Oceánidas, the Greek gods of the rivers

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Oceánidas, the fluvial gods of ancient Greece 2 The Oceánidas or Greek fluvial gods 2.1 Acis 2.2 Aeas 2.3 Isolate 2.4 Akragas 2.5 Alfeo 2.6 Almón 2.7 Ameles 2.8 Amfriso 2.9 Amniso 2.10 Anapo 2.11 Anauro 2.12 Anigro 2.13 Apidano 2.14 Aqueloo 2.15 Aqueronte 2.16 Ardesco 2.17 Arno 2.18 Ascanio 2.19 Asopo 2.20 Asterión 2.21 Axio 2.22 Bafira 2.23 Bolbe 2.24 Boristenes 2.25 Bricón 2.26 Caecino 2.27 Caístro 2.28 Cebrén 2.29 Ceco 2.30 Cefiso 2.31 Cidno 2.32 Citero 2.33 Cladeo 2.34 Cocito 2.35 Cremetes 2.38 2.40 Creme 2.38 2.40 Creme 2.39 2.40 Creme 2.35 2.40 Creme 2.35 2.40 Creme 2.35 2.40 Creme 2.35 2.40 Creme 2.35 2.40 Creme 2.35 2.40 Erasino 2.41 Eridano 2.42 Erimanto 2.43 Escamandro 2.44 Aesop 2.45 Esperqueo 2.46 Stygia 2.47 Estrim n 2.48 ufrates 2.49 Eurotas 2.50 Eveno 2.51 Fasis 2.52 Filis 2.53 Flegetonte 2.54 Ganges 2.55 Gigaea 2.56 Grénico 2.57 Haliacm n 2.58 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.59 Halys 2.60 Helic n 2.61 Hept poro 2.62 Hermo 2.63 Hidaspes 2.64 Ilissos 2.65 Imbraso 2.66 naco 2.67 Indos 2.68 Inopo 2.69 Ismeno 2.70 Istro 2.71 Ladón 2.72 Lamos 2.73 Lete 2.74 Meander 2.75 Meles 2.76 Mincio 2.77 Mnemósine 2.78 Neda 2.79 Nesto 2.80 Nilo 2.81 Ninfeo 2.82 Numicio 2.83 Orontes 2.84 Pactolo 2.85 Parthenio 2.86 Peneo 2.87 Pleisto 2.88 Porpax 2.89 Res91 2.92 Satio 2.94 Selemno 2.95 Simeto 2.96 Simois 2.97 Tanais 2.98 Telmeso 2.99 Terme 2.100 Termesios 2.101 Tiberino 2.102 Tiberto 2.103 Tigris 2.104 Titarisio 2.105 Triton 2.106 Volt 3 More details on the Oceánidas

Greek mythology is one of the most extensive, exciting and brilliant of how many exist. Inside the huge pantheon, where the Olympians stand out, like Zeus at the head, we find other minor deities, but equally surprising and attractive. That is why today we dedicate this text to the Oceánidas, the Greek gods of the rivers, which are counted by hundreds. Did you know them

Oceánidas, the river gods of ancient Greece

Maybe it's because of looking for an explanation, or because the Greeks saw life in everything that sustained their own life, but the fact is that this brilliant civilization created an entire Olympus of gods that justified events such as the rise of a river, a storm or a Bad crop year.

In this case, the Oceánidas, whose name in Greek was Potamoí, and the Latin Fluminae, were the river gods that personified the rivers. Thus, each of these manifestations had its own deity throughout the territory known for its civilization.

The Oceánidas, according to the historian Hesiod, are children of Ocean and Tethys . This Greek historian is the one who lists them, one by one.

In Greek mythology, river gods are represented as elders with long beards . In addition, they are imagined with attributes of flora and fauna of the rivers. In fact, each of these deities was painted with trees and typical animals according to their location. They used to wear crowns with the vegetation of the place, as well as horns in those in which the channel was divided into several arms or had different tributaries.

