REC3 - Pisces Full Moon Meditation “I leave my father's home and, returning, save”, February 2016

  • 2016

In this Full Moon Festival in Pisces we complete our brief consideration of each of the twelve Festivals, initiated with the Easter Festival in the sign of Aries.

The work that we can do every month with energy, whether it is one of the three main Festivals or one of the nine minor Festivals, is based on a topic of great importance for humanity. It is the theme of the soul that resides within man, of the Christian principle and of its gradual emergence and liberation to a full expression as a controlling influence in everyday life.

To understand this possibility, it is necessary to understand the basic hidden premise that even the minimum substance substance contains in itself what can respond to a spiritual stimulus. . When we add to this premise the hidden fact, currently scientifically confirmed, that everything is energy, then we discover that all human life on the physical plane consists of an inherent and potential spirituality, more that factor the energy that can stimulate that divinity in us from latency to power. The extra-planetary energies available at these full moon Festivals, of cosmic origin and of universal application, provide the energy stimulation that the soul needs in its struggle for liberation and for control within the human personality.

February 22, 2016 (2200 local hours in each country) We need you! We alone cannot.

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The main objective of the REC3 is to facilitate the opening of consciousness and help raise the vibration, both individually and collectively.



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How to meditate and send energy in the REC3?

1) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we will breathe deeply a minimum of three times, repeating mentally SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

2) We must open the sacred space of meditation and irradiation for REC3, for this we will light a candle and incense and then recite “The Great Invocation of Master Djwhal Khul”.

3) We will invoke the Ascended Masters that we propose below to protect and guide us during meditation and energy service.

4) In order to focus on the energy that we will radiate during meditation we recommend visualizing the colors, symbols and energies proposed below. We will offer all the energy to the Masters to send it through the REC3 where necessary.

5) While we meditate, we will listen to the “Individual Balance Meditation” audio and follow the rhythm in which the mantrams are sung: 10 OHMs + 24 GAYATRI + silences

The Great Invocation, by Master Djwhal Khul
The Great Invocation is a world prayer translated over 75 languages ​​and dialects. It is an instrument of power to help the full expression of God's Plan on Earth. The beauty and strength of this Invocation resides in its simplicity and in that it expresses certain essential truths, which all men accept innate and normally. You can find out more information about the Great Invocation on the following page:

From the point of Light in the Mind of God,
Let light flow to the minds of men;
May the Light descend to Earth.
From the point of Love in the Heart of God,
May love flow to the hearts of men;
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known,
That the purpose guides the small wills of men;
The purpose that the Masters know and serve.
From the center we call the race of men,
May the Plan of Love and Light be realized,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
May the Light, Love and Power
Restore the Plan on Earth.
From Master Djwhal Khul or Tibetan Master.
Lord MaitreyaTibetan Master Dhwhal KhulBeloved Kwan Yin

BOOKING LINK: meditacion_equilibrio.mp3




Mantram OHM


*** NOTE: For any questions about meditation or the grid contact us on this page:


Keynote: "I leave my father's home and, returning, save."

In this Full Moon Festival in Pisces we complete our brief consideration of each of the twelve Festivals, started with the Easter Festival in the sign of Aries.

The work that we can do every month with energy, whether it is one of the three main Festivals or one of the nine minor Festivals, is based on a topic of great importance for humanity. It is the theme of the soul that resides within man, of the Christ principle and its gradual emergence and liberation to full expression as a controlling influence in everyday life.

To understand this possibility, it is necessary to understand the basic hidden premise that "even the minimum atom of substance contains in itself what can respond to a spiritual stimulus." When we add to this premise the hidden fact, currently scientifically confirmed, that everything is energy, then we discover that all human life on the physical plane consists of an inherent and potential spirituality, plus that “energy” factor that can stimulate that divinity in us from latency to potency. The extra-planetary energies available at these full moon Festivals, of cosmic origin and of universal application, provide the energy stimulation that the soul needs in its struggle for liberation and for control within the human personality.

Pisces has played a great role in this evolutionary process in the course of the last 2000 years, because it is the sign, and therefore the energy influence, that has governed this period of history. The well-known Pisces symbol is that of the two fish linked by a connecting wire. This means the union that exists between the soul and the personality of an individual. For long ages the soul is the prisoner of personality. Eventually, under the constant impact of spiritual energy and, as a result of experience in the valleys of the personality-centered path of life, an investment is made possible, which, as appropriate, allows the soul to control the personality.

