Know what these tarot symbols mean - Part 2

  • 2017

Below we present the following part of the meanings of some tarot symbols:

Meaning of these tarot symbols

The bull:

The bull is a symbol of power, royalty, stability, strength and power. When we see the bull among the cards in a reading we know that it is some powerful forces. It is shown on the World and wheel chart since the bull (Taurus) is one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. The bull also carries symbolic meanings of resistance to change, being stubborn and inflexible.

The butterfly:

It is a universal symbol for transformation. Butterflies are shown on the cards of the queen and king of swords, and usually indicate a change in the thoughts of the querent, or someone close in the life of this. Butterflies go through various changes and transformations before they become their final state of beauty.

They are a symbol that we as humans must take into account to reach our final goal and obtain a better way of thinking and life.


Another of the tarot symbols is caduceus . The meaning of this symbol is to deal with balance, health, duality (union of opposites), adequate moral behavior, protection and seismic energy. Seen in the two of cups, the caduceus is a good omen for the new associations, and serves as a message that with honor and respect for balance, new relationships will be fruitful. It may also indicate that the consultant is joining forces with another party in order to facilitate healing.


Castles are physical representations of our need to build (block by block) on a solid basis in order to achieve our goals. Castles can also be about ourselves or shelters, just reaching our goals. They are also a symbol of obtaining our wishes.


Cats take care of vigilance, awareness and perception . The cat is a message that there are energies at work that we may not take into account, but that can certainly be taken advantage of. Cats are also a symbol of psychic ability.


As you can imagine, the symbolic meaning of chains deal with restraint, servitude, conflict and slavery . They appear on the devil's card, the chains are a message in which we can be in a situation in which we have become a slave to our thoughts, vices, or to others. It means that there is no restriction or addiction around the situation observed in the reading.


Children represent the promise, hope, new beginnings, new ideas, and a fresh way of looking at the world. Children are full of promises for the future and, as such, are a symbol of this promise. When they are presented on the cards in a reading, it could mean the beginning of a new company, the promise of a new beginning, or it could literally mean the children are on their way (new births / adoptions).

City Town:

Cities and towns represent centers or concentrations of people, thoughts, energy and ideas . They are a symbol of the culmination of a group that meets for a common goal. They also symbolize protection, harmony and teamwork. When you notice the cities / towns in a reading, it indicates that a group effort is required, or the consultant must tap into some energy centers or thought centers to achieve what he / she desires.

Undoubtedly fascinating all these meanings of the tarot symbols and all this wonderful world of tarot.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the family

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