Launching of the Book Resonando. On my Spiritual Path , by Christian Franchini

  • 2019

Book Synopsis Resonating. In my Spiritual Path
ISBN: 978-987-42-7180-8

We are invited to a cosmic symphony! This wonderful vision can tempt us to participate as simple "spectators" comfortably seated in our seats, however if we go further we will have the opportunity to jump from spectators to protagonists, that is exactly what this trip is not touristy.

Adapting a new approach is essential in this trip that also requires us a condition: to be tuned as instruments in each of the planes that comprise the multidimensional being. Such transcendental change in our lives will bring us closer to the Co-creator's sphere.

Multidimensional beings

For more than 2, 500 years the Gnostic Essenes taught the "vibrational" quality of the human, which is amplified when the three dimensions in which the being lives are focused in the same direction, that is, when the thought, feeling and emotion align with so that a new organization is established in the 3D, 4D and 5D planes, from this conception that we can call " coherence", allows us to reach a new state of frequency in the human microcosm. This is something that has been transmitted in all mystical traditions and that science is currently rediscovering, by conceiving the human with two striking qualities; wave and corpuscular .

Notions that obviously will have an impact on humanistic and even anthropological conceptions in an integrative way, since the recognition that we are made up of waves and particles, like light, reveals our divine nature.

Why buy this book?

In this paper that exposes Christian Franchini based on a deep investigation, you will find a series of scientific, mystical, symbolic and archetypal references of the state of Resonance that is key to achieve in this spiral journey, you will also have certain guidelines that will allow you to ¨ refining you ¨ as an instrument that will resonate coherently in all planes.

Surely you are wondering how to be tuned ?, in this new book, you will have certain guidelines and tools with which to recover the state of Connection with the ¨ Music of the Spheres ¨ being currently validated by disciplines such as the Unified Field and Physics Hyperdimensional, which converge in this new approach of Resonance of Being, an aspect that allows us to resonate with the highest vibration frequencies in a flow of Conscious Evolution.

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