Healing with the mind: The relationship between consciousness and the body, and exercises to heal with our energy

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 The notion of the body 2 Miracles and the placebo effect 3 Expanding Consciousness 4 Scope of power to heal with the mind 5 Psychotronics: heal with the mind 6 The mind knows no distances 7 Practice to heal with the mind 8 Creating your interior room

“The mind is the conscience to which limitations have been placed. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Then, you accept the limitations and become the mind. ”
- Ramana Maharshi

Is it possible to cure with the mind ?

Over the last decades we have revolutionized the way we see ourselves. The concept we have of our mind and our body has evolved along with our ability to investigate and test different hypotheses.

And in the constant search to understand our existence and our functioning, we have found incredible answers.

The notion of healing with the mind becomes possible because little by little we understand that our mind and our body are not independent, and what happens in one affects the other. And we see that stress and our thoughts have the power to cause us great discomforts and diseases. In the same way, the right mental processes can maximize our potential, improve our ability to deal with problems and heal our body . But that is not all.

Our social functioning and our ability to connect shows us that we have the ability to influence others with our thoughts. What goes through our mind can be spread and directed, causing changes in the psychology and physiology of other people. In fact, we do it all the time without realizing it.

If we add intention to this equation, we can guide our thinking to literally heal with the mind, not only ourselves, but those around us.

The notion of the body

For a long time we have understood our body as an object, a complex anatomical structure. Today we know that it is much more than that.

At present, we understand that our body is, in fact, a constant process. It is constantly on the move, changing, adapting to the information it receives. So much so, that your body is not the same at this time when you read this article than when you woke up in the morning . The body must release toxins, defend itself against foreign agents and process everything it receives from outside, be it food, air, or information from the senses. And these processes are molded throughout life.

We have discovered that we have the ability to heal our body with the mind because we used to believe it was uncontrollable, but today we know that by controlling our thoughts we modify our body's processes.

Every thought, feeling and emotion we experience generates a molecule known as a neuropeptide. These travel throughout our body, carrying and bringing information to the brain. And this translates that information into chemicals, to prepare the body for any problems that may occur in the environment.

Thus, our body is directly influenced by our thoughts, feelings and emotions. But how does this influence help us?

Miracles and the placebo effect

The idea of ​​healing with the mind becomes clearer when we think about these two concepts.

Both trace us to processes that are unleashed from within . And in both cases, there is absolute confidence that everything will be fine, either thanks to a deity or a medication. However, the results obtained are not at all related to the direct action of something that we are not ourselves, and our confidence to believe that things will improve. What changes is the explanation we give to our healing.

However, we cannot cure our body with the mind without our mind being healthy at first.

It works basically in response to stress and relaxation, both have their usefulness and we could not live only in one of these states. However, sustained over time, stress transforms our body into an acidic environment, contaminating it and rendering it unable to carry out its basic processes normally.

Expanding Consciousness

As Dr. Henry Grayson tells us, awareness is the key . When this awareness is very limited, the flow of information in our body is hindered. We do not allow it to circulate freely, naturally. In that state we have a greater tendency to stagnate in emotions that are harmful, such as resentment, victimization and frustration.

To heal with the mind we must expand the awareness of ourselves. Thus we will let the energy flow naturally through our body. We begin to observe the world and ourselves with compassionate and loving eyes. We become more flexible, more balanced and creative.

In this state we can create a new reality, one that overflows with health and well-being. And to achieve this, tools such as meditation and mindfulness are highly effective. We must free ourselves emotionally, let go of everything that hurts us. Resilience will give us more internal space than living in a world and with a rigid thought. Stop regretting the past and fearing the future. Both attract misery through doubt and lack of self-confidence.

Reach for power to heal with the mind

And the day will come when the practice of controlling your mind and achieving a balanced state of health and physical and spiritual well-being is a thing of the present. And when you are living that moment, you can begin to ask yourself, what are the reach that our mind has to heal? Can we get this healing energy that we produce to be transferred to others?

Well, we know the synchrony that occurs between two or more brains when communication is established. We also know that attitudes are spread, as we react to the environments in which we find ourselves. That is why a good person in a bad environment could end up doing bad things.

It is also real that the thoughts and emotions that occur in our mind are transmitted in the form of energy to other people. You can see it in the eyes of two people who love each other. Or in a toxic work environment, where no one is comfortable and one's bad mood spreads in others like a flu.

The ability to heal others with the mind is a much more complex and difficult issue (and it is clearly impossible without the first step, to heal oneself). The intention must be focused, the visualization must be concrete, you must have complete confidence that the objective will be obtained and the relaxation must be absolute.

