Mary says: remain in prayer to reach the awakening of humanity

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Fill your whole being and the chakra of your hearts with the Love that emanates from Christ as if it were a Sun of love 2 In this way you will have inside a sun in which the Light of the heart not only of the cosmic Christ, but also of the Creative Source 3 “Kodoish kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth”: Holy, Holy is God, the Lord of armies 4 You need to have the capacity and desire to understand and accept this high vibration

Dear hearts of Light, this changing world in which you find yourself needs a vibration of light and love, since it turns out to be essential to finally be able to reach the awakening of all humanity . That is why, dear brothers, I invite you to remove from your bodies all that energy that weighs on you and does not let you move forward. In this message the energy of Mary, his mother, speaks to them in order to invite each of his children to purify his body and renew himself with the energy of light and love that emanates from Christ Jesus, to invite them to open their hearts to receive and merge not only this powerful energy, but also the wisdom and splendor they need to reach their awakening.

You are all invited to see the star of David, which emits that Merkabah Light that everyone knows, through the upper pyramid that symbolizes the heart and flame of love in the cosmic Christ. You all have the ability to integrate this powerful energy into the chakra of your hearts, and then transmit it to the crystal heart of Gaia, where the Light of Mother Earth is located. Open your hearts and welcome the energies provided by Christ Jesus, the Cosmic Christ.

Fill your whole being and the chakra of your hearts with the Love that emanates from Christ as if it were a Sun of love

By opening their hearts to that energy, they will also receive the energy of the Love of Helios, which in the name of YHWH-Yod he Vod he and in the name of Jesus Christ, will not only fill his whole being, his body and his heart, but also all its cells and electrons. This energy has the ability to transform them and allow them to rise, so they must again request the presence of the Archangels when they make their prayers, to receive the Metatron cube, which is nothing more than an energy of Love that will allow them to connect with the Trinidad: Melchizedek, Michael and Metatron .

When requesting the presence of the Archangels, to receive the Metatron cube they must say 4 times the following:

Michael Yod, Hey, Vod Hey.

Raphaël Yod Hé Vod Him.

Gabriel Yod Hé Vod Him.

Uriel Yod He Vod Hey.

In this way, they will receive the energy of the heart of the Creative Source and the cosmic Christ, which will fill both their being and their spirit as well as their body and heart with an energy of light and love, which will not only transform them, but also it will elevate you to reach a greater knowledge about the light and wisdom of the Holy Spirit that is within each one of you, allowing you to incarnate and find perfection. Through that knowledge, they will be able to integrate and understand the splendor that possesses everything that is granted to them while they are in this world.

Dear beings of light, you must be in understanding to finally be able to receive the presence of Mary, your Mother and Queen of Angels, who is always covering you with her Light and Love due to her power of compassion and perseverance, of so that they are allowed to continue with their purpose on Earth through the prayers and projections of love they make each day. Mary, who is always present with all of you, encourages you to take this step with courage and affirmation, but above all, with perseverance to achieve your liberation and the awakening of humanity.

In this way they will have within them a sun in which the Light of the heart is present not only of the cosmic Christ, but also of the Creative Source

As we have already said, this world that is constantly transformed requires a vibration of light and love that allows human beings to reach their awakening . But for that, they need to understand that when they pray, they activate the divine names of the beings of light that are on a higher plane, so they call the power of love from the creative source, whose purpose is to awaken the heart. n of humanity, of each of the beings that are part of God's people.

Kodoish kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth : Holy, Holy is God, the Lord of armies

You must understand that it is necessary that each of you, together with your brothers and sisters in this world, pray and ask, so that the awakening of humanity towards a greater awareness of Light that allows you to know reality and what they really are
The energy of each one of the vertices of Light that is in the body of Gaia, arose after the apparitions of Mary in different places of the Earth occurred.

These vertices are like acupuncture points, which are activated with the purpose of radiating not only Light, but also a powerful energy that comes from the love of the sacred feminine of Mary and the holy spirit. In the same way, you have to understand that you currently need to be incorporated into the vibration of light and superior love from the Cosmic Christ, which has transmuted the energies within all of you through the different divine rays.

They need to have the capacity and desire to understand and accept this high vibration

Do not fool yourself by resting and thinking: " I have already done everything that was necessary, the rest I leave to the Beings of Light ." On the contrary, convert yourself into those beings who are responsible for binding, who connect those of your brothers and sisters who are not on the right path with the Beings of Light, Heavenly Hierarchies, Lords of the Elements, Angels and Archangels Understand the different divine rays, regardless of whether it is the ascension flame, the divine flame, the violet flame, the flame of life and resurrection, all of them are a powerful tool with great potential which allows them to transform energy and generate the vibration that all humanity needs to have its awakening.

The people of God, little by little, are waking up from their lethargy, so the number of beings who understand that there is a much larger divine plan is increasing, which tries to be minimized by the fallen in order to prevent the beings of light in this world understand the perfection of the dimensional ascension that will take place from this earth to a higher plane. To understand this is to make the human beings of the earth and those who are on the other side of the veil, cross into that reality that the creative source has elaborated. So we insist on praying daily to ask the universe for the help of the Celestial Hierarchy, so that through the beings of light, all humanity can reach their awakening and activate their understanding of the wisdom and the superior plan found in Your global conscience.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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