Normally, the Greeks invoked the corresponding river god before crossing the river that represented him . That is, these deities were also subject to great respect.

It can be seen in numerous sculptures of these gods that rely on cents, from which emanates river water. These contraptions were represented more or less inclined according to the speed with which the liquid element circulated.

Interestingly, almost all Greek river deities were male, although some female examples remain. However, this data contrasts with the lakes, which used to be chaired by goddesses, while the rivers were the object of male gods.

The Oce nidas or Greek river gods

Next, and given that they are many and very interesting, we will see one by one who are the Oceenids, the powerful Greek river gods as unknown as they are exciting.


We start with the Oceanids in alphabetical order, and the first on our list is Acis . In this case, it refers to a river of the same name that is located on the island of Sicily, in southern Italy, next to the famous Etna. This name lasted during the Roman Empire.

Originally, he was a young Sicilian considered the son of Dionysus, although other sources consider him the son of the niadya Simetis and Pan. He loved Nereida Galatea and was killed by the jealousy of Cyclops Polyphemus.


Turn now for our second Oceania, Aeas, although this is a Latinism, since in Greek its real name was Eas or Eante . In this case, the river it represents has the same name, and its location in Epirus, the current Albania. And also in this case, according to the poet Ovid, he comforted Peneo, his brother, when his daughter, named Daphne, became a laurel in his attempt to escape Apollo's harassment .


Aisar was a river located in Etruria, in Italy, which today is known as Serchio. Not much is known about this Ocean, unless it is believed that his parents were Thetis and Ocean, like the others.


This river of Sicily was deeply loved by Zeus . Together with the great Olympic god, it is believed that the nymph Asterope could give him life.


Yes, much more is known about the river of Elis and Arcadia, Alpheus. Today it is called Saranta, and once it was believed that it came to Sicily hidden under the sea.

This Oceánida of the Peloponnese, according to Pausanias, was a passionate hunter who fell in love with Aretusa, a nymph who also hunted alongside Artemis. However, she promised herself to remain a virgin for a lifetime, so she rejected Alpheus, and escaped to Ortigia, an island near Syracuse. And that was where he became a source, which allowed him to get rid of the stalker.

For its part, Alfeo was transformed into a river, whose underground waters try to reach Ortigia to join his beloved Aretusa.

However, other poets like Ovid or Plutarch offer divergent versions of the history of this Oceánida.


Now it is the turn of Almón, a god who represents an Italian river near Rome, formerly known as Latium, and which is a tributary of the famous Tiber. A famous statue of the mother of the gods was washed in its waters.

It is said that the father was a naiad, named Lara, to whom they cut their tongues for revealing to Hera the affairs of Zeus with Yuturna.


We do not know much about the next Oceánida, except that, according to Plato, it crossed the plain of Lete, since it is one of the rivers of the famous Underworld . Although the best known are the Styx or the Leteo, Ameles also made its waters run through the land of the dead, and its meaning was neglected.


We go now with a Greek river in Thessaly, named Amfriso . It was famous for being one of the favorite places of the god Apollo, where he kept his flocks of Admeto. According to the poet Ovid, faith one of the Oceánidas that consoled Peneo when Daphne, his daughter, became a laurel.


Amniso is one of the river gods of Greek mythology that represents a river of Crete. In addition, it was an important city, a few kilometers from Heraklion, where there are still important Minoan deposits.


It is said that this river god of Sicily joined its waters with Ciane, a nymph of Syracuse who broke into tears and was transformed into a fountain by Hades, as he tried to prevent him from kidnapping Persephone.


We are going with Anauro, a river of Thessaly, in Greece . It is not one of the best known Oceánidas, although this is where Jason lost a sandal when he was on his way to Yolco to meet Pelías.


In the Peloponnese, in the middle of Elide, we find Anigro, in Greece. At its mouth was the grave of Yárdano.


