SAAMA, Integral Unlocking Therapy. Recover your general well-being and improve your quality of life

  • 2019

What is SAAMA and what is it for?

SAAMA is a very powerful Energy Healing therapy for all those people who want to recover their general well-being and improve their quality of life. It belongs to the new generation of Quantum Therapies that are revolutionizing the world of medicine and coaching at a speed of vertigo. It is a Bioenergetic and Quantum Therapeutic System, unique in its genre, which integrates multiple healing techniques to achieve a single Deep Effects Therapy. SAAMA works from the highest vibration of Love, with the Energy and Power of Intention.

SAAMA is based on energy techniques and merges knowledge of Quantum Medicine (Yuen Method, Now Healing 101, Reiki, Energy Matrix, Quantum Touch, Medicine China, Healing Code, Oren, ITM 1, 2 and 3, Aboriginal Healing, etc.) with knowledge of Western Medicine (Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, etc.), in such a way that SAAMA becomes a fantastic tool to rebalance our body and achieve an optimal state of harmony and well-being.

SAAMA conceives the human being as an energetic being. Just as we incorporate an anatomical anatomy, we also have an energy anatomy, and our health depends on the balance and correct flow of that Energy. During the therapy we work simultaneously the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body, in order to detect all the blockages that are preventing the normal flow of QI (vital energy) and that hinder Lead a full healthy life. Once identified, they are unlocked instantly and safely, allowing the Energy to flow harmoniously healthy through our body. When the energy works correctly, the person also does it and regains his physical, mental and emotional health.

It is useful for treating any imbalance related to health in general, whether it is a particular physical, emotional, mental or spiritual problem and is a simple and powerful technique to solve fears, phobias, anxiety, stress, addictions, allergies, and so on.

Through SAAMA therapy you can improve any aspect of your life quickly, accurately and effectively without assaulting your own body. This is a new paradigm in the process of treatment and healing, because there is no need for long sessