The Lunar Messenger Full Moon of Aries 2011 astrosign "The Wind of Aquarius 10: Electricity

  • 2011

Introduction: Aries represents the highest point of the Spirit, where it descends from the upper circles, the impulse for the new year. This seed is sown during the time from the new moon to the full moon of Aries, and it is a very sacred time. In the body, Aries rules the upper part of the head, through which we can receive the electric fire of the Spirit. That is why the theme of this month's Lunar Messenger is: "Wind of Aquarius 10: Electricity."

Current and Electrical Appliances

In our home we receive electricity through the wire line system. When the main switch is on, the current diffuses and the connected electrical devices work. When the switch is off, all devices are dead and the bulb stops shining.

Only the presence of the current makes the devices work. The light in the bulb indicates that there is electricity. We cannot see electricity; However, we can realize its presence through its effect. What happens to the light when we press the switch? It does not cease to exist but returns to its source. Light, so to speak, is absorbed in electricity and continues to exist in potential form. As soon as we open the circuit, the electric current disappears. It escapes into space as water escapes through drains into a river or the ocean. Space is an ocean of electricity, but we cannot perceive it. As soon as we close the circuit, electricity is drawn back to it, and the light shows with its brightness that the current is back again.

Pure water is conducted by pipes for our use and consumption; The same goes for the flow. Water is the physical form of electricity, the basis of every movement of the life force. Creation is an expression of the waters of space, of the ether. And in the same way that Nature distils water in the form of clouds, electricity is purified as life in space. We call it life force. The electromagnetic field around the Earth forms the vital plane that the CVV Master calls "abundance of prana." The life of the planet develops in him. All living beings born on the planet lead this life as their individual electromagnetic field.

Electricity States

Pure existence is the background of all created things. It cannot be defined, it can only be experienced. This is how electricity exists, although we cannot see it. Cosmic or electric fire, which is beyond shapes and colors and cannot be described, is expressed as solar fire and as friction fire. These three fires are "flames", states of existence: pure existence, material existence, the existence between them, where matter and spirit can be experienced. When we take electricity as a spirit, solar fire is the flame of the soul, and the body is fire by friction. In fact, there is no separation of spirit and matter, except for the limited purpose of our understanding. It is the mind that divides.

Matter with all its differentiations is but a range of balances between the states of the same electricity. The nuclear activity of atoms, the biological activity of cells and the chemical reactions of molecules are all states of electricity. The currents of heat, light and magnetism are nothing but various states of electricity that are not yet fully known within the modern concept of electricity. It will be proven in the future that what we call life, mind, humor, concept, emotion etc., are all manifestations of the same electricity that exists in the space around the earth.

Be it bone or neuron, it is essentially the essence one. The neuron is electric and burning, while in the bone, fire is more hidden and less active. The lower the degree of fire, the denser the form; The higher its degree, the more subtle is the form. Bones are solid and physically dense, the eye is more permeable. Neurons are full of electricity. In comparison with the other body cells they are thin, but nevertheless they are very dense. While we are busy with worldly things, the brain also becomes increasingly dense and impermeable.

The Spark of Intuition

Rules and exercises have been given to make the brain more receptive and to transform cells. Working with colors, light and sound, we involve the brain in subtle matters. The deepest transformations happen in silence. Invoking the Master the energies are being transmitted and impurities are being removed from our system. An electrical signal flashes through us and intuition occurs in a fraction of a second. We know something is true, but we don't understand the logic behind it. For a good reception of impulses through neurons, Master EK recommended eating clarified butter (ghee). Thus the brain works better, we develop greater openness and hidden understanding develops.

The Main Switch

The head belongs to the electric fire; there may occur the upper lighting. As soon as our heads are illuminated and in tune with the divine Plan, the whole system is illuminated. The energies enter through the upper vault of the head. The center of the head is the most electric point; Its outermost point is the Ajna center. It is shown as a point of light through which light enters us. In its vicinity is the pituitary gland. When stimulated by the electrical impulse, light propagates through the nervous system. Thus, the pituitary is the main switch; As soon as it is linked to the surrounding current, the entire system receives electricity and can operate. Therefore, the Hindu seers fully recommend meditating on the center of the forehead; They do not consider it so important to work with the other centers to invoke the Light within us.


Well combed hair facilitates the orderly flow of electric currents; The hair itself is, in fact, electric. In earlier times the connoisseurs wore their hair split to the center and well-combed, so that the divine structures could manifest through them. They divided their hair into two equal parts, and from the point of the medulla in their neck they intertwined seven times, since the head is the pole of consciousness that connects with the seven planes of creation. Native Americans in North and Central America, and also Indians - both men and women - have maintained their hair in this way. Nor should it be kept dry. Natural oils work against a loss of electrical energy. The hair directs the surrounding thoughts towards us. Cutting your hair gives freshness. Some people have a tonsure when they want to receive new ways of thinking and to start a new project with a fresh new approach.

Connecting with the Current

The present Age of Aquarius is also called the age of electricity; before this cycle, humanity did not know electricity. Now we can understand the essence of electricity better and better because our bodies become more and more electric. The bodies of those born after 1945 are thinner than the previous bodies, and since then, the bodies have become increasingly subtle and electric. The understanding of many children is far superior to that of the older ones. Their perceptions are better, faster, and deeper. Synthesis energies that permeate the planet are like an increase in electrical current. They flow from source One, which is also called THE MASTER. All Masters are transmitters of this electrical energy. By invoking it and connecting with it, it increases our voltage. Within a short period of time we can feel a weak electrical current in the body. She loads the vital body and removes blockages in the etheric matter. It is the energy of Master One working through many souls because there is only one electricity illuminating many focuses. This electricity reinforces the current in us and leads us to the realization. So, we are an instrument that expresses the light.

Sources: KP Kumar: Uranus. The Alchemist of the Era / Seminar notes. E. Krishnamacharya: Wisdom of the Heavens. The World Teacher Trust / Editions Dhanishta Spain. (


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