Kirael ~ Leading Your Life with Kirael Numerology

I share with you this text, to close The Ten Principles of the Conscious Creation of Master Kirael .

I want to do it so they see that there are no absolutes. As Kirael says below.

There are so many ways of doing things like human beings on Earth. So. Why would there be only one way to do numerology?

We are one, composed of infinity of energies. We are not a single number. We are an impressive number of numbers.

Numbers Energies

Each one is a I am a little jewel! Yes!. And my combination makes me live the day in a unique way; the moment in a unique way Even if you see the same as me, you see it differently, because of your beliefs and countless things.

Let's review quickly.

I taught them how to calculate Universal Numerology with the Pythagorean method.

For 11/16/2009 corresponds a "" Year 11 ".

2009. 2 + 9 = 11. The master numbers 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 are not reduced to one figure. So there is 11.

The month of November 11 we add the Universal year 11. 11 + 11 = 22. Another teacher. "" Month 22 ".

Day 16 is taken out by adding the Universal Month + day we live. 22 + 16 = 38. 3 + 8 = 11. ""Day 11"". Another teacher

Universal Date “11-22-11” as it was on 11/7/2009 and will be on 11/25/2009. Calculate!

And today?. To play!.

Now. If we see the numerology of Kirael. Give something else.

And a little bird told me that there is another interesting method ...

Which to choose?. Free will!. The one you like best. The one you like best. And if it is none. Also ok. It's your choice and it's the important thing.

I leave you with Kirael.

Light Bear Hug

Guiding His Life with Kirael Numerology.

Planet Earth is a matrix construction based almost entirely on numbers. The other two factors in this construction are lights and sounds, which are emitted by numbers of combinations variants.

The numbers have played an endless role in the development of all evolutionary systems. There are no absolutes, because there are unlimited numerical combinations. When one is bound by an absolute, the possibility of growth is nil.

His life is based on a matrix of numerical systems. It moves in endless patterns of lights and pulsations generated by the matrix numbers. His life, like the life of the planet, has the possibility of unlimited evolutionary growth. This is why a knowledge of numerology can be important in helping to understand and consciously create your life path.

For thousands of years people have understood how stars influence their lives, perhaps not recognizing that astrology is based on numerical equations. Now you can see the beauty of how numerology affects your life daily.

The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation discussed in this book can also be seen in terms of numerology or, more specifically, numerology revealed by Master Kirael. The Principle of Truth, for example, is the first of the Ten Principles and is assigned the numerical value of 1. In Kirael numerology, 1 is its connection to the Creator's Light. The Clarity Principle is a "4, " the number related to thoughts and thought processes.

You can also use Kirael numerology to increase your awareness of the energies that flow through each day. Take the date of November 23, for example: the month is an 11 and the day is a 23. When all the digits are added separately, a numerical value is reached for the day. 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 7. Seven represents the energy of “transition.” So on this “7” day, it may be useful to be aware of the transitions that occur in your life or how certain activities, projects or relationships are in a state of transition. (Note: if adding a double-digit result when adding the digits of a month and day, simply add the two digits of the result to arrive at the value of the numerical root of that date. For example, June 27 produces 2 + 7 + 6 = 15. Adding the two digits of the result indicates a day “6”: 1 + 5 = 6, the number of the “master's degree.”). You can also apply this numerology system per year; 2003, for example, is a "5" or the year of love.

By using Kirael numerology every day, you will find how a simple understanding of the energy of numbers can guide you to make new, conscious choices in your life. Your life will evolve in harmony with the universe.

Here is a brief summary of Kirael's numerical associations

1 Creator God - Number one offers an opportunity to reconnect to the Creative Light within you and to know that something completely new is about to begin. It is interesting that in numerology, the number one always follows the nine, or "completion."

2 Duality - A number two reminds you that the third dimension world in which we live is based on duality and that yin / yang situations are all around us. In this case, it is better to see where your life is and move your thoughts to a greater, more balanced level of "trinity" of understanding.

3 Trinity - Allow yourself to be guided by the Trinity of Truth, Trust and Passion when the number is a three. Love, the force in Creation that has no opposite, is created and retained within this trinity, so perhaps you will feel this essence waking up within you. Something bright and beautiful is about to happen in your life.

4 Thought - Four refers to the energy of thought. When four is the number, be very aware of your thought processes. Keep your thoughts extremely positive because in the world of thought, they can be manifested immediately in any direction.

5 Love - Five is the unconditional Love number of the Creator. When the number is five, expect anything around you that can resonate in love and take advantage of it. Be in love and feel love surrounding it. When he chooses love as the foundation of each decision, everything comes down perfectly in the light.

6 Mastery - A number six reminds you that you are in control of your life. Take this opportunity to focus on mastery. Complete all lessons and leave nothing undone. As a teacher of your own life, make decisions that allow you to ascend to new levels of conscious knowledge.

7 Transition - The number seven offers you the possibility of transition and change. You can experience this simultaneously on multiple levels and move from one level to the next. It is in the flow of change and transformation.

8 Infinity - The number eight means that the present is being experienced in two realities at the same time, as in a continuous link. It is in simultaneous connection with both energies, that of the spirit (not physical) and the matrix (physical). If you can stay in the center of the circuit looking out in both directions, you are in a good space.

9 Completion - Nine indicates that the termination is at hand and that it is time to follow. Recognize that you have the choice to complete anything you choose in your life. The beauty of a termination is that it always leads to a new beginning with the number one again.

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