Food and good health of our brain

  • 2017

Food and the importance for good brain health

Good nutrition is essential for good health of our brain, if it is incorrect or unbalanced, different disorders and impairments can develop, such as: developmental disorders, psychiatric disorders, behavioral problems, learning disorders accelerated deterioration that are related to age, etc.

Good food

A good diet with a correct intake of food and with the necessary nutrients, helps us to prevent and have a good memory and good brain functioning, and prevent all these problems.

It is very important to ensure that we are receiving a correct diet with all the necessary nutrients

It is very important to ensure that we are receiving a correct diet with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the brain needs at all times to maintain health and good brain functioning at all times.

A diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, vegetable proteins, seasonal foods and of ecological origin guarantee us that we are feeding in a correct way in general and very important and essential for our brain and quality of life.

It is also very important to eliminate from our diet all kinds of toxic foods, which can contribute to brain deterioration, such as; Refined foods, sugars, meats to a greater extent, these must be of ecological origin, and small amount, the proteins are obtained with a correct diet of vegetables, grains, cereals etc. And it is also guaranteed that they are free of toxic harmful to our health and our brain.

Also the contribution of extra amounts of Vitamins and natural minerals at certain times helps us a lot to maintain our brain health and its proper functioning.

Some vitamins that can help us:

A contribution of Vitamin E can help us as a powerful antioxidant helps protect cells and invasion of free radicals in our brain.

Vitamin B1 is a good help in cases of Alzheimer's disease, as it can greatly improve the mental functions of this patient because it is a good antioxidant. These patients usually have enough lack of this vitamin

Vitamin B12, also as in the previous case, there is a notable lack of this vitamin that is usually very common in Alzheimer's patients, and memory problems in general

Folic acid, this is very important for the synthesis of amino acids in the brain and in the formation of nerve tissue, this deficiency is associated with developmental problems.

In general, the consumption of moderate amounts of vitamin B is very important, as this greatly helps brain deterioration

Foods rich in Vitamin B, brewer's yeast, nutritional yeast, wheat germ, whole grains, nuts, legumes, grains, sprouts, etc.

Minerals for the proper functioning of our brain

Minerals for the proper functioning of our brain.

The calcium.

One of the most important minerals for the brain is calcium, it controls the balance of nerve cells and their proper functioning.

This mineral is very rare to find in low levels in the body, as it is usually in large quantities in the bones, but the abuse or use of certain medications causes these levels to be depleted or deposited in blood and kidneys causing great health problems and that can also affect the proper functioning of our brain.

Calcium-rich foods of plant origin

Legumes, especially soybeans, should be consumed free of transgenics, due to their high toxicity


Fruits and vegetables

Derivatives of soy, such as Tofu, Tempe, mizo.

The eggs

Seeds like sesame, sunflower seeds.

Grains in general, are usually a good contribution.


This mineral is very important in the absorption of many vitamins of group B, and other minerals for a correct brain function Magnesium is necessary, without this contribution the synthesis that makes a good functioning for our brain, this mineral makes the memory work and the nervous system work properly, the magnesium together with the calcium must be in sufficient quantities our body for a correct synthesis of absorption of the other s minerals and vitamins.

Foods high in magnesium:

Pumpkin Pipes

Sunflower seeds

Sesame seeds

Hemp Seeds

Flaxseed Seeds

the nuts


Brown rice

Dark chocolate

Vegetables such as spinach, parsley, chard, avocados. Although in general all can contribute some important amount it is necessary to consume the greatest possible variety of them

Also in general grains and whole grains are very rich in magnesium


Zinc, is a mineral that plays a very important role in the health of our brain helps to have our immune system in perfect condition, in the absorption and reconstruction of proteins, in the correct work of enzymes and correct creation of AD N

A zinc deficiency is related to neurological and psychological disorders, and especially Pkinkin and Alzheimer's diseases, this essential mineral passes the health of our brain

Zinc rich foods

Although one of the main sources of zinc is of animal origin, fish and shellfish can be found in other types of plant foods in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, grains, sprouts, seeds, etc.

Some foods rich in zinc:

Pumpkin seeds

Zucchini Seeds

Sesame seeds

Watermelon seeds

Wheat germ

Flax seeds


Beer yeast





Integral rice

Dark chocolate

Some amino acid and omega-3 fatty acid supplements play a very important role in the health of our brain

There is also a range of some amino acid and omega-3 fatty acid supplements for the health of our brain.

L-acedlcarnitine. It helps improve memory and contributes to stop the deterioration due to age, and in many cases recovery has been demonstrated in people with Alzheimer's

Phosphatidylserine. It helps reduce stress, brain function and memory loss in concentration

Omega-3 fatty acids. These can be fish that have more absorption, although a vegetable source also highly appreciated is flax oil and seaweed in general.

It is very important that there is a good diet, varied, ecological, and take into account polluting sources such as metals, and parasites, because these are the main form of pollution of our brain, drink a lot of water, the brain needs quantity and be Enough hydrated to assimilate nutrients and good health.

All these tips are of great help but do not replace the visit to a professional who will give the most appropriate advice in each case.

M.Carmen Hernandez - Collaborating editor in the Great Hermandad Blanca family

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