Another of the Oceánidas, and also river in Thessaly, is Apidano . This river god flows into the Enipeo, and was also one of those who came to comfort Peneo after the transformation of his daughter Daphne into a laurel.


If there is an important river god in Greek mythology, that is Aqueloo . It toured the area of ​​Acarnania and Etolia, and was the most powerful of all. The firstborn of Tethys and Ocean, his name means he who drives away sorrow . In fact, he was so famous in his day that he even attacked Heracles himself when he became a bull, and was ruler of newts and fish by Poseidon's work, although his myth is due to Hesiod.


Another of the most famous river gods in his time was the Aqueronte river . Although it existed, and still exists, since it runs through the Epirus, and is also known as Aqueron, it means in Greek 'painful', and it is not strange, since it was the river that, according to that distant civilization, led directly to Hades, Hell. According to his mythology, this is where the boatman Charon led the dead in soul form as one of the five rivers of the Underworld.


We go now with a river of Thrace, the current Bulgaria, called Ardesco . He was a river god who appears in the Theogony of Hesiod, although there is not much information about it.


The river god of the Arno river continues to receive this same name, in the Etruria area, in Italy, which flows into the Ligurian Sea.


Ascanio, also known as Yulo or Julo, was the son of Aeneas and Creúsa. Beyond Misia River, in Turkish Anatolia, he was famous in Roman mythology, as he marched with his father, Aeneas, after the fall of Troy, in search of a new homeland.


The river of Boeotia and Argos Asopo was another river god . However, it represented three rivers. Asopo Beocio, Asopo Fliuncio, in the Peloponnese, and Asopo to dry in Thessaly.


Asterion was a very common name in the history of Ancient Greece . But among them, he was a river god represented in a river of Argos, in the Peloponnese. He was a tributary of Ínaco, and was decisive in the decision that the argolide was of Hera, and not of Poseidon.


Today it is called the Vardar river, and it is located in the area of ​​Macedonia. In the past, he was also the son of Ocean and Thetis.


Another of the Greek river gods or Oceánidas, which was located in P Engineering, on the Greek peninsula .


As we said, while the Oceánidas turned into rivers were always masculine, also the feminine ones existed, although in this case they were lakes. And the goddess Bolbe was one of them, located in Thessaly.


One of the furthest from the Greek power centers. The Oceánida Boristenes was in central Scythia, that is, in the current territory of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Today is called Dnieper.


A little known area of ​​ancient Greece is the Chersonese, in Thrace . Here the river god Bricón was located.


Nor is much known about the Oceánida Caecino, except that it was a river of Bretia, in Italy.


Caístro, besides being one of the Oceánidas, was also a river of Lidia, in the Turkish Anatolia. Unlike most, he was the son of Achilles and Pentesilea, and father and founder of Ephesus.


In addition to a river in the Tróade, in the Phrygia of Asia Minor, Cebrén was also the father of Naiad Enone, who was Paris's first wife, the well-known Trojan prince.


There is not much about Ceco, an Oceanic whose river was in Teutrania, in Anatolia, which is now Turkey.


However, Cefiso is one of the best known Oceanids, since it represents three rivers, one in Fcida, another in Ethics and another in Argos, in the Peloponnese. Although there were also two more with the same name, one in Argentina, and another in Salamis.

There are several stories about this river god, such as that he was the father of the nileya Lilea, or D ulide, and even of Melena, mother of Delphi with the god Apollo.


This was one of the three great rivers of Cilicia, in Anatolia, now Turkey. He shared his importance with Saros and the P ramo.


It is a tributary stream of the Alfeo, in the Greek Peloponnese, in the lide . It was also one of the mythical cities established in ethics by King C crope.


Another of the many Oce nidas was Cladeo, in the lide, in the Peloponnese.


