Abundance is not something we acquire; It's something we tune in, by Wayne Dyer

  • 2012

By Dr. Wayne Dyer

What is abundance? Abundance is a state of being. Abundance is the state in which you feel you have everything you want. It is an active feeling, an emotion. Abundance is in your vibratory mood, abundance is in your daily emotions. Abundance is part of your integrity and is in your mind, body and spirit. Abundance is not a dollar bill or material things as many people think. What is poverty? Poverty is also a state of being. Poverty is the state of lacking what you want. Poverty is the state of resistance to have what you want. It is an active feeling, an emotion. Poverty is in your vibratory mood, poverty is in your daily emotions. Poverty is part of your integrity and is in your mind, body and spirit. Poverty is not the absence of money in your bank account or material things as many people think. Yes, abundance and poverty are states of being. They are in our beliefs, thoughts and emotions. That is why there are some people who do not have many material things and are happy, they have abundance in their lives because they believe and feel they have everything they want; On the other hand, we can see some people who have many material things and are surrounded by luxuries and are complaining all the time because they do not have enough. These types of people have no abundance in their lives even when they have all the material things they want. Since abundance and poverty are states of being, we can create them through our vibrational humor, our emotions or moods. What are you creating daily? If you are complaining about the lack of money and telling yourself and others that it is very difficult to have money, or that money is a problem, these feelings are blocking abundance and creating more poverty. But you can create whatever you want. What do you want to create, poverty or abundance? We are creators and create things inside out. Abundance is an emotion, the emotion of having everything you want regardless of the circumstances. Perhaps you are thinking: It is easy to say, but it is very difficult when you have debts and you do not have money to pay the bills, and it is correct, it is very difficult, so you are creating more poverty when you think that way and make your situation worse. If you want to create abundance in your life, the easiest way is to start with your words. Words create thoughts. The repetition of words becomes beliefs, and beliefs create feelings; you can activate those feelings to turn them into emotions and your emotions are your vibrational humor. Start by knowing that you deserve only good things, the best. Abundance is waiting for you, you just need to be in the same vibrational mood. Here are three things you can do to be in the right mood and allow abundance to come into your life: 1. Repeat and practice positive affirmations: I deserve only good things. I am abundance. Every cell in my body, mind and spirit is full of abundance. I am open to receive money in my life. Money comes to me in different ways. 2. Be grateful for everything you have (don't complain about things you don't have or have lost). Gratitude opens the doors to receive what you are asking for and makes you feel deserving. Thank God for all that I have and for the wonderful things that are coming to me. Do not lie down without thanking five to ten things that happened to you during the day. You can also write your gratitude statements in your thank you diary. 3. Practice Meridian Tapping to correct or change your beliefs and moods about money and allow abundance to come into your life. The Universe is full of abundance and is waiting to give you what is yours. Take effort and practice to change your poverty in abundance, but it is worth it because it is what you deserve. Abundance is a state of being and you can create it. What are you waiting for?

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