Coronal Injection Beloved Sananda

  • 2016

The great activity in the crown chakra, or the sensation of weight in the head, is given, by the photonic injection of light in its coronal area, it will increase in the next two days ace.

They will be subject to much adaptation to the incoming energy and also to the energy emanating from Gaia's own vibration.

These energies are going to allow you to restore your octahedral consciousness that you call in some cultures or diamond, in others.

It is the first consolidation of their crystalline memories, which will give them a great activity at the cellular level.

What is this for? I ask--

To integrate the movement at the right times, many of you live pending the synchronicities and the signs, because now it is your turn to experience that these synchronicities have always been there, although you did not perceive them or according to you, they were not what they expected, because they were contrary to their wishes.

When the entrance of coronal energy reaches the star farm of Gaia, on the sole of your feet down, about 20 cm, it is when you can really draw your own path, what some call your own destiny.

Well, all this is the manifestation of his contract of lama, what his being asked for and came to experience on his trip to Gaia, as a human being.

What you, "theoretically do not remember" your solar being if it is in constant communication with you, through the navel chakra, and he has to dwarf, his vibration for human experience, now, in full cellular transformation, or body is expands, unlocking, to be able to integrate your solar consciousness into the physically.

Therefore, energy integration through the crown farm is the one who really nurtures their experience, it is the information that allows them to physically experience their life purpose.

The pranic channel is the energy regulator of experiences, and its function is to keep them from forgetting themselves, keep them as synchronous and balanced as possible, away from extreme polarities, which disorient them and move them away from their purpose of life.

When the mind creates realities, all the internal filaments of prana extend, to nourish those realities, where you are going to live that experience, and through your connection with the incoming energy in the crown, coming from the universal light and from the information of your other transpersonal chakras at the top of your head, such as the star chakra of the soul, that of stellar consciousness etc ... is when said energy and wisdom, can actively participate in their physical experiences and guide them or allow them to experience reality, who feel it has to be.

That is why we must not reject mental creations, they are the co-creative instrument of authentic reality, which must be balanced, because they delegated all their power to it, including the manifestation, which belongs to their second farm in union with the chakra of the heart and with the middle point, between the pituitary and the pineal in the 6 chakra.

(Sananda shows me, as if all this strand of light, had wrinkled upwards and we only used, half a thread, due to the lack of roots in our lives due to emotional causes).

Now, the injection of sunlight into the coronal chakra, and those little tickles or fire they feel lowering their spine or back, is the restoration of these filaments or strands of light, as if we were lowering them in balance to the base of their spine to that energy can travel again through prana and actively fill them with energy.

Many of you, feel huge gaps of sadness or unjustified crying these days, are ancestral memories, that need to leave, and that by resonance to anything, be it a look, a person or a smell, by cellular physical memory, wake up and sprout abroad, without more.

They are not at any time, depressive states, they are stagnant emotional states, which are regulated in their interior, as they go abroad, and for the first time in thousands of years, their physical selves, do not analyze so much where it comes from or why, Feel them, hurry them to the end and learn from them, and look for resources to identify your authentic messages in them.

Beloved girl, being visceral, what a difficult truth? Many of you are more visceral and passionate, or polarized than ever after years of spiritual work, you do not control your instincts ... yes you control them, it is just that your wounds internal, those who sacrificed for emotional pacts are being shown outside, uncontrollably, so that they show themselves as they are, with their good and not so good things. So that others know their silences, their anxieties, their fears and thus, together with you, situations can be restored, goodness is not born from the silence or annulment of anyone, but in the construction of balance.

That is why this incoming energy from August 24 to 26 and onwards, is an opening of internal memories, of awareness about oneself, and of exteriorization of everything so intimate, that they did not even imagine that it was still important, for their life, or they thought it was closed and over .

From the sun and Alcyon, the activity in Gaia is beautiful, she takes a long time in her authentic vibration, and you advance every day more in your interdimensional change, through consciousness and your heart chakra. Everything is fine, personal processes, are the key to change, conflicts in some countries of your planet, are "getting off the ground" to be balanced, do not look at what does not work yet, look at the progress, and vibrate in joy and that Joy will spread.

Many of you live strategically spread across the planet, as antennas of an immense network of light, when the whole network vibrates the rest by resonance will remember the magic of living, so do your part of the plan.


That is the authentic spiritual transformation, to love the experience as part of the path, and to find the essence of each one of them, and then its point of assembly in the chakra of the heart, thymus and point of the soul will begin to resonate so loudly, that thousands of people will join him immediately by resonance.

Allow yourself to create your life, and allow others your personal development, a big hug from the central Sananda sun.

AUTHOR: Elsa Farrus


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