Hermetic principles and their importance in life

  • 2019

Hermetic principles - Origin and influence

The mind is the most powerful tool of the human being, since time immemorial the ancient sages who walked the earth unraveled the mysteries of the mind and its hidden powers, thus making known the hermetic principles and their importance in life.

"The lips of wisdom are closed, except for the ears capable of understanding." The Kybalion

Most successful people use hermetic principles consciously or unconsciously effectively, or rather, we all use hermetic principles and we are Cause and Effect of these principles, all ancient civilizations knew them perfectly and used them with great effectiveness.

Thanks to the good handling of the hermetic principles, a person has in his hands the key to master his moods, overcome his negativity, attract abundance and prosperity to his life and, therefore, attract new opportunities in his day to day.

Hermes Trismegisto, creator of Alchemy and Hermeticism

All of the above is possible, thanks to the hermetic principles presented in the ancient Egyptian wisdom book, The Kybalion. From the mental transmutation, famously known as mental alchemy, thanks to this law the person can modify or transform their mental states and raise them to the point of being the recipient of better cosmic energies.

The well-known law of attraction, was present in the Kybalion long before becoming famous, the Kybalion was a book written by Hermes Trismegisto, and this book can become one of your greatest blessings, it is no coincidence that you read this, since that Kybalion himself says:

Each cause has its effect; Each effect has its Cause; Everything happens according to the law; Chance is just a name given to the unknown law; There are many levels of causality, but nothing escapes the law.

Therefore, everything we do in this life (both good and bad actions) will have a Cause and Effect. Every action or thought that is produced by our being, will have a consequence according to the hermetic principles, if we correctly use the principle of Cause and effect, we can ensure in the short or medium term a life full of Joy and prosperity.

How great are the hermetic principles and their importance in life!

The importance of hermetic principles in your life

“This is why I have been called Hermes Trismegisto, because I have in my possession the three parts of the Universal philosophy”

Knowing the hermetic principles and handling them correctly , will allow you to develop skills in psychic arts such as telepathy, telekinesia, remote vision and other hidden skills.

The world is governed by universal hermetic principles, which must be studied by people who wish to improve their lives on a material and spiritual level. These hermetic principles govern universal knowledge, and directly influence your relationship with the world and with the people around you.

If you change your vibrational level (The Principle of Vibration), you will gradually realize how not only your mood changes, but also your perception of things. Hermetic laws are an inheritance of the ancient sage Hermes Trismegisto, who granted the knowledge of these laws to several of his disciples in Ancient Egypt.

As we have mentioned, these teachings have not come to you by chance, you and the universe have made it possible for hermetic knowledge to reach your hands, with the purpose of improving your life, and filling it with abundance and wealth not only material, but also mental and spiritual .

“The principles of truth are seven; who knows and understands them, has the magic key that will open all the doors of the Temple even before touching them ” The Kybalion.

Read carefully, and reflect on these laws that will surely transform your life. Hermeticism is the basis of all spiritual doctrines of both past and present.

See also: hermeticism-from-the-philosopher-stone-to-the-illuminati-common-origin /

The 7 principles of Kybalion and its application

Here we leave you the 7 principles of Kybalion along with a brief explanation of each of them, as well as tips and ways to use them in your day to day, read them carefully and reflect on them, remember that these principles represent the key to mental power

1. Principle of Mentalism.

For the ancient sages, the universe and everything that exists, are the product of the Spirit or Mind, what our senses can appreciate, and even the things that our senses cannot reach are the product of the Mind, of the Mind of EVERYTHING .

The Spirit as defined by hermetic laws is unknowable, that is, it cannot be defined under any concept, but it can be considered and thought of as a universal, infinite and living Spirit.

The EVERYTHING, can be translated today as the Divinity itself, is the totality of all things, all that exists is spirit, and everything is the creation of the Divinity, that is, of the ALL .

Every cell, atom, and fiber of our body is created with material that comes from the Universe, and therefore, we are creation ( cause and effect ) of EVERYTHING, nothing that exists can escape the principle of Mentalism, since everything that exists It was created by EVERYTHING .

You are made of matter and energy of the creative spirit of the Universe . This energy allows you as divine creation that you are, to use your divine gifts to realize your goals and dreams, when you are aware that you are a citizen of the Cosmos and that you are one of the most beautiful creations of the universe, you will realize the power that is in inside to change any negative circumstances that affect your life .

Everything is spirit; The universe is mental The Kybalion

To connect with the EVERYTHING, it is necessary to Meditate, Pray and above all to recognize you as Work and similarity of the Divine Forces that operate in the Universe. When you recognize that everything around you is a product of the Mind of EVERYTHING, the work of the Spirit and the Mind, you will enjoy confidence and absolute serenity and peace.

