: Madrid

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