Weekly Message from Master Hilarion: This is a time of prayer without ceasing

  • 2015


This is a time of prayer without ceasing (NT: The channeler connects here to a link to its website where it publishes a Decree to the Violet Flame by Master Hilarion, taken from an external page. The translation of this Decree is included at the end of this message). Every person on Earth needs to align with the Source and know who he is - a child of Divinity. They have to assume a position in their minds and hearts about what is good and right, follow the golden rule. Whenever those who do not follow these basic precepts of the universal law create havoc and chaos for themselves, it is the responsibility of each individual to show the highest qualities they are capable of defending. Each one of you who has a heart full of love does more to sustain and maintain balance on this planet beyond what you can never know. Do not be discouraged, because you have the strength inside to be as strong as the times you are in and it is important that you exercise this attribute to maintain your balance.

It is important to stay connected and aligned to the new energies every day, and reinforce these energies in your own being. This does more than you can imagine to help humanity and Earth pass through the eye of the needle. The crossroads on which we have spoken to you before is clearly before you, each person must make their choice, move forward or stay in the old paradigm that is now hitting and shouting to retain their control. You already know the answer to this and it can only be an option and that choice is love. Be the love that burns within your hearts and persevere. Do what you can to provide assistance, send your light and love to those areas of the planet that are in need of it and make sure you are in control of yourself, do not react to chaos in a way that compromises what you are in your inside.

Keep your balance and hold the door open to the light and the promising future . Use your discernment at all times. Remember, if you do not feel good or good, then in all likelihood it is not good, so do not believe in everything you hear or surrender your power. You control every situation in which you find yourself through what you empower. You are your own saviors, no one else can do the internal work, but you. It is time for them to use their light to transform. There is much deep within you that now seeks to express itself outwardly. The energies are changing and now new levels of well-being are being established. They have not lost ground because everyone is in a state of flux. Follow your guidance and inner direction with faith and determination of steel.

They are entering a new phase of soul development and it is important to be true to themselves, to know themselves. The changes that have been forged in the etheric realms are now being expressed on the physical plane. It is a new beginning in a new level of spiritual expression and as with everything new, a period of adaptation is required to acclimatize to the new level. As you go inside, you will receive guidance and support from the higher realms. The answers are within themselves and not "out there" so they are required to be still and listen. This is where they have access to greater resources and understanding.

As changes within it occur, a new frame of reference and direction is recognized. The evolution of being has given birth to a new aspect that brings new beginnings and a new and exciting awareness of the possibilities that lie before you. They will find a new purpose and a renewed commitment to the path of evolution in which they find themselves. You have everything you need to make steady progress towards further expansion in soul growth and an understanding of higher perspectives is rooted within. Know that you are loved and supported by your family of light at all times .

Until next week…


Video version available here (in English):



Precious Presence of God, I AM in me,

Listen to me now what I decree

Carry every blessing that I claim

About each Holy Christ Self of each and everyone.

Let the violet flame of freedom envelop the world

For everything to be a unit

Saturate the Earth and its people, too

With the increased Critical Radiation shining through everything

I AM this action from sovereign God

Held by the hand of Heaven's love

Transmuting the causes of discord here

Removing the causes for anyone to fear


All the power of the love of freedom

Elevate the entire Earth to Heaven

Violet fire now burning bright

In the living beauty of God's own light

That in this moment and forever

Set the world, myself, and all your life

Eternally free in the perfection of Ascended Master

Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM!

2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana Guardian of the Symphonies of Grace

AUTHOR: Marlene Swetlishoff

SEEN AT: www.therainbowscribe.com

DECREE SEEN AT: http://www.summitlighthouse.org/violet-flame-hilarion/

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