Medicinal Plants for Uric Acid (Drop)

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 What is uric acid? 2 Dietary recommendations 3 Medicinal plants to reduce the acidic acid 4 Medicinal plants for the acidic acid (Gout)

Joint stiffness, pain and inflammation can result from high levels of serum acid, being a disease known as gout . Although it can affect any joint but often occurs mostly in the big toe.

What is the acidic acid?

It is a waste substance from the body, specifically it is created from purine, that is, an organic compound that we naturally eat in many of the foods in our diet, especially meat, However, its excess can lead to a disease known as gout. High levels of serum acid are also known as hyperuricemia.

When uric acid levels are high, crystals can form in the joints resulting in the annoying symptoms of arthritis. On the other hand, excess uric acid is often related to certain types of kidney stones.

Dietary recommendations

One of the first indications to combat gout lies in changes in diet, since the right diet favors the decrease in uric acid levels.

Red meat, alcohol, beer, sauces with meat extracts, sardines and anchovies, mushrooms or mushrooms, spinach and yeast should be avoided.

It is also important to avoid the consumption of refined sugars, such as sugar, ice cream, candies, etc. And as for dairy products, avoid whole foods and prefer skimmed or low-fat ones.

Whole grains and plant foods, with the exception of those mentioned above, are highly recommended thanks to their dietary fiber content that favors better digestion and elimination of waste substances.

Include grains such as amaranth and millet occasionally in your diet.

Drink enough water during the day to promote kidney function and thus eliminate uric acid, between six to eight glasses of water per day are recommended.

Medicinal plants to reduce uric acid

There are medicinal plants as well as fruits that can be useful for the elimination of uric acid, helping us to lower blood levels, some of these plants are the following:

Cranberry: It is a small fruit with a slightly sour taste that is often recommended to treat and prevent urinary tract infections, however, its benefits do not end here, as it also helps eliminate uric acid. To use it you can prepare a drink or infusion with a quarter cup of cranberries for every liter of water, boil for 3 minutes and let stand before drinking. Drink 3 glasses during the day. It is recommended to strain before drinking. Another option is to consume blueberries as such in our diet.

Celery Seeds: They are useful to promote the elimination of uric acid, have diuretic properties and are also natural anti-inflammatory, which contribute to reduce joint pain, the recommended dose is usually 500 milligrams twice a day, however, this dose may vary depending on the needs of the patient. Caution should be exercised with pregnant women or people who have kidney disease due to their diuretic properties.

Cherries: Recent research has shown that cherry can be effective not only to mitigate joint pain but also to help lower blood uric acid levels. It is recommended to include them in the daily diet.

Buchú Tea: It is a tea made with the buchú plant which has diuretic properties and that contributes to the elimination of uric acid, it can also be consumed as an extract or as tinctures to enjoy its benefits.

Black Cohosh: Helps neutralize acidity in the blood, helping to maintain its PH, which promotes the elimination of uric acid, resulting in utility for those suffering from gout or hyperuricemia.

Parsley: It is thanks to its diuretic properties that it becomes a good ally to reduce uric acid levels in blood as it promotes their elimination, it is advised to consume in teas, juices or in the diet.

Cayenne Pepper: It has been shown that cayenne pepper has natural anti-inflammation properties, so it is useful to combat joint pain that can occur when there are high levels of uric acid.

Alfalfa: It is a plant that helps detoxify the body because it has cleansing properties, not only helps eliminate blood cholesterol levels, it is also useful for lowering uric acid levels.

Red clover: This plant can help decrease uric acid by promoting the excretion of toxins. You can prepare a tea with dried leaves, using two teaspoons of them for a cup of boiling water, let stand for 6 minutes and drink.

Source :

Medicinal Plants for Uric Acid (Drop)

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