Pedagooogía 3000 Bulletin # 77, Evolutionary Movement in Education

We thank Tamina lvarez and Eduardo Ferrer a from Amatreya, Argentina, Evolutionary Education for this valuable information on the evolutionary movements in education and we wish them much success with this education So accurate for the Third Millennium. Go ahead!

The movement and the creation

Everything in Creation, in the Universe is permanently in motion.
Every particle, every manifestation of life, however varied, is in permanent movement, our body is always moving, internally full of life that comes and goes, cells, organs, air that enters and comes out, and much more life.
At the same time we move interacting with the experience we are doing.
Getting around is part of being alive ...
When the movement begins to stop, life begins to stagnate ...
to renew ourselves, we need to enter the movement's current.

The movement allows us to come into direct contact with creation.
It is the permanent flow of evolution.
It allows us to get in touch with the experience.

Photo: Sufi Dances

Movement and Art

In the relationship with Art, movement is the integration of time and space. We can observe how Music is contained in time because it is a sequence of sounds organized in a certain time. In turn, the plastic, either in plane or in volume, occupies a certain space. When working with the movement, in whatever manifestation (dance, exercise, sport, etc.) this is a sequence of movements during a certain time, in a given space. Thus integrating both concepts.

Time and space

Time allows us to sort the experience, the space to realize it ... Then, time and space allows us to order the experience we are doing.

In the work of Evolutionary Education, every learning process is contained in the integration with the Movement. We bring the movement to teaching, it is integrated into the contents, it is not something separate, fragmented ... it is an activity that is part of the learning process, because the contents of the evolutionary education program are all integrated.

How to work the Movement in the classroom?

Recognize the body as creator and work at the same time, that is, to be able to see the body as the sacred space that it is, which contains us and allows us to be in this experience, Here and Now. As a vehicle that receives us and delivers all the necessary information that it brings from the kingdoms and elements so that our conscience inhabits it and we begin to relate to it.

From this clarity, body awareness is not only knowing what my body is like, but recognizing the body's own intelligence and the way it has to communicate with our consciousness is through movements, some very subtle others more obvious.

Every time we start the class, we play games to integrate this awareness, connection works with the body, to feel, to bring attention. There is a lot of variety of exercises, from jumping, yoga, brain gymnastics, dance, tai chi, chi kun, body games, etc. Spend a few moments before starting the class, or activity of the day. In addition, the movement helps us to unload mental fatigue, saturation or to unlock retained emotions, which in the process of learning and teaching are always emerging and it is necessary to be able to give it a cause. If the group is in a state of blockage, nothing better than a good dance or body game, to loosen and continue. Or if the group is tired, Chi kun helps us, or techniques to activate the body's energy channels to improve attention. That is, the trainers must have movement tools, but have them integrated, because only what I have integrated is what I can teach.

In turn, the contents that are being taught can be represented with the body, in order to activate the integration of consciousness through body expression.

If the group is in a state of blockage, nothing better than a good dance or body game, to loosen and continue.

Important points to consider in the educational work with the movement

Body communication

We integrate body awareness as an element of communication, although there is no external movement, a vibration is always emanating. Watch how I move while I educate, what energy radiates my body. It's simple: look at a person, and watch for a while, look at his body, his movement, all this will tell you about it, what he does ...

If that person is also trying to teach you something, his movement would have to be completely done with that teaching, because much more information enters the brain through the movement that is perceived than by the words heard ...

Body expression

Become aware that we are permanently transmitting a process of consciousness. Our body speaks and expresses itself. Learning to play from what the body expresses is a great key ... Helping children become aware of the movements that their body performs when they are communicating with others is a way to help them recognize who they are and how they can manifest themselves in the world. Play mime games, or free walks in the room in which each one knows how each one is by the way they walk.


The way we gesture while we talk is part of the movement that must accompany the message that is transmitted in coherence and at the same time help anchor that message from love. Smooth, fluid, harmonious gestures will always invite you to focus attention from an open attitude, thus facilitating the learning process.

The right hemisphere learns through movement.

Younger age, more active is the movement

Types of integrated movement activities (which can be deepened through the specific Evolutionary Education training workshops):

Dance for children : circulars, which are an experience of much integration and connection with others as well as with the sacredness of the circle and respect for the other.

Inner sword : that enhances the development of courage, firmness and discipline. In addition to fostering the capacity for self-observation for the growth of the inner Self.

Musical games : that stimulate auditory awareness and movement coordination. In addition to working directly in the integration of hemispheres.

Brain Gymnastics : exercises that help the integration of hemispheres and facilitate the emotional and integral harmonization of being.

Body expression : theater activity, which favors the development of conscious communication and work with creativity.

Remember that at a younger age more active is the movement, and this key is directly related to the impulse of life ... therefore if I want to activate life in myself, or in the students I work with, nothing better than a good connection with the movement to ignite the willing potential and renew the stagnant…

Enjoy in harmony with the evolutionary movement!

Information and Coordination of the Evolutionary Education network
Tamina Álvarez and Eduardo Ferrería

Photos of the Amatreya Center, Alta Gracia, Argentina, of the Evolutionary Education Network

Photos taken from: Pedagooogía 3000 Files and the following Web pages

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