We go back down to the Greek hells . We know the Cocito river, in Tesprotia. It was believed that this was a stream of water that went down to the underworld, and was a tributary of the Aqueronte or Stigia, where Charon was sailing. He considered himself fed by the tears of thieves and people of misconduct.


Another of the Oceánidas was Cremetes, a river in Libya that was the father of Anquirroe .


A less known river god was Crisimo, a river located in Sicily.


In addition to the famous sea, Aegean was a river god whose river flowed through the mythical Escira, home of the Fecians, who was identified with Corcira . He was also the father of Mélite, a mother who gave birth to Hilo along with Heracles.


Elisson was one of the Oceánidas that reigned in Aquea, in the Peloponnese.


This river god carried its waters through the region of Thessaly . He fell in love with him Tire, daughter of Alcídice and Salmoneo, but was married to Creteo and, in addition, was not reciprocated. Thus, Poseidon took the personality of the Oceánida to seduce her, and from their relationship were born Pelias and Neleo.


Erasino was a river of the Peloponnese, and as such, river god son of Ocean and Thetis.


Eridano actually gave name to two rivers, one in Attica and one in northern Europe, and it is believed that he can identify with the Don in Italy or the famous Rhine in Germany. But it is also considered that it could be the Rhone or the Po.

Here Phaeton died, unable to drive his father's car, the Sun.


This river is now known as Azicolos or Diminiza . It is located in Arcadia, within the Peloponnese, and also gives its name to a mountain.


Another of the most famous Oceánidas, since its course took place near the mythical Troy. It was located in the Tróade, in Phrygia, present-day Turkey, although another one from Sicily was also named.

It is said that Escamandro was a prince who left for Phrygia to found a colony, as a third of the population had died in Crete due to famine.


In this case he was one of the Oceánidas that were located in Asia Minor, in the Tróade, in Phrygia.


Malis River, in Greece, in the Ftiótide area, and also in southern Thessaly.


One of the most famous Oceánidas, since this arcadian river was considered like one of those that flowed by the underworld . He was one of the most respected river gods, and was also the mother of four children, Bía, Cratos, Niké and Zelo, along with his wife Palas. Although others like Higinio adds as a son to Scylla, and even Persephone, according to Apollodorus. It was feminine, since it was a lagoon.


Estrimón was a river god whose river was located in Thrace . He was dragged while Heracles drove Gerion oxen from Spain, and looking back to see if Eurydice followed, the girl disappeared forever.


Another of the most famous river gods, is this Assyrian river, in Mesopotamia, one of the Oceánidas called Euphrates, which also shares its name with a Stoic philosopher.


We go now with Eurotas, son of Lelex, who was the first king of Sparta, according to legend, and whose river runs through Lacedemonia, in the Peloponnese.


A king of the same name drowned in its waters, hence the name of this unique river god that runs through Etolia.


This river passed through the Cólquida, in present-day Georgia, in the Caucasus, whose name was Fasis.


Interestingly, Filis, a river of Tinia, on the Anatolian coast, was a female character, somewhat strange in the Oceánidas. This was daughter of Lycurgus, king of Thrace, and married to Demofonte, son of Theseus.


Flegetonte was another of the rivers of the underworld of Greek mythology . It was considered with a river of fire from Hades, and was a tributary of the Aqueronte, although it was also a minor stream of water in the Cocito.


Although it seems incredible, the Ganges was already an Oceánida in the days of ancient Greece, because India was known, and there is nothing more to observe the history of Alexander the Great.


This Oceánida was really a goddess of a lake that was in Lidia, in Anatolia, and that today is known as the Marmara.


In addition to a river in the Tróade, in Phrygia, he witnessed the first battle of Alexander the Great in Asia, when the conquest of the Persian Empire began. It took place in 334 BC


Haliacmón is another of the Oceánidas, whose name means sea stone . It was considered that originally it was an inhabitant of Tirinto who threw himself into the river called Carmanor. But this fact made this thread of water be considered as the river god of the mentioned name. It is located between Macedonia and Pieria.


