The law of the mirror

  • 2015

When certain defects or behaviors of others bother us a lot, we can safely deduce that THESE ARE ours, even if they are retained or repressed subconsciously. The more we dislike (others) is because the more we hurt ourselves.

I know that it is hard to believe and admit what I am saying. But I invite those who resist to accept it, to be observed with TOTAL and ABSOLUTE SINCERITY . They do not need to be recognized in public. It is enough that each one sees it in himself.

If you look closely, you will see that sometimes, that defect that bothers you so much in someone and gives you “someone else's shame”, is because deep down “you feel”, “remember”, very subconsciously that sometimes you were like that or behaved So. That's why you feel the shame of others. If not, why would you feel it?

Why would certain defects or forms of behavior make you angry if they were not your reflection? Seeing his worst face in the mirror of others causes us a lot of annoyance and RABIA. And so we usually express it.

In recriminating and rejecting those defects in others, it would seem that these attitudes were as alien and unthinkable in us (a way of psychological defense against what we do not allow ourselves). And certainly that is a way of expressing that we do not want to have such defects. But our annoying and annoying rejection is a sign that EVEN IS PRESENT, IN ANY WAY, IN US, if not in our activity of the moment, yes at least, as a memory of the past or as a Trend in the subconscious.

Once again, I insist that, although many people find it difficult to accept it, the experience of those who have repeatedly made a very honest and serious examination, shows us that it is totally accurate.

It is very difficult to be honest and honest with yourself, admitting that weaknesses and weaknesses that dislike and mortify us are not only defects of others but also ours. When we see that we also have the defects that bother us in others, we necessarily become much more understanding and forgiving. One of the most widespread human defects is precisely disapproval, criticism and condemnation. Lack of tolerance, kindness and indulgence.

The greatest atrocities have been committed in the history of Humanity, due to lack of understanding and tolerance. In human relationships, both among friends and in the same family, rigidity and intransigence are very frequent.

When you feel very upset about the defects of others, GET INSIDE. Observe yourself. It can be a good help to correct and improve you. And above all it will be a good way to understand others and accept them.

Author: Dar o Lostado.

Book: Your life has meaning.

The law of the mirror

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