Love in expansion - by Maria J. García Diaz

  • 2014

May 3, 2014

I am still surprised to see that I am not missing a leg or an arm ... (just kidding). April has been the war !!!!! Mind?; Heart? . Body??? A great struggle to occupy the center of our personal universes. Now I understand why the voiceover told me about Internal Peace at the beginning of April and several more times throughout the month.

Only inner peace brings us to see our divine essence emerge to the surface and projected on others. The PLENITUDE of feeling and recognizing you as the true essence of Love-God is indescribable in words ... but it provides much happiness. "

The constancy in maintaining peace and stillness has been the key to being able to see and act with clarity and serenity.

Before going into details about the new energies, the voice (this morning) makes some clarifications, which will help us to better understand and move forward more on our return home.

“Our lives are always manifesting Love and heartbreak, encounters and disagreements. And there are times when encounters with people who in this life "we do not know" are really an important part of our past lives, and the feeling that is released in us regarding them, is linked to the same emotions we live with them. / as in the last joint incarnation, it is the memory that remains etched in the soul… ”

Our thoughts are what determine our experiences, and not what happens in our lives. Although these meetings were already scheduled before reincarnating, the attitudes we take towards the events that are presented to us, can be directed from the ego (as we are living the dream) or can be marked by Love, provided we are awakening.

Nothing is loose, nothing is left over, and every experience in our life is linked to our creations. But we are here to wake up from our dream… forgive it and forget it…. understand at once that we are children of a Love that knows no limits and that we are that. Understand that our true objective is heaven, return home ... but while we are making our way back, we have short-term objectives such as PEACE, FORGIVENESS, and the end of pain and suffering. This is precisely where we have to emphasize, here and now.

New month - New energies. The fog dissipates, and the light covers everything.

Now I only hear about Expansion of the heart… which is produced to house the new vibration that is much higher. A new alignment on our part, is necessary to avoid feeling dizzy.

“The Higher mind expands through the expanding Heart, because it speaks through it. Now a new space is opened for this expansion to occur, allowing the voice of the Divine Being to be louder and clearer. ”

Many of us have seen during the first months of the year, how the development of projects has been paralyzed, the beginning of the new… .. however, the whole mess of the month of April has “moved stones” leaving the way open for what It is in resonance, finally get underway ... ... and / or new opportunities appear in some cases.

A new wave of LOVE invades the planet !!!!

Everything will be impregnated with Love …… YES !!! . From now on, love is the only attitude with which our operating system will work at 100 x 100. The Vibration of the expanding heart is increasingly high, and the more it expands, the more our vibration rises… .OUR OUR TRUE PURPOSE HERE.

The rise of the vibration of love can be made very unbearable for some, causing them to act without meaning or guidance, especially when experiencing “love” is confused with suffering, and self-deception (false expectations). To experience the Love that is of God, we have to unlearn all acquired beliefs and the concept that when you love something or someone, you have to possess that something or someone.

"And it is that love is not something we do not know, it is something that we are in essence and in general."

“We are vibrating frequencies. When souls vibrate in unison, they recognize each other ... they recognize each other because they KNOW they are One (although they believe they don't remember it). This happens to remember the UNICITY to which we return, as we strip ourselves of the dense layers of the ego.

We always have the whisper of the Higher Self (Holy Spirit) to make it present, but we also manifest it in the physical form to remember the home. ”

When we love, we emit a frequency, (THE FREQUENCY OF LOVE), which vibrates in perfect harmony with creation, with God, with truth. If the accompanying emotions are of Peace, harmony, fullness ... then it is pure love, because love does not harbor attachments or needs.

When you love another being, speaking of God's love, pure love without splashing the ego, you don't need to feel that you are reciprocated, you really understand that there is no other, but yourself. The other Being that is the creation of your mind, is in your consciousness and there will always be together with everything you love.

Love is a frequency that only knows how to be on the rise, and for this it always seeks its perfect harmony ... I am talking about authentic Love, of Christ or Quantum Love, unconditional Love ... .GOD'S LOVE.

Everything you forgive in a life, frees you from time to return to eternity;

Everything you teach teaches you;

Everything you give, you receive. We only give and teach who we are.

LOVING is GIVING WHAT YOU ARE, for the sole desire to give. To love is to give, knowing that you are not tied or tied to anyone, because you expect nothing in return. Love can only come from the spirit, which is "GOD IN YOU", the divine unity that gives meaning to eternity.

When you love from the peace of the heart, you only want there to be peace in everyone. Happiness is the result of peace… ..PORQUE PEACE ONLY COMES FROM GOD.

May love in its greatest expression be manifested in each and every One, being able to experience eternity as an advance of paradise.

Maria J.

The expanding love - by Maria J. García Diaz

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