Symptoms of Vibratory Reset (part 2). Dr. Gabriel López.

  • 2012

Due to the evolutionary process that the Galaxy is going through, the Solar System and the planet Earth have been producing an elevation in the vibrational frequency of all the matter that makes up our world. We human beings have been affected by this process of transmutation and energy renewal producing a series of symptoms, discomforts and discomforts in our physical and energy bodies.

The atoms and electrons and other particles that form the matter of our biological systems have raised their vibrational frequency as well as purely electrical processes such as thought, memory, sensations, emotions and feelings have been seriously affected in this period.

The chakras or energy centers in the form of discs that are arranged along the spine are responsible for the energy exchange and are related to the physical body through the glands, fulfilling a fundamental role in this process of readjustment and elevation of vibrational frequency

Below we offer a series of symptoms that may appear during the process of awakening and readjustment to this new energy and the manifestations of your energetic and physical bodies to these vibratory frequency changes and the readjustment that this implies does not mean that they are unique, can feel many more discomforts.

Psychic and emotional symptoms:

Have an accelerated mind and anxiety within your energy.

Inflexible mind and feeling of not feeling, total disconnection with one's emotions.

Open mind but overwhelmingly brimming with spontaneous emotion.

Sensation of immense change and not having any control of our own reality or knowing the direction in which we move.

Feeling that time is running out, that there is no time left to do what is missing, time seems to fly, it does not reach us. We are pushed along our own path.

Nonconformity with things, life and the world. We feel that things are wrong, so there must be a better way to do them.

Changes in the pattern of dreams. Now we dream every night, although most of the time we cannot remember what we dream. Vivid dreams.

We wake up at the same time every night between 3 and 4 in the morning.

Dawn tired, equal or more tired than when we went to bed.

Having repetitive dreams, always dreaming about the same.

Fall into a state of semi-unconsciousness, neither asleep nor awake that can last hours or days.

Sensation of a hollow in the heart, of a stake or of a nail stuck in the center of the chest.

Lack of heart, total insensitivity to everything, as nothing matters to us and we cannot feel, for anyone or anything. Total detachment.

Feel presences near us, shadows or beings that we see crossing our peripheral visual field.

Increased interest in spiritual issues.

Feel the need to look at the sky, be in contact with the Earth, the sea, trees and animals.

Lost of memory, not being able to remember exactly what he did a moment ago or what he did yesterday, he forgets the names of people, streets and telephone numbers with which he usually related.

Feel that you are a different person every day, that things as you knew them will not be again, feel that you are a new person and each day is different and unique.

Disorientation, not knowing the address of a place to which you are accustomed to go or wander aimlessly, feeling that you get nowhere.

Feeling of being in more than one place at the same time.

Appearance of significant coincidences. Eg think or talk about someone and when he goes out he sees or calls him on the phone. Think of something you need and get it easily or give it away.

People, books, documents and other information related to self-help and spiritual issues arrive unexpectedly.

Increase your inner dialogue, sometimes you will find yourself talking to yourself.

Its sensitivity to ecological, environmental or human calamities will be increased.

Feel in the morning when you wake up a tremendous anguish, get up with the feeling that some disaster will occur.

Cry without a reason just because you have desires.

Get rid of concepts, traditions, patterns and customs that were instilled in you by your family, school or religion during your education process in the culture to which you belong. Make new friendships where you talk about mystical and spiritual issues.

Changes in your preferences and priorities, suddenly material things change meaning for you. And now everything is simpler and you feel you have everything you need.

Changes in the way you enjoy or spend your free time, if before you liked to drink and go to parties now you will see that it does not make you happy anymore.

Changes in their habits and customs.

Feeling that it unfolds, that it leaves its physical body, floats in its room or leaves it, watching itself sleep in the bed and that it can see the world without opening its eyes.

Feel that you communicate with people without using language, just think of something and your son or friend or the person who is close to you talks about what he thought or gives it to him, starts humming a song in Your mind and the other person start singing it.

Suddenly he becomes the center of his social group or coworkers, he feels that he attracts people and animals.

Occasional loss of consciousness for several hours and seizures without apparent causes. When checked by doctors everything is normal.

Increase your extrasensory perception, know what others want or think. No one can cheat or lie to you.

Want to eat strange things: plants that are not edible, bark of trees or rare fruits in their environment.

Need to spend time alone, with himself without anything or anyone bothering him.

Feel the need to make changes in your relationships and life patterns, current ones no longer make you happy.

Abandonment of your religious beliefs and changes in the way you. It relates to God. He feels that there is more and goes out to look for him.

Sharpening of your senses (ear, smell, touch) and the appearance of new ones (telepathy, telepathic vision, clairvoyance, clariperception).

Feel that they touch or caress you while you sleep or are sleeping.

Physical Signs:

Frequent palpitations that make us think we have a heart problem.

Choking sensation, shortness of breath.

Erizamientos in parts of the body and sensation of bugs walking by the body and the head.

Waves of energy that travel in both directions.

Intense heat or intense cold.

Currents circulating through our body and coming out of the hands in an intense way (currents when we touch something or someone).

Tingling and numbness of hands and feet.

Feel that you have a ball of fire or intense heat in the projection of the third and fourth chakra (solar plexus and cardiac area).

Feeling that he has a hat or cap placed on his head.

Sudden loss of vision, blurred vision, one day looks good and another bad.

Candelillas in the eyes and visualizations of mirages, arcs of light and bright geometric figures.

Frequent diarrhea, which does not improve with any treatment and is not related to food. They are very reliable and explosive or not at all reliable and can have a characteristic color. Eg green, pink, etc.

Nausea, occasional vomiting, feeling full.

Frequent respiratory infections, persistent dry cough, rhinitis, sore throats.

Pain in the belly (hypogastrium), feeling that something is coming out of the urethra, burning when urinating.

Edema (inflammation) in the feet and hands.

Dizziness, loss of balance, difficulty measuring distance to objects, frequent falls.

Feel that parts of your body vibrate intensely or the objects that come in contact with you.

Back and toe pains, which migrate, fall and rise through the trunk and limbs.

Feeling of weight and tingling in the feet, sometimes it seems that you have iron boots that weigh tons, at other times it is as if your legs were squeezed with elastic bands.

Appearance of rashes or stigmas on the skin without explanation.

Appearance and intensification of an acute ringing in the ears (Cosmic Cricket).

Malfunction or frequent breakage of electronic equipment that is close to you such as computers, phones, music equipment and others.

It is advisable to go to the doctor and check when some of these discomforts appear but do not be alarmed when the exams do not provide anything significant.

It is important not to reject the process because it goes on longer and becomes more annoying, the contact with nature, the trees, the animals, the

Earth, the Sea, sunbathing in order to help you recharge your energy, drink plenty of water and spend time alone in meditation and conscious breathing will help us cope with the process. If possible, do not take medications because adding chemicals to your body at this time will hinder the process of releasing old energy patterns and replacing them with new ones.

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