You are Divine emissaries, by Archangel Michael

Beloved Teachers: Are you so bold as to accept the irrefutable truth that you are within a physical body to assist the Creator to be more aware of HIMSELF?

Every facet of the expression of the Being of God, regardless of whether it is large or small, was sent to create, expand and magnify the greatness and majesty of ALL THAT IS. It is a process in permanent evolution, without beginning or end. Although the experiment on Planet Earth is a minuscule portion of the great plan of the Creator, it is undoubtedly an integral and important part of the evolution of your solar system, your galaxy and universe, as well as the Omniverse. We can affirm that the Earth is the focal point or starting point for the reunification of the Spirit.

Your Earth was chosen as the basis of the greatest fragmentation of the Consciousness of God that has ever been experienced. You, who were brave enough to answer the clarin's call, agreed to allow your magnificent I AM to be divided into larger numbers of smaller and smaller sparks of Consciousness. It was, by the way, a very brave task. The risks were great but the potential to enlarge the Creator's consciousness was enormous. Because of this, no other planet or solar system has had so many angelic helpers or outstanding Light Beings assigned to this task, nor has there been another planet that has been observed or monitored as thoroughly as Planet Earth.

You know part of the ancient history of the Earth and its beginnings, as well as its failures and some brief bright periods in the most recent past, but you still do not understand how important they are to the cosmic scheme of evolution. Although at times they remember who they are and have been able to glimpse in their dreams or visions your true home and their wonderful adventures, they are still confused and your hearts shrink when they see the unbridled sorrow and suffering present on Earth. They wonder why so many good and beautiful beings die so young and why tragedy hits sweet and innocent beings as well as those who
They are apparently not deserving. Remember that none of these situations is at the will of the Creator and no one is being punished.

Please remember that each and every one of you was endowed with total agency when you agreed to assume a body of flesh and blood on the material plane of polarity and duality. Also remember that you are living the culmination and composition of your many past life experiences, and at times you have agreed to experience a devastating disease, an accident or a tragedy of some kind, as a way to balance your karmatic imbalances of the past. or to be an example to others, showing them that even in adversity love, peace and harmony of the Spirit can also radiate. Each experience, regardless of how tragic it can be, can be used to make great advances in consciousness, to inspire others and to show the way. How is this achieved? Allowing their Christian Being to enlighten them to bring peace and well-being to the physical body, by surrendering to their highest good and purpose, even if it means renouncing your present identity and physical form. By believing in miracles and that all things are possible.

Did not our immaculate and Beloved Jesus Christ, who had no stain, suffer the maximum pain, suffering and degradation for the benefit of humanity? Your grief and suffering are also duly taken into account and do not go unnoticed if they are placed in the cradle of the Spirit's love asking that "Your Will be done." The way they experience death and disease today is not natural, nor is it part of God's Divine Plan. Part of the process of claiming your Body of Light is to remove the distortions in your physical, mental, emotional and ethereal bodies so that they do not have to re-experience those abominations. Only in their fragmented states in the third dimension can they experience pain, suffering, fear and a sense of unworthiness that is the norm for so many on Earth. Regardless of whether they believe it or not, all the imbalances that have created their current reality are changing as the Earth moves and claims their divine condition, as are those of you, the Warriors of Light, who raise their awareness and reveal a new vision for all mankind.

To assist them we are doing everything allowed by the Universal Law: To help them claim your divine right of birth, to help them remember, to ease the way and lighten your burden. Not only are we sending you the bright rays of the Consciousness of God but we are restoring our intimate connections with you. The link that connects his physical expression and spiritual consciousness is the intellect tempered by love. This is why we strive to activate the wisdom that you have stored within your brain structure by helping you remember that you are a Spark of the Divine as you work to reconnect and integrate your Higher Self, your Christian Being and Your Divine Presence I AM. We have given you information about the Seven Rays of the Consciousness of God for your solar system and a synthesis of the five upper Rays of the Galactic Consciousness. Let us summarize the virtues radiated to you through the Seven Rays; virtues that you should strive to reintegrate. It is important to keep in mind that as you harmonize your physical being with the Spirit, they develop the potential to attract, magnify and radiate the dominant Ray of your I AM Presence as a living example to others, to be the personification of that aspect and virtue of the Creator.

In this Ray are the leaders, the pioneers and the dynamic characters that are full of will and determination. It is important that the representatives of this Ray balance their dynamism together with the energies of Love / Wisdom of the Second and Third Rays.
The First Ray will also increase its value and determination as they manifest their version of the New Golden Age.

Those who possess the Cute or Divine Being I AM of the second Ray, are the seekers of truth, of knowledge and finally of enlightenment. The main focus of this Ray is to convert knowledge into wisdom and temper wisdom with love and compassion.

The best representative of this Second Ray is a calm, intuitive person, with a sharp and clear intelligence; a seeker of truth and spiritual wisdom.