The orientation of humanity to the world of higher values ​​has been the main objective of the era of Pisces, which is ending now, and of the influence of the sixth ray that is rapidly disappearing. Although there has never been a time when this orientation has not progressed regularly, it should be borne in mind that during the last two thousand years a much higher, rare and more difficult orientation process has been sustained before humanity and for the following reason : the fourth kingdom of nature has definitely been drawn upwards towards the emerging fifth kingdom and this has also made it necessary to withdraw the attention of the human effort of the three worlds and the expression in the higher world of soul consciousness. It has also required the reorientation of instinctive and intellectual attention, which are the main factors in the development of divine perception. This perception can be instinctive, intellectual and, therefore, human and also spiritual. But all three are equally divine, which is a point that is often forgotten.

The redemption of matter and the elevation and expansion of consciousness is the subjective purpose of the incarnation. The redemptive process releases inner life to a state of higher consciousness. This constitutes, and has constituted, the task of all world saviors. Hence the appearance of Christ as a world savior in the early Pisces era 2, 000 years ago. He established the principles on which the necessary growth and development could be based during this period.

Humanity needed to build the ethical principle of love, the faculty of devotion and the capacity for service and self-sacrifice. These were highlights of the teachings of the Christ and his own way of life. He exemplified what he taught, thus demonstrating the need for theory, or theology, to become a practical way of everyday life.

The energy released through Pisces and which we can access during meditation, stimulates our innate spiritual sensibility. In its initial stages, this sensitivity is often polarized psychically, as an intensely egocentric emotional force. This produces a tendency to fanaticism and to take the necessary ideals or ideas to such extremes that they become a limitation and an obstacle to growth, and to the liberation of the soul. We have contemplated the effects of this tendency on religious fanaticism, for example, which exalts the Instructor above teaching; or that approves the use of military force and torture in the name of religious conversion.

In a higher turn of the spiral, Pisces' energy generates the warmth of love and compassion, necessary for world and human salvation. This influence transforms life in the human kingdom. The tendency to psyche is transformed into perception and spiritual inspiration; greed in renunciation; the survival instinct in selfless world service; self-pity in compassion, sympathy and divine understanding; devotion to personal needs in a sensitive response to the needs of humanity; the attachment to the environment and the personal situation in detachment from the way and ability to identify with the soul.

These are qualities and values ​​that we still have to incorporate into our way of life, as we leave behind the era of Pisces and enter Aquarius, the era of the world servant and universal brotherhood. Everything is better and more refined, of each era of human history and of each stage along the evolutionary path, becomes the basis of new growth. Something of value is never lost or discarded. The regular impact of the Pisces force has been what has finally led humanity, the World Disciple, to the very doors of initiation. For more than 2, 000 years the influence of Pisces has affected humanity; it has produced the demand for a global adjustment; It has developed the international spirit and has led to the formation of groups in each department of human life, thus laying the foundations for future synthesis in Aquarius.

Pisces introduces two dominant types of energy, the energy of the first ray of will or power and the energy of the second ray of love and wisdom. Thus, the Purpose and the Plan have interwoven into the consciousness of the human race so that it can interpret and reveal them through the awakening of its own heart and mind. The merger of heart and mind creates a world savior, or a world servant. And it is said that the fusion of heart and mind, in a human being and in the planetary life, is essential for the evolutionary process in this solar system.

The salvation of humanity, and the service to the Plan, are the selfless objectives of the disciple influenced by Pisces. This influence has built its power solidly and well in human consciousness over the past 2, 000 years. Thus, the current disciple can truly say: "I leave my father's home and, returning, saved." This is the keynote of the disciple in Pisces that should constitute seed thinking for meditation in this Festival.

Upon completion of the circle of the zodiac and the work of the twelve Festivals, let us greet the cosmic force of all life and energy and affirm our responsibility within it through these words of an ancient Mántram, known as the Gayatri:

Oh You, sustainer of the Universe,

From whom all things come,

To whom all things return,

Reveal to us the face of the true Spiritual Sun,

Hidden by a golden light disk,

For us to know the truth,

And let's do all our duty,

As we walk towards Your sacred feet.


Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM . Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

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