Halys is located in Turkey, in the area of ​​Ponto and Paflagonia, in Anatolia. Today it is known as Kizil Irmak, but in its day it was a very important river for the Hittites. In fact, he received his name from Hatti, the core of the empire.


Today known as the Maritsa River, Hebros circulates in the area of ​​Ciconia and Thrace, that is, Greece and Bulgaria.


The river god Helicón was born on Mount Olympus, and crossed Pieria, although in reality it was a name that was given to the Bafira river, although until it reappeared under the earth, it was known as Helicón. Then, it flowed into the Aegean Sea.

Therefore, it was considered that he was submerged underground so that the hands of the Orpheus assassin could not wash the blood stains and purify their waters, since he did not want to be an accomplice.


This was one of the rivers of the mythical Tróade, in Phrygia, present-day Turkey. He shared space with the famous 7 rivers and river gods, along with Gránico, Cebrén, Simois, Reso, Rooio and Esepo .


Without leaving Turkey, but now in Lidia, in Anatolia, we find Hermo, one of the river gods who was the father of the nymphs lidas .


Hidaspes was one of the distant Oceánidas of India, which today flows through Kashmir and Pakistani, and is known as Jhelum. In the past it was also called Akesines and Hidraotes. This was where Alexander the Great built a fleet that helped him win the battle of Hidaspes, and on his own honor he founded Alexandria Nicea and Alejandr a Buc fala, because here He died his mythical horse.


Illisos is a famous river of ethics, in Greece, which today is still well known in terms of name, not as much as a river god.


Another of the Oce nidas that was on the island of Samos . He was father along with Quesias de Oc rroe, a nymph who was kidnapped by Apollo.


This river god was in the Peloponnese . She was Melia's husband and had five children, Egialeo, Micene, Foroneo, Fegeo e o. In addition, along with Oce nidas Cefiso and Asteri n, he was judge between a dispute of Poseid n and Hera for owning the Argélide, which they awarded to the goddess, although in punishment the god of the oceans deprived them of water.


This river god was in Caria, in Turkish Anatolia.


A small creek on the island of Delos in Greece .


He was the son of Melia and Apollo, and father of Dirce and Estrofia . The first of these was Anfi ny Zeto’s murderer. As a river, he was in Boeotia.


This river today is the Danube . For the Greeks it was mainly in Scythia, in Romania, since they did not go too far into the continent.

Lad n

In addition to a river god and Arcadia river, in the Peloponnese, he was a dragon with a hundred heads, each of them speaking a different language. He guarded the garden of the Hesperides along with the nymphs.


Lamos was a very famous name in his day, even a king of Menorca. And, in addition, a Cilicia river, in the Turkish Anatolia .


We focus now on Lete, one of the most famous rivers of the Underworld, which was believed to be the one who drank from its waters ended in complete oblivion. In fact, some considered it a way of reincarnating souls, so that they forgot their past.

This river of Hades was also a Naiad daughter of Eris, although in a different sense from the Oceánida of the Underworld.


Meander was a river of Caria, in Greek Anatolia, which ended up giving name to a real phenomenon of these natural manifestations.


Interestingly, Meles, a river of Lidia, is also how badgers are known . In its day, its waters flowed through Anatolia.


This river of Gallia is still known in Italy, which flows into the Po, and was also the personification of an Oceánida.


On our journey through the river gods, we return to Hades to discover Mnemósine, who was also a titan, daughter of Uranus and Gea and mother with Zeus of the muses .

But, in opposition to the Lete, it was a river of the Underworld to which newcomers were encouraged to drink from its waters instead of in the forgetfulness of their past life.


Neda was the goddess of a homonymous river that was in Arcadia, in Greece . Interestingly, the female Oceánidas used to be lakes or lagoons, but this is one of the few cases that are known as well.


Nesto was a river god whose river was in Bistonia, in Greek Thrace.