THE VIRTUES OF THE THIRD RAY ARE THE FOLLOWING: TOLERANCE, WORSHIP, PATIENCE AND TOUCH. The Third Ray corresponds to the higher mind, the oral word and the abstract intellect; the plane of the Spirit and the High Causal Mind. Here are the wise men, the philosophers, the dreamers and the visionaries. The Third Ray strengthens tolerance, touch and patience and tempers the desire to achieve perfection and intellectual achievement with common sense and sincerity.

THE VIRTUES OF THE FOURTH RAY are the following: PURITY, ACTION, CLARITY, HUMILITY, COMMUNICATION AND HARMONY. It is the Ray of beauty, harmony and artistic effort. It is the plane of intuition. This Ray is known as the Ray of Harmony through conflict or the Ray of struggle / effort. To be able to enter your higher intuitive mind, you have to control the ego and the emotional body that, in many cases, is a product of years of struggle and
frustration. Representatives of this Ray need to heal and harmonize the emotional body and strengthen the mental body to allow the enlightened qualities of intuition to manifest themselves creating a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds of reality.

THE VIRTUES OF THE FIFTH RAY are the following: HEALING, DELIVERY, DETACHMENT, CONCENTRATION, VIRTUE OF LISTENING AND DEDICATION. This Ray is the Ray of concrete knowledge and of the mental plane. Here are those of scientific mind, researchers, great intellectuals, or those who belong to
types with linear and analytical thinking. If you are too emotional to integrate the energies of this Fifth Ray will help you strengthen your mental focus and create balance. The Fifth Ray focuses on the scientific attributes of the laws of Creation, and will increase your desires for truth and justice.

THE VIRTUES OF THE SIXTH RAY are the following: DEVOTION, FORGIVENESS, HEALING, CLEMENCE AND GRACE, HARMONY, PEACE AND TRANQUILITY. This Ray is based on emotions because one of its purposes is to help dissolve the energies of the lower astral planes, it is focused within the subconscious mind, striving to return it to consciousness and towards harmony with conscious and supraconscious minds. . Use the energies of this Ray to get out of religious dogma and the feeling of separation and move towards spiritual consciousness and unity consciousness; Use it to strengthen your devotion, tenderness, peace and tranquility. Take the emotional intensity of the Sixth Ray, strengthen it with the mental focus of the Fifth Ray and then mix it with the transforming energy of the Seventh Ray and you will be traveling the right path to mastery.

THE VIRTUES OF THE SEVENTH RAY are the following: FREEDOM, PURIFICATION, REDEMPTION, SERVICE, INVOCATION, MANIFESTATION, DIPLOMACY AND REFINING. This Ray is the Ray of the New Age. This manifests the Violet Flame of Transmutacion. It is the Ray of invocation in its highest form, and of service. It is the ray of conscious transmutation and the Violet Flame is also the Flame of Forgiveness. Use this Ray to strengthen your summoning and visualization skills. Call the beautiful Angels of the Violet Flame to assist you in transforming the discordant energy into a neutral Light substance and to help you move through the process of transmutation with grace and ease. Beloved, remember that the most important virtue is LOVE and this blessing of the Creator penetrates and enlightens all other virtues. Your goal is to integrate, use and radiate all the virtues of the Consciousness of God with the ray of your Divine Being as a mantle or guiding influence.

As they balance their Seven main Chakras and the numerous minor Chakras of your physical body, which are the magnets of the energies / attributes of each Ray, they will begin to attract and integrate the incandescence of the five highest or most refined Gal Rays. These are also When this happens, your spiritual growth and consciousness will have greatly accelerated, because they will be entering the radiance of your Christian Being and your I AM Presence.

You should know that you are the DIVINE EMISSARS that bring the Spark of God to the world of forms. You are creating and experiencing the expanded consciousness of God in His most delicious and wonderful form, as a result of your heroic journey into the formless and unmanifested realms of the cosmos.

If you are ready now, we invite you to take a trip together.
I wish to help you remember and experience again the sensation in the rare worlds of the higher dimensions. You may want to record this meditation on tape or ask a sister soul to read it to get the most benefit.

Close your eyes and move towards the golden temple of your heart; there is a beautiful, bright Being: your Higher Self. They move forward to meet this loving and radiant Being and embrace. The love that flows from this Being is so exquisite that their eyes fill with tears. Together they go to a spiral glass staircase and begin their descent through the Earth until they reach the crystalline center. Standing there is a lovely lady who wears a green gauze tunic. She has flowers woven between her hair and there are birds and small animals around her, as well as representatives of the powerful Kingdoms of the Devas and the blessed Elementals. This Lady is the very essence of Mother Earth, who has been your loving hostess, who has endured for so long trials, tribulations and abuse on the part of humanity. She steps forward to hug you and the love they exchange is rich, powerful and deep. She asks if you are willing to assist her in her transformation / mutation process. She promises you that she will do everything possible in the terrestrial field to minimize the cataclysms of the elements: the devastating fires, the turbulent winds, the torrential rains and the tremors and shivers of her body. But She needs your help, your love of your radiant Light and your positive ways of thinking to accomplish this.

Together, they take a step towards the crystal spiral and quickly ascend and exit the Earth's atmosphere, towards the galaxy and beyond it, towards the higher dimensions.