Psychotronics is the term by which parapsychology techniques are known. And this approach is what we are going to address to deepen this theme.

Psychotronic: cure with the mind

To begin, we must understand that from the framework of psychotronics (among others), health is in principle a state of mind . The psyche is the tool par excellence we have to cope with our lives, and it can be our best friend or our worst enemy. Focused thoughts will lead the body to be a manifestation of them. So, we can say that healing is psychic because it works from a subjective and imaginary level.

Previously, we mentioned intention, visualization, trust and relaxation as part of this process. Well, there is a basic concept of psychotronics directly related to metaphysics, and it is that which says that ' the image of perfection, held in confidence in a totally relaxed plane of the mind, possesses the power to modify imperfection '.

Thus, Image (visualization), Perfection (intention), Confidence and Relaxation will be four essential requirements. Without any of these, the recipe will be incomplete and it will be impossible to achieve the correct mental attitude to heal with the mind .

The mind does not know distances

The concept of distance healing is not correct. For healing occurs with the mind, and the mind does not know distances as our physical body does. If you close your eyes, you can move wherever you want. If you focus on a place in your childhood and see yourself there, there you are. If you focus on a person who is not physically in the same room as you, your conscience is with her. Your energy, your intention and your attention are there. You can even feel the smells, touch and hear the sounds of that scenario.

Visualization is one of the greatest resources of the great masters of the mind of all time. And it is a way to transform reality.

The energy is like a radio antenna . It has the ability to receive the signal if they are tuned to the same channel. Your thoughts are that signal, addressed directly to a person. And the arrival of the message will depend on how clean and worked your channel is.

Healing with another person's mind also means helping them change their behavior and thinking patterns, influencing them with the envoys. That in turn transforms his way of seeing life, and achieves a broader consciousness, allowing energy to flow without obstacles through them.

The body of the other person manifests a disease because their energy is low, stagnant, weak and / or with difficulties to flow. So, knowing that this is the case, you can get to work.

Practice to heal with the mind

An exercise that can help you direct your thinking is as follows:

  1. First and foremost, get a comfortable place and take a seat. Take a deep breath to enter a state of relaxation .
  2. With your eyes closed focus on the different parts of your body. Feel the soles of your feet in contact with the ground, your hands on your lap, the fabric of your clothes on your skin.
  3. Watch how your attention moves from one place to another at your will. You are a channel of energy that flows and it is this energy that moves through your body. This energy will be the true healer, only your channel.
  4. Choose some part of you that you want to attend. Some particular pain or some weakness, and focus your attention on this place in your body. You can also choose another person, and you should focus all your attention on his face.
  5. Once the image is clear in your mind, visualize the perfection manifesting itself in that image. To heal with the mind, look at that same part of your body healthy and strong, look at the person you chose full of energy and joviality.
  6. Focus on this image, and see it. Make it reality in your mind, focus on how this new situation feels.

You can practice this exercise for five minutes every day, to work on your channel. You will see as with time, your visualizations will become clearer, and your mind more focused.

Creating your interior room

When your ability to visualize has improved, a practice that can greatly strengthen your awareness exercises is the creation of a corner inside you that you turn to when you exercise to meditate and also to heal with the mind.

For this, follow the steps below:

  1. Search again for a quiet and comfortable place, and take a seat. Close your eyes and breathe deeply to induce a state of relaxation .
  2. Once relaxed, start creating a room in your mind . Imagine the walls, the ceiling, the floor and the windows.
  3. Bring your room to life. Give it colors, decorate it, place furniture. Make your room made to measure, that is a reflection of your personality.
  4. Imagine a skylight in the room, and under that skylight, a chair. This chair, illuminated by the warm light of the sky, will be where you sit to perform all your exercises.
  5. Now visualize yourself in your interior room. Take a seat and allow yourself to feel the heat of this golden light falling on you.

Once this room has been created, your practices to heal with the mind, as well as everything that requires connecting with your highest consciousness, will have their own place.

Remember, the mind knows no distances. He doesn't know about space or time. There are no limits to what you can achieve with it if you allow yourself to work it.

Mind and body share a close relationship. But consciousness is vast like the stars.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of hermandadblanca.org


  • https://chopra.com/articles/harness-your-mind%E2%80%99s-power-to-heal-and-transform
  • https://www.learning-mind.com/it-is-possible-to-heal-the-body-with-the-mind-and-there-is-scientific-proof-to-this/
  • https://www.taringa.net/+salud_bienestar/aprender-a-curar-con-la-mente_12nu89
  • https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psicotr%C3%B3nica
  • https://www.vivirsabiamente.com/sanar-a-distancia/

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