The Council of the Twelve - "Fun"

  • 2014

DEEPLY AWAKEN: ENREDADO - 5-3-14 by Kathy Vik

That's how we started.

We will tell you some news, of what you are becoming; We maximize the impact, weave threads of thoughts within octaves of meaning, and allow each reader to interpret with which symbols, in reality, with which letters on the page he / she resonates. The beauty of this system ensures that those who read, who listen, see or attend, those who are with us now, are here with a purpose. If that purpose is to contrast the sustained interpretations by introducing a little color and light into a quiet and submissive picture, so be it. Use whatever you want, and leave the rest.

So this day we want to explain the theory of personality in terms that may be different from those previously presented. There are visuals and metaphors, if they seem practical.

Imagine a ball of Light with coded information, a ball of clouds that you have begun to talk about in your computer science. A cloud of information, an interconnected traveling light, highly coded information. The ball is aware, of course, and because of its construction it can be understood that this information ball knows everything, has access to all the information.

Nothing is retained, everything is available in this ball of Light.

Imagine that this ball wants to experience in consciousness. Knowing, being, loving, a pale word, everything is beautiful and intensely gratifying. And there is more. There is always more.

Can you imagine that such a ball exists here with you right now, while you are scanning the words that scan the words? This ball of Light has sent a spark, a representative, a probe, one could say that you are this entity that has been created with love to experience a reality that she wishes to understand in a deeply satisfying and highly creative way, a highly productive way. and evolved.

It cannot be any other way, this is the core, its central truth; you are an emanation of Light, a part of the All, of a tangled consciousness of such intensity, brilliantly loving, compassionate, and benevolent.

To say that you are a part of it, does this not imply a separation from what we are talking about?

What separates them from us is biology, we have said.

Understand that this biology is fixed, calibrated, to perceive in a certain way and time; This is one of the factors in this biology, in this reality, in the present, so to speak.

The past, present and future linear consciousness, beginning, middle and final part, letter after letter on a page that results in a configuration [Gestalt], a state of feeling that could move them to reexamine their perceptions, this is part of the establishment in this reality, the one that surrounds you, so involved are you that even now perhaps you are not convinced that when you dream you meet again in the reality from which you emanate.

Linear time is a means to assist biology in its progression, in its connection. Is it possible then to be biological and not linear?

This question is fabulous since it has many answers, and each one of them is correct.

And with this question we ask you to consider your TV.

Consider that each entity embodied at this time has as part of their equipment a viewing box, a television with which the personality sees and interacts with its reality. Gaining a slightly higher perspective, seeing in many of these televisions one can see that some of them are receiving black and white images, while others have color televisions. And there are a few sure that they are hovering without having any television. We will leave these for last, because they are very unique individuals.

Consider that the resonance, the state of feeling, the tone of the programming, is fixed with the amount of color on the TV. The black and white programs are those that are rigid, show the best to the good and bad, the punishments, the winners and losers, the victims and perpetrators. This programming is fine, fascinating, and based on fear. Driven by karma. Valuable, necessary and valid.

While each one carries out their daily work, consider that the television in the background is always on, or better than that, consider that the television is translucent and that the sound can only be perceived by the owner of the television, and that the transmission exerts an influence on what happens inside the body and mind and the emotions of those who see it, and therefore, exerts an influence on all the relationships with which it comes into contact.

As more and more colors are introduced to the TV, you notice that the programming itself begins to change. There are more shows with wider themes, less hand-to-hand fighting, and the viewer's perspective is altered every time more colors are introduced to the TV.

Of course this in a metaphor suitable for one's physical brain, the cells are very convinced that they are some kind of almost magical machine. No, the brain can be considered the seat of a portal, and this portal is the pineal gland. With this opening the color is introduced, the focus is changed, and it is increasingly available to the viewer, so to speak.

This is being sent today to all those who are interested to remind them that color, light, variety, all these things are activators. Joy is an activator. The acts of kindness, interest, intimacy, depth, happiness, they are activators. Completion, resolution and epiphany are the result of activation dear ones.

This is as if the latent receptors in one's countenance began to illuminate and there was a wave, and soon enough a light was introduced, since the color is appreciated and is not seen as a threat but as a gift; ah !!! We tell you then that you could be walking among anyone and be known as a friend.

There is always a way to show love, honor, high esteem, if you feel it, and without having to move any living being away. We wish to anchor this very especially.

There has been a great clearing, a great harvest, and from this it is understood and it must be declared that this softness that you seek, this softness that you seek lies within, and lies in the most sacred chamber, a camera that only you can access.

You have this knowledge, you know this place. It is a place that everyone seeks and in which some dwell, a place of great love for oneself, of self-acceptance and self-knowledge.

There is nothing within you, and there has never been anything inside you that the Creator considers failed. You are this ball of Light, you are an emanation of a Love so full that it is unknown in this density. He remains hidden, and the high compass of the music he emits leads everyone to the Home, in the body or in death; everyone comes to know that they were never anything other than powerful creators, powerful solar angels, having a crazy journey in consciousness, with no other purpose other than being.

