The Ho Pendulum, Harmonize your relations with Ho oponopono and dowsing

  • 2016

The human being is permanently connected to everything that surrounds him by fine and very subtle filaments or energy conduits through which beneficial and revitalizing energy circulates or, conversely, through which toxic energy flows In general, we do not usually clean those channels and accumulate dirt and energy density in our relationship with everything, even with nature. Ancestral cultures with greater sensitivity than ours have noticed these connections and have devised processes to help us clean ourselves. Once we are free of that density, we experience the fullness in each and every one of our relationships. We can go out and all our meetings will be harmonious and peaceful because nothing dense or toxic circulates through these channels reactivating our defense mechanisms, aggression etc.

The Ho s is the result of the investigations of Baj-pendulos Espa aa root of the work of development of the Pendulum of the Angels. Thus, we discovered that with certain pendulums of vibrational dowsing, we could gain access to radiative spiritual and healing radistatic qualities that accurately reflect the principles of the oponophone Ho .

This ancient Hawaiian practice is a group process of conflict resolution through intention, prayer, love, forgiveness and gratitude. Its maximum exponent in recent years and its publication throughout the world has undoubtedly been Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who learned this process from Morrnah Simeona, Kahuna Lapa au , healer with words and considered a national treasure in her country.

Dr. Len was able to discharge his patients from the psychiatric ward in Hawaii thanks to the Hoopon process on them without even consulting them. As he described Joe Vitale in his book Zero Limits, Dr Len would simply have repeated over and over again: I love you, Thank you holding each patient's records and responsible 100% of the erroneous memories in his subconscious, which gave rise to the manifestation in his reality of sick patients.

The four great principles of Ho oponopono are summarized in four key words or medicinal keys for our conscience: I'm Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, Thank You . Each of these words will enter a whole process of understanding, transformation and updating in a way of perceiving reality from a healed perspective, when we have been able to clear our subconscious memories responsible for what our mind projects out .

In the Ho 'Pendulum we find the vibration of I Feel it, in the cord that holds the pendulum at the height of a gray marker. This vibration corresponds to the upper octave of the Negative Green, an information highway through which we transmit who we are and what our state of consciousness is at every moment. In humans, negative green is found mainly in the area of ​​the feet as opposed to the positive green that we find in the area of ​​the head. Thus, we receive the energies of Heaven, the Chi of heaven and transmit those energies filtered by our organism to the feet, in the direction of the earth. The vibration of I Feel it in Ho 'oponopono coincides with this process. It is about feeling our relationships to the point of being able to realize our perception errors through the mechanism of feeling, the resentful emotion in our bodies, filtered from the head, to the heart to the belly, to the feet. It represents our total capacity to feel everything that happens to us in our relationships with everything that is: with plants, animals, objects, situations, planets, the Cosmos, ourselves. Many times, one of the main relationship problems we have is that we don't stop to FEEL our relationships. To feel each other. If we could simply be present for the Other, from that state free of judgment and allow ourselves to feel and allow the other person to feel, many relationship problems would disappear in a loving hug.

The vibration of I Love You, is in the upper octave of the positive Green in the Ho 'Pendulum. Positive green is the color present par excellence in nature, the great neutralizing agent and toxicity harmonizer par excellence. When with the Ho 'Pendulum we find that a precise relation of this vibration is indicating that we must love everything radically. Love is the great medicine that heals everything if we can open ourselves fully to it.

The excuse me vibration is in the Ho 'pendulum at the height of the indigo marker. This tells us that forgiveness necessarily goes through a change in perspective indicated by that radically- so special color, since it affects our third eye, providing a new vision of things. The erroneous memories that make us a filter by way of glasses with which we see our own biased and limited version of reality, are those that we have to transform by opening ourselves to a new perspective. It is remembering who we are in essence and who the Other is, that we understand the Oneness of all things and can let go of the false scripts that we have adopted as a result of forgetting the truth of who we are in essence.

The vibration of Thanks, is in the Ho 'pendulum in the position of the marker corresponding to the upper octave of the white radistatic color, a color of purification, illumination, uniqueness, cleaning of the aura. Gratitude with Love are the two great universal medicines. As a result of our radical research we have discovered that the vibrations of ho 'oponopono are included in each other as Russian dolls and thus, Gratitude, includes them all. Thank you includes Sorry, I Love You, Forgive me, the change of perspective. Thanks is the recognition that everything is perfect as it is. That we already recover our sanity and wake up from the false dream proposed by our erroneous memories. Thanks says it all. It is the end point of the process.

We understand thus by unifying the Ho 'oponopono with the vibrating radiestesia, that each of those words or expressions of the ancient Hawaiian practice, are powerful vibratory medicines each with a different healing capacity, appealing to different elements within us to culminate in the Transmutation of our erroneous memories.

Combining Ho 'oponopono's own methodology with the radistatic work that we propose with the Ho Pendulum', in the manual and in the Online courses we offer to improve its management, we see that our healing potential multiplies and expands.

Thus, thanks to the ability of dowsing to measure and diagnose, we can determine in a particular relationship, which principles of Ho'oponopono are more necessary to activate, revitalize to be more effective in healing our relationship. Perhaps it is Love, or Feeling, or rather a cognitive work of mentality change. All this we can find out with the Ho 'Pendulum helping us to further refine internal work.

In the Ho 'Manual you will find very detailed information on how these four principles operate in a process of healing our relationships. Likewise, we describe these spiritual vibratory qualities from a radistatic perspective, since they take on a much more practical sense when working with pendulums integrating these principles.

The vibrations of the Ho 'Pendulum in its four different positions correspond to radistatic vibrations raised one octave above the vibrations commonly recognized through the Universal Pendulum. Both the Ho 'Pendulum, as well as the Pendulum of the Archangels and the Chaga Pendulum emit a vibration that we call Central Pure Vibration (VPC), a radiation present in especially high places, sacred spaces, people at certain times and elevated states of consciousness etc.

Thanks to the VPC, the Ho 'Pendulum offers us the possibility to resonate with the experience of a great focus on our axis, and facilitates a greater connection with our inner Being, our multidimensional connection.

The 40-page manual describes in detail how to conduct a healing session with the Ho 'Pendulum, how to work with specific situations such as our relationship with money.

Likewise, in this video presentation we offer you an example of how to work with the pendulum by applying the Ho 'oponopono principles to a relationship problem.

The Ho 'Pendulum is a radical jewel at the service of harmonizing our relationships. We offer certified online courses of the Pendulum Ho ', the Ho' oponopono and dowsing, as well as Online Courses of the Archangels Pendulum, The Universal Pendulum, The Lecher Antenna, and the Course of Dowsing and Healing with Pendulums Level 1.

More information on The Pendulum of the Arc'ngels: Tool-de-crecimiento-interior/

Dowsing for healing

The Reopening of Vibrating Dowsing

re-awakening-vibesystem-vibration /

Barbara Meneses,

Professor of dowsing, bioenergetic consultant and director of Baj-pendulos.

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