Once this principle is understood, the innumerable doors of the Temple of mental and psychic knowledge can be opened, this great hermetic law explains in depth many concepts such as Energy, Matter and Power, and Ancients, they knew these laws and applied them in their day.

Hermes Trismegisto (The greatest sage in history) wrote: He who understands the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is already well advanced on the Path of the Master's .

The most in-depth students of the hermetic teachings mostly agree that the principle or law of mentalism is the most important, since this makes all other possible There are hermetic laws, therefore, it is the one that requires the most study and compression.

2. Principle of correspondence

This principle is quite simple to understand, but it contains a truth that we can find in any part of the universe, the correspondence in measures, forms, quantities and appearances is present around us.

The Correspondence principle states that both the phenomena that occur on higher planes of consciousness also occur on lower planes, and this applies not only to physical phenomena, but also to the spiritual ones.

For example, a case of the correspondence principle can be found in the stars, the movement of the moon revolving around the earth, is exactly the same as that of the electron that revolves around the atom, both bodies rotate very similarly, The only difference between them is the proportions.

And just as the universal principle of correspondence can relate two phenomena that are very distant in size (but identical in movement), so it is also the key to understanding how How our world works, but also parallel worlds.

This principle states that there is always a similarity between cosmolytic phenomena and the life of human beings. The correspondence principle states that there is a harmony between the physical plane, the mental plane and the spiritual plane.

All planes of consciousness and existence can relate to each other, the parts that make up the Macrocosm can be found in different sizes in the microcosm, and the same in reverse.

This principle is so powerful, that the wise men of antiquity watched the stars to predict future events in their communities, from if there would be a good harvest, to the advent of possible catastrophes or wars.

By observing the cosmos wisely, events of higher planes (such as events in the Solar System) can be linked to the life and work of current civilizations.

Many cases of correspondence in nature can be found, such as the similarity of the Neuronal Network of the brain with the Cosmic Network of the Universe, both have an impressive resemblance not only in appearance, but also in behavior, and just like this example there is many more.

“What is above is like what is below; what is below is like what is above ”The Kybalion

It is a palpable fact for students of hermetic teachings, that he who appreciates the same elements in the different planes of consciousness and existence, will have one of the most powerful tools of divination that exists.

In everyday life, the correspondence principle can be seen at all times, if at least you are in a situation of depression, that will automatically be reflected in all the planes of existence of your life, since what you feel inside will correspond to the external

“Inside is like outside; outside is like inside ”

Likewise, that person who is not able to perform simple goals, can never perform tasks that correspond to higher levels of difficulty, those who have really achieved success, know how elementary it is to be able to effectively carry out the small tasks of life .

For example, imagine that a baby who has not learned to walk, how is it possible that he learns to run? First, he must learn to walk and then run, is the principle of correspondence that dictates to us, that to achieve tasks of greater complexity, We must first execute the simplest.

It also happens with relationships, a relationship can not be fruitful unless both parties love themselves, and respect, after overcoming this love plane, the principle of correspondence will allow them to love each other.

If you want to achieve success, you must first focus on performing the simplest tasks in the best way, only in this way will the doors open to higher levels of success and prosperity, almost the majority of the great billionaires of our time, they started working from below, and little by little the principle of correspondence, was leading them to carry out greater projects, and thus obtain greater successes.

The correspondence principle implies that in our daily lives, whatever we do at the micro level, we will do it at the macro level. Smaller habits have a huge relationship, in the performance of our behavior in any area, whether work or love.

A good or a bad habit will correspond to the whole of our life (much like the Cause and Effect ). If you neglect one area of ​​your life, this will be reflected in all others.

3. Principle of Vibration.

“Nothing is still; everything moves; everything vibrates ” The Kybalion

All the things that are around us Vibrate, from our body, to the farthest galaxies and constellations, absolutely everything Vibra . Matter that vibrates in equal frequency to another, is connected to each other thanks to the principle of Vibration.

Nothing remains static, even if it seems to the naked eye, it is in constant motion. The entire universe moves! The differences in shapes, sizes, or powers of the matter around us are due to the Vibratory state they have.

Thus, people who are usually negative have low vibrational levels, and therefore, they attract thanks to the principle of vibration, all kinds of bad circumstances, and vice versa, those who have high vibrations are usually surrounded by happiness and prosperity.

The principle can be applied both in galaxies, as in business and family life, the principle of Vibration, will allow you to understand many of the positive or negative things that come into your life, and how to attract or achieve better circumstances in your day.

