Ascension Notes: Puerta del León 2014 ~ 8/7/2014

  • 2014

I channel Ascension Notes around every ten days, and include the latest ascension energies and a guide on how to use them in daily life and anchor the highest dimensional energies in our bodies for full integration.

Lion Gate 2014 ~ 7/7/2014

We have been preparing for another Lion Gate . The energies have been quite crazy, pushing us from side to side. We have had to be seated and centered like a tree with roots going deep into the Earth while our branches sway fluidly in the wind. This Gate will begin on August 8 and end on August 25.

What will accentuate his Power is the super moon of August 10. So what is this Door about? It is Alcyone, the Mother Source by virtue of Her Love for the entire Cosmos so that it penetrates us and Gaia. The energies may feel rather intense, so if there are old energies deeply hidden within you, they will be revealed. Many are going to feel shaken, so be like the mighty Oak.

This is another step in our Purification, allowing our crystalline Truth (transparent / clear) to emerge more strongly. After the Lion Gate we will continue to evolve and change; however, the Gate will be more intense between August 8 and 25. Remember that you already have within yourself what has to be empowered and lived. This energy is about getting your greatness out of the closet ... to live your life as an Ascended Master, which requires knowing who you are and being it step by step. Go slow, and if an old and inadequate tape comes to the surface, release it and take a step forward in your Power. This is the next phase (of many) where we will each move more safely to be the Ascended Masters on Earth.

This moment of transformation we have been working on is great; so in all likelihood there will be many more changes, and whatever is happening in their lives, whether it is welcome or rejected, it will manifest itself for its highest evolution. Many will make a change in their missions, and if they are someone who is experiencing or will experience something they do not like, do not resist it and step outside the drama. Always look under the surface and ask to see the pattern, the old energy or belief that wants to be released. If you feel victimized in the sense that you perceive that you are doing something to them, release any and all victim energy, for the victim's energy tells you that you are powerless and that life happens to you without your consent.

As we are all One, whatever you think and feel touches and affects everyone else. Therefore, this great Purification will put you under notice to keep your thoughts and feelings elevated. If by chance you experience negativity, quickly pass through it. This helps to be a Compassionate Observer so they can observe without emotions what is happening. Anytime you react to something, you create resistance and continue to manifest things you don't want. If they are afraid, they will create more situations in which they will be afraid .; if they are angry, they will create more situations in which they will feel angry…. until they release the energy of that emotion.

Remember, you are a sovereign spiritual being. This means that you are responsible for everything in your life (for your highest growth and evolution ... not to blame or feel remorse) and you can choose how you want to live ... once you release yourself from being a victim. You can regulate your life by choosing how fast or how slow you want to go. You can choose how you want to perceive the events of life, which is very different from the past, isn't it? When we were subject to the world "out there" telling us how to be and what to do. And this is where the Lion Gate helps them choose.

You can flow or you can fight; It depends on you. I can tell you that it is much easier to flow. To flow is to be in the Moment, Accepting what it is and then noticing that liberation becomes something effortless because you are letting go of the strangling key that you have in life. They let go of control; allow. And doing this they are choosing. That might sound contradictory, but it isn't, it's the way the New works. You create by letting go and surrendering, always watching what you need to let go and in which direction to go based on your feelings. Do not figure anything or make something happen, because that is the control of the ego. Be led by your Being. You are already being carried by Grace. Keep things simple and loving.

As they allow themselves to move forward (they think they are floating in a river), they relax and so they can see more clearly what changes they must make. Occasionally they could collide with a whirlpool or a branch. Okay, just [surround the whirlpool] or take out the branch and continue the momentum forward. "Pray, paddle, paddle your boat gently downstream, happily, happily, happily, life is nothing but a dream."

They may see the destruction, be it a personal loss or a global event; and yet, know that this is a transformation. Everything is merely a thing of a perception, and their perceptions can help them see what they continue to hold within themselves that wants to be transformed to Love and Divine Order. Therefore, every time you judge, know that this is a perception that leads you to an old or a New truth. Observe what they are judging. Is it about government, the homeless, a culture, a person, an action? ... all of them are perceptions. The New pushes the old into the surface; So you have a choice based on how you want to feel, to recognize what is happening. How do they feel when they are judging? How do you feel when you accept what it is? How do you want to feel?

Remember that the way you feel radiates out to everyone else. What are they creating? If you find yourself feeling something you would rather not feel, transform it using the Sacred Rose or Violet Flame. And remember that things happen in layers, so if you think you had already released something just to come across that later again, this is why. It is the same with becoming crystalline and New, it happens step by step, layer by layer. Think about a rose. The inner core (Coeur = heart) pushes a petal to open, one by one. And as you purify your life, you help purify the lives of others too ... without expectations of how it looks or what the result is because everyone has a choice.

The light that flows entering wave after undulating wave will affect everyone and everything. Not only will it shake and remove the remnants of what has not been released and what is not Love, but will greatly expand them. Your energy field, your physical body will go through many more changes, and of course your life will reflect these changes. As you receive this Light, release it to Earth. Set it so you don't feel like you're going to explode because you are holding a lot of Light. They may also feel very energized and receive small electric shocks. Know that your electrical system is being recharged and improved. Allow the Light to flow through you. It helps to be in nature, just like doing something creative. In fact, that's what energy is for ... to create.

One of the primary energies at the Door of the Lion is that of Freedom, and with Freedom comes the magical solutions and guidance. The way to truly access them is to be open and positive to receive, knowing absolutely that they are ready and that they are truly Divine. However, if you are not ready and do not believe that anything is possible, this time could be challenging for you. And throughout any challenge there is an opportunity to see and know who you really are.

They are aware that if they focus on the challenge, there will be a lot of duality coming to the surface with the only purpose of releasing it and aligning with Love and with its Being, as well as Love and as its Being. If you notice that you are in a battle of egos, approach and embrace your ego and assure you that everything is fine and that there is nothing to fear, such as comforting They were a small child.

So, on August 8, sustain the desire and intention to receive this blessing. Open up and receive without hesitation and Hoping to receive a huge descent from Divine Love. Stay out of any negativity and be all that you are. (Also be aware that you could do this every day between 8 and 25 [August [).


I publish brief inspirations on my Facebook Page in the period between an Ascension Note and another, if you feel inclined to read them. Ascension: Soulstice Rising.

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Translator: Gloria M hlebach

Ascension Notes: Door of the Lion 2014 ~ 8/7/2014

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