There is no doubt that this Oceánida is one of the most famous in the world, even today. This is the famous river that flows into Egypt and runs through a good number of countries in Africa.

Although Hesiod's tradition considers him the son of Tethys and Ocean, for Píndaro he would be of Crono, something strange that differentiates him from other Oceánidas.

Homer already speaks of its magical waters that come directly from the gods, and was the father of the Nafis Menfis, Anquínoe, Ánipe and Quíone. According to sources, they believe that he could have a son, Nilo Anjmemifis.


Curiously, Ninfeo, in addition to being a river of Paflagonia and Bithinia, in Turkish Anatolia, and therefore an Oceánida, was also the name by which the Greeks called the monuments that were consecrated to the nymphs, in this case, especially sources. Initially they were natural sources.


Numicio was an Oceánida located in Latium . As a river, on its banks was where Aeneas died, where he received worship as Jupiter Índiges, since this, according to Virgil, was the founder of the Roman homeland, once escaped from Troy after the Greek victory in the city.


Orontes is another of the most distant river gods of Greece, as it is located in present-day Syria, although it also passes through Lebanon and Turkey.


This Oceánida carried its waters by Lidia, in Anatolia, Turkey . It was said that it was gold, that is, that it marched through the heart of very fertile terrain, since the region was proverbially rich in gold, although it was subject to fierce earthquakes.


Parthenium was another of the river gods that were in Turkish Anatolia, but this time in Paflagonia, although this less rich than the previously known.

I penetrate

In this case, the river god Peneo, who was running through Thessaly, had up to four children with the nymph Creúsa, whose names were Hipseo, king of the pencils, and the girls Daphne, Estilbe and Cyrene.

It is said that Eros, after receiving mockery from Apollo for his skill with the bow, caused this god to fall in love with Daphne, who despised the Olympian . So the nymph had to ask for help from Peneo, her father, who transformed her into a laurel, whose branches were since then sacred to Apollo.


No information has arrived in excess to this day about Pleisto, except that he was a river god whose waters ran through Phocis, in Greece.


In addition to a genus of orchid, Porpax was a river and Oceánida from the island of Sicily .


However, Reso is a name closely related to Greek mythology . He was a king of Thrace, but also a river of the Tróade, in Phrygia, Asia Minor. According to legend, he was the son of muses like Calliope or Euterpe, as well as of gods like Estrimón, Ares or Eyoneo. He died in the Trojan War at the hands of Odysseus and Diomedes.


Interestingly, also in Spain, at that time known as Iberia, there was an Oceánida. We refer to Rhinos, of whom we don't know much . Of course, scholars believe that this river god is related to the Ebro, although it is not safe.


Another of the little known Oceánidas, whose name today belongs to an element of the periodic table. It is Rhodium, it was located in Phrygia, in Asia Minor, specifically in the Tróade.


We go with Sangario, a river deity who, like all others, was the son of Ocean and Thetis, and whose river ran through the lands of Phrygia, in Asia Minor, that is, Turkish Anatolia.

Some authors considered that he was the father of Hecuba, whom he conceived along with Method . Others consider that their spouse in this work was the Naiade Evágora, or the nymph Eunoe. There are also those who consider him the father of the Sagaritid nymph, as well as the father of Alpheus, who taught Athena to play the flute, but who perished by Zeus's lightning for a lack of respect for the goddess.


Satnioeis was another of the Oceánidas whose waters ran through Anatolia, in Turkey, in the Tróade.


Another of the river gods of which we have received little news to this day. Selemno was a river whose channel passed through the Peloponnese, in Aquia.


Nor is the Oceánida Simeto well known, which today is still the main river that crosses Sicily, and was a Greek river god.


Currently, this Tróade river, in Phrygia, Turkey of Asia Minor, is called Dümruk Su. However, he was often named in Homer's Iliad, who is credited with two daughters, Hieromneme and Astíoque. It is born on Mount Ida and on the Trojan plain joins the Escamandro, hence its importance in the Homeric work.