A clear example of this is the immune system of the human being, when a person remains happy and happy, that is, it vibrates at high frequencies, his immune system remains strong, defending the body from many diseases.

But when a person becomes depressed, their vibrational levels fall, resulting in their immune system becoming weak, which leads to diseases tempt against their health. If you want to maintain good health, it is necessary that you maintain high vibrational states through joy and peace.

In the same way it happens in business, you must remain confident and positive in your work area, always strengthening the vibratory states so that they attract wealth and prosperity.

Many of today's most successful people came to prosperity because, in difficult circumstances, they kept their vibratory states high, always relying on a better future, and thus attracted wealth and Successes that today distinguishes them from the rest.

4. Principle of polarity

Everything is double, everything has two poles; everything, its pair of opposites

Everything we can find in the universe has two poles, positive or negative, cold or hot, good or bad, true or false, among others. The students of the ancient hermetic teachings, make use of this statement to overcome or take advantage of situations that for others are almost impossible to overcome.

It is like seeing the glass half full or half empty, depending on your perception of something specific, you can see its two extremes.

An example is the temperature, the cold and hot varies depending on the context or the person who perceives it. If a person lives in the North Pole, it will seem normal to live in temperatures like 10 degrees Celsius, but for a person living in a tropical climate, 10 degrees Celsius is an extremely cold temperature.

But the hot and cold, are the 2 poles of temperature, so the situations of daily life can be good or bad, depending on how they are perceived or interpreted. What for some can cause sadness, for others it can be a reason for joy.

The principle of polarity teaches you, that all situations in life have a positive and negative side, and that with so much perceiving things in a better way you can even take advantage of situations that before could be difficult for you.

Many of the people who have abundance and prosperity in life have overcome difficult situations, thanks to the fact that they have found the positive side in the most complex situations.

If you go through a moment of sadness or depression, the principle of polarity can help you by showing you the optimistic and cheerful side of things, you can achieve happiness and strength even in the most difficult situations. You can even transform feelings of Hate into Love, or convert Fear or Value, the possibilities offered by the principle of polarity, are endless.

5. The rhythm principle

“Everything flows and refluxes; everything has its periods of advance and retreat, everything ascends and descends… ” The Kybalion

In each existing thing in the universe, movements of comings and goings, flow and reflux can be observed, similar to the movement that occurs in a pendulum when moving. All life situations have a beginning and an end, from work to emotional relationships, they have moments of progress and regress.

Therefore, the rhythm principle is closely connected with the polarity principle. The rhythm is manifested between the two poles whose polarity principle has proven its existence. We change, we evolve, we move from one state to another.

If you live a moment of low productivity, or feel that you are not advancing in your life, the rhythm principle shows us that it is only a matter of time before you start again to generate better results in all areas of your life, stay constant in your goals and projects, and keep your vibrations high, that sooner or later, you will get all those things that you propose.

6. The principle of Cause and Effect

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to the law… ” The Kybalion.

Everything we see around us is the work of a Causality and not of Chance . According to the powerful principle of Cause and Effect, luck does not exist, but is simply a plane of causality that we do not know.

The principle of Cause and Effect is handled at the level of all planes of existence of the Cosmos. If we commit good deeds, sooner or later, we will appreciate good effects around us, and vice versa, if we commit bad deeds, sooner or later, bad deeds will come into our lives.

Nothing escapes this Principle, if we treat others with love, respect and affection, this will result in positive things in our lives, and the lives of those around us. If you give positive things to the universe, it will give you equal return what you gave.

It's like growing a plant, if you take care of it and water it every day, it will grow and feed you the fruits it produces, but if you don't take care of it, it will die and you won't be able to enjoy its fruits. Do not expect that treating others with hatred and resentment, treat you well, we must first give and then receive, the principle of Cause and Effect governs all the planes of existence of the universe.

7. The gender principle

This principle is closely linked to the principle of polarity, it expresses that all things in the universe have a masculine and feminine side and that both sides depend on each other to exist.

Darkness is nothing more than the absence of Light, and vice versa, Light is the absence of darkness, and although both are antagonistic, if one does not exist, the other cannot exist. The two genres coexist in each of us, as in the Taoist principle of Yin and Yang .

Gender exists at all levels of existence, physical, mental and spiritual. The feminine principle is usually attributed to the passive, the receptive, the calm and serene, while the masculine is related to the action, the giving, the activity and the force.

The students of the hermetic knowledge, seek a balance between both forces that are present within their being. Both are important, and it is important that everyone who wants to find balance and stability in their lives, work on the gender principle.

The hermetic teachings used correctly and consciously are the Scepter of Power for a more stable life, full of prosperity, abundance and bliss.

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