They enter a new spiral that leads them to the worlds of the Seven Spheres of the Consciousness of God where you integrated the attributes and virtues of the Creator, which were then infused into the seven chakras of your vehicle and which are the dominant energies of your system solar. Suddenly, you are in a place full of RED ENERGY, the energies of the Root Chakra; look around you, what should you release to return to harmony with this world, which focuses on strength, power, abundance, will and courage? Are you still carrying with you the residual energies of anger and scarcity? Are you still operating in survival mode? Are you afraid to use your WILL to claim your POWER? Watch how the luminescence of this world changes your root chakra in a magenta or bright red color dyed blue / violet. Let go of all the negative energies that prevent you from claiming your right to abundance, love and joy.

Now you move to the world of ORANGE ENERGY the focus of the second chakra. This is the world where your body of spiritual desire is aligned with the mental, emotional and physical aspects of your Being. It is here that the energies of desire, sexual / passionate love, emotions are stored in the physical body., and your instinctive nature; It is the area where the body of ego-desire has reigned for so long. Observe all those stored energies of the ego-desire body, which you are never satisfied: jealousy, envy, excessive indulgence and addictions, being transmuted while this world floods your Second Chakra with a bright orange color, dyed pink or of a peach color, as the Spirit reigns again.

The next world is made of YELLOW ENERGY that you carry in the third chakra, the solar plexus. This is your center of emotional / personal power, of self-control, of the sense of authority and it is where, together with the heart, you project Love / Light.
Watch this yellow world radiate a bright golden color on this Chakra while releasing all negative bonds and clear emotional trauma; all the psychic energy that you have absorbed from other beings through time as well as pain, anger and fear.
How does it feel to recover your authority, your self-control and project in your world only Love and Light?

The spiral now elevates you to a world of GREEN ENERGY that is anchored in the heart or center of life force. Ask your Higher Self to take a quick inventory of the Heart Chakra. Are there hidden energies of jealousy, envy, selfishness, guilt or unworthiness? Invite your Higher Self and your I AM Presence to establish themselves permanently in your heart / soul center and observe how you are flooded with the glow of the pink / pale violet of this sphere. Feel how your heart of Love expands towards yourself, towards all humanity and all creation.

It is difficult to leave this world of Love, but it is time to continue to the next level. You are in a place full of BLUE ENERGY, which corresponds to the Fifth Chakra or center of the throat. In this Chakra reside all the embedded energies and restrictions that have prevented you from expressing your truth, the dark energies of ignorance, the words of judgment and criticism. Feel how your throat is bathed in a beautiful deep blue / violet, coming from this wonderful sphere, while the bonds of restraint are removed from your throat and you recover the power of the spoken word.
Affirm that, from now on you will express your spiritual truth with discernment, discretion and compassion. Remember how it was in this world when you learned to produce the sounds of creation, how you possessed a perfect vision and then reproduced the wonderful sounds that brought your vision to manifestation. Take a deep breath of the prana of life while claiming the power of the spoken word. As you purify your thoughts and heal your throat, the eloquence of your words will be secondary, because the resonance of your voice will sound like beautiful celestial music to the ears and the heart fibers of all those around you.

The Sixth Chakra is located in the Third Eye area, a world of INDIGOUS COLOR ENERGY. This is where you integrated your intuition, clairvoyance, telepathic abilities and wisdom, the gifts of the Spirit that you would need to function in the physical world. In this same place, the Light of Higher Wisdom packages and your divine project were prepared to be encoded at a later time within your brain structure. They observe all the embedded energies that are stored in this Chakra: fear, tension, inability to concentrate and bad dreams, which dissolve to become a brilliant white-gold as you penetrate into your superior wisdom, intuition and telepathic abilities, thus strengthening the bridge to your Divine I AM Presence.

The Seventh Chakra is located on the crown of your head and this world is a mixture of the blue color of the will and power of the Creator Father and the pink of the love and compassion of the Creator Mother, resulting in a beautiful violet color or the VIOLET ENERGY of the Seventh Ray, the ray of the New Age. Observe all the energies embedded in confusion, depression, doubt and lack of inspiration, and the static or distortion that occurs in your column of Light that connects you with your Higher Self and the Divine I AM Presence, all of which transmutes into a Blazing Violet Light Flame, the sacred fire of freedom. This dazzling Violet Light Flame will transmute ALL the discordant energies of the past; All you have to do is invoke it and it is burning up from your feet, surrounding you and filling you to flood you with an inexhaustible supply of its magical transformative energy. It affirms that you will bring back to the physical world all the brightness, balance, harmony and gifts of the Seven Spheres as you penetrate the Universal Unicity, the Christian Energy of our Father / Mother Creator.


Beloved, our mission is to free you from your self-imposed bonds. My promise is to remain with you, guide and protect you until each Angelic Being, each human being on Earth and the astral planes, until each Sweet Elemental is released and all, without exception, are redeemed and returned to the state of perfection from where They all descended. They can't even imagine how much I love them. I AM the Archangel Michael and I reaffirm my promise to each of you.

YOU ARE DIVINE EMISSIONS Message from the Arc ngel Miguel 10/08/99
Channeled by Ronna Herman

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