Competition, limitation, forgiveness, failure, success, these are terms without meaning here where you are with us.

We ask you to consider, those who wish to have tact in their dealings while they shine their light even more brightly, we ask you to consider using your sense of humor as they are beginning to see how seriously it should be taken this in mind in order to learn the lessons.

Many have begun to lose their magnetism towards certain types of thinking, with previous fields of agreement, we will say. Great strips of social conditioning are in ruins in the beings of many this day, and we say: thank you for your work. Those who work know that the new structures are standing now and are obstructed from sight only by the psychic, so to speak, marks of the past that each of you is dismantling now. with his sacred intention.

So we will end this lesson. Deep in meditation, high inside the Sun, we suggest to the channel that it would be nice to have a coffee rate.

The channel was aware that many times recently she has been deeply indecisive about the dumbest things. Where to go for lunch, what to do in the afternoon, what to buy or how to dress. These simple decisions have become a great challenge, we would say, and we are embracing our dear as we write.

She sank at that moment because of the tension created by these two elections, start the transmission or drink a rich cup of coffee. We tell you this to illustrate that this choice, only one choice, should always always bring a cascade of activities and probabilities, as you all know.

We show you that at this moment of choice there is neither right nor wrong. There is a preference. There is a style, we say, and there is fun, creativity and joy.

So getting up and going for a rich coffee rate became deliciously difficult. Then we interrupted her and told her some things, and we are telling you the same thing to finish.

Dear ones, it is now possible to have greater access to the probability fields than it once was for you. As such, it may seem to you sometimes that simple decisions lose their simplicity as you are more able to feel beyond the argumentative and action lines. We do not expect you to believe us. We simply ask you to follow your argumentative line.

Being able to receive more data is easier to make decisions and begin to appear to be strangely powerful, and frankly too important. Nothing is life and death, my dear ones. You, among all people, know this by now.

So we explain that to make any decision, but especially those that appear to make them stumble or paralyze them, we ask you to use a very simple general rule.

When faced with a decision, consider the story script, the thought or behavior that feels most fun.

Will we dare say it? Will we dare to introduce levitation to this bleak cathedral of thought? Fun! fun! fun!

When was the last time you shouted for joy, laughed loudly, hugged someone longer than usual? Are you looking for ways to be kind, friendly, and looking to laugh?

When was the last time they allowed themselves a pleasure with which they knew they were aligned, who felt good but was "out of character", or something totally new?

We ask that as divine beings they are to see their options around them, and then decide to do whatever is more fun. Perhaps what is more out of character, what they have not tried but feel that he calls them, pulls them towards him because it sounds fun.

Contrary to what your loved ones do by watching black and white TVs, choosing what is fun often involves lives of deep service, deep sacrifice and firm diligence. Fun for us does not imply irresponsibility, but is integral to a mature and spiritually responsible human being.

Jokes, fun, joy, celebration, singing, ah! When was the last time you brought something to the office for someone simply because they thought it could be fun? Did you think this morning that it would be fun to dress in that shirt that you have never worn? What would be FUN to do right now?

If there is a server, a bearer of the Light going through hardships, sacrifices, willing to effort, this will be lightened with fun. We say that any work, and we ask you to start believing this, any work can be fun.

In addition, as your television begins to be flooded with colors, you will begin to see that there is this element of iridescent joy that runs throughout each and every encounter and experience you have had, and are having now or will never resonate. in your memory, restore them when they feel fatigued, lighten your heart when they feel tired. How strange for us to tell you that even in the depths of its darkest limb there is a fun element.

We know it, we know it, it is a sacrilege to say such things, and we don't cross this line too often, but from time to time it must be said that these great adventures of consciousness, even nailed ones, are carried out because they are fun to do.

We do not expect those who are sorry to understand us. We understand that an absence of fun makes the image boring, drains the color and vitality of the experience. Fear does that.

It's like lead, it's slow; but he still understands, fundamentally understands vitality, strength, joy, joy, fun. It is his brother, his guardian and his twin, and its depth is known for the absence of Light, fun, joy, happy hearts, grateful bodies, totally open minds.

This heaviness from which everyone on Earth is moving away, seriousness and high risks, this is a thought based on fear. There's another way.

So we give a message to the third group, the 'weird guys' who we've been waiting to talk to.

We will say that before humanity there is much to do, much work and service to be provided, much to dismantle, do you see it? And we ask those who understand this message this day to take their tools and happy hearts with the strength and precision that only gratitude and recognition and laughter can provide, and we ask that you continue any and all work with joy in your hearts, with color in your speech, with a lightness that you do not diminish but have learned to soften.

They smile, see the clouds with which they like to talk, feel their feet being grabbed by their mother, smile with their own incandescent smile that knows of approval, my dear ones.

Let it come from your heart, a heart that no longer sees the old programs, the repetitions, the endless spiral circles of emotions pointing to the lack that you have come to personify.

You are ours, and we are yours. Seylah

The Council of the Twelve

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