Tanais is another of the Oceánidas, this located in Russia, in Scythia, which today is known as Don. In fact, this river gives its name to an area of ​​deposits where Bronze Age necropolis were found, with remains also of Greek and Roman settlements. Moreover, as a city, it was founded by the Greeks themselves.


Telmeso, beyond a city that surrendered peacefully to the control of Alexander the Great, was also an Oceanic, although he is more known for his situation n in Lycia, on the border with Caria, who receives this name in honor of Apollo's son .


In Turkey, in the area of ​​Ponto and Assyria, in Anatolia, is Terme, a city that also received its name in honor of the Ocean that bathes its waters, and that They say it was located in the vicinity of the mythical city of Amazonas called Temiscira, of uncertain and almost legendary origin.


Another of the river gods from which there has not been too much information after so many years of history. It is known that, like all others, Termesios is the son of Oceano and Thetis, and that its waters circulated through Boeotia, in Greece.


Unfortunately, too much information about Tiberino has not reached us. However, it was a very common name in Roman mythology, since its waters like Oce nida passed through the Latium, in Italy.


Little known, Tiberto was another of the most famous Oce nidas in Roman mythology itself than in Greek.


We continue in alphabetical order knowing more Oce nidas, although today not much is known about them, as is the case of Tigris. This was a river in Assyria that passes through present-day Syria, Iraq and Turkey .


It was a river of Thessaly tributary of the aforementioned Peneo . Like everyone else, son of Oceano and Thetis, and of little importance in Greek mythology.

Trit n

Tritén was not technically an Oceanian, but he was a Greek god, a messenger from the deep sea who was the son of Amphitrite and Poseidon. It was depicted in human form to the torso, followed by a fish tail. However, if we look at the Theogonie of Hesiod, we find this famous character on Lake Tritonis, which we remember were the feminine Oceans, although here Triton only guided Al al Argo and his Argonautras for the Mediterranean.


It also comes to us, but already with little weight, Volturno, more famous in Roman mythology than in Greek, to put an end to our list of Oceanids.

More details about the Oceanids

Unfortunately, we have not received much more information about these river gods that, in their day, had some importance in Greek society. However, great writers, as we have mentioned, named them in their works, as the case of Homer.

To this day it has come with special force in a classical pantheon, where the great gods were, that is, Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, etc.

However, when the Titans fathered the gods, according to Hellenic mythology, there were many, virtually everything that existed in creation, which was reflected as divinity. Hence, for the Greeks, both lakes and rivers had their own life and their mythology .

The funny thing is that as new rivers and lakes appeared, so did new river gods, even in India, which demonstrates the enormous influence this society had in its day.

In addition, there is also a lot of confusion around these gods, just like other Greek mythologies. We must not forget that their civilization lived for centuries around the Aegean, so that traditions and knowledge were evolving. Hence, depending on the author that is read, the specific work and period, and looking at the writings that have reached our days, we can find totally opposite versions of the same being. De hecho, algunos autores complementaban a otros, pero a veces se podían perder sus escritos o incluso volver a aparecer. Es decir, que es muy complejo establecer un nexo común, ya que todo está muy confuso. No olvidemos que han pasado entre 2000 y 3000 años de algunos de estos textos.

Esperamos de corazón que este compendio agrupando a todos los Oceánidas conocidos en el mundo, y cuyo nombre nos ha llegado hoy en día, os haya gustado y atraído tanto como a nosotros. No cabe duda de que la historia de la humanidad y sus civilizaciones es apasionante . Ha evolucionado mucho el mundo, pero la cultura y la historia está llena de detalles maravillosos de los que da mucho gusto poder hablar hoy en día y descubrir cómo el ingenio nos lleva a años, siglos de civilización, desarrollo y evolución.

By Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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