Properties and Benefits of Carrot, amazing vegetable!

  • 2019

The properties and benefits of carrots are present in various gastronomic preparations, in commercial and homemade foods, also in cosmetics, do you know this amazing vegetable ?

I want to share with you this Article, in which I want to make you know in detail the amazing benefits of carrot, as well as its properties .

Carrot, amazing vegetable!

Within the properties and benefits of carrots are some minerals, essentially potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and magnesium.

Before showing you the properties and benefits of carrots, I want them to know where it comes from and what it is.

This vegetable belongs to the Umbelliferae family, also called in other parts of the world as apiaceae. Within this family range, this is the most consumed species worldwide .

According to ancient written and oral data, the carrot is native to Europe and Southwest Asia. Its cultivation is favored by its root, which is large, tasty, sweet and less fibrous.

However, it is believed that the wild ancestors of this vegetable have their origin in Iran, and even this country remains the main center of diversity of the Daucus Carota species; although the carrot comes from the subspecies sativus that also comes from the Daucus Carota species.

With human evolution, the way of eating carrots evolved, which can be done in various ways. In pieces it can be consumed raw, cooked, fried or steamed; Cooked can be done in soups, cakes, salads, and stews. There are also preparations to feed babies and pets.

I invite you to do personal research and increase your knowledge in relation to carrots, their history and their nutritional compounds. I recommend the definition that the Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia brings.

Carrot Properties and Benefits

Within the properties and benefits of carrots, there are some minerals, essentially potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and magnesium.

This vegetable is rich in various nutrients, especially in vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamins of group B, such as vitamin B3 or niacin, and folates.

Also, within the properties and benefits of carrots are some minerals, essentially potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and magnesium stand out.

Carrots have a higher carbohydrate and carbohydrate content than other vegetables .

Basically, today I want to let you know three (3) great beneficial properties of carrots, and in turn, these are divided into others. It's really an amazing vegetable !

1. For the health of the digestive system :

As you could read, the carrot is a vegetable with a high water content, which clearly shows a good contribution of fiber to the digestive system.

In this way, your body and mine, when consumed, receive a large amount of digestive properties of an important nature for our digestive health.

This vegetable increases the production of saliva and gastric juices that work in digestion. It also prevents stomach ulcers and heartburn, keeping you in good health the intestinal flora.

If you consume it raw, you will see that your bowel movement will be freer, and your constipation problems will begin to disappear. All these properties and benefits of carrot, thanks to pectin.

On the other hand, if you consume our cooked vegetable, astringent components will be enhanced for your health, a special benefit for diarrhea cases.

2. For eye health :

The human retina needs a good functioning to achieve excellent health in sight, health that can give you the carrot if you consume it.

Look, this vegetable contains beta-carotene, a pro-vitamin that acts in your body as an antioxidant compound that will later become vitamin A. Even more, this vitamin can help you see better when the low light conditions are what you are living at that time. .

Xerophthalmia is an eye disease that occurs when vitamin A is absent or in a very small amount in the human body. This disease is characterized by a dryness in the connective membrane and, consequently, the opacity of the cornea.

Do you see why the properties and benefits of carrot are so important for your health?

3. For skin health :

The ability of your body, or mine, to heal when there is any type of injury and stay healthy, is due to the set of nutrients in vitamins A, B and C, such is the case of flavonoids. If you regularly consume carrots, your body may heal when it suffers some type of injury.

Amazing !, right ?, and there are even more benefits for your skin and your body.

Carrot contains alpha and beta carotene, nutrients that are highly beneficial for the health of the skin, these become antioxidants capable of combating the action of free radicals, reduce swelling and accelerate the healing process in the affected or injured skin.

On the other hand, vitamin E causes the formation of elastic and collagen fibers in the connective tissue, largely fighting the action of free radicals, highly reactive chemical substances capable of accelerating aging.

In short, these properties and benefits of carrots will act in your body as antioxidants that will allow the smoothness of your skin and its elasticity.

How did you think about this Article about the properties and benefits of carrots ? If you have any questions, concerns or testimony, at the end of the Text you can write it.

I wish you abundant successes and blessings, A Hug of Light!

If you consume this raw vegetable, you will see that your bowel movement will be freer, and your constipation problems will begin to disappear. All these properties and benefits of carrot, thanks to pectin.

Author : William Hernán Estrada Pérez, Editor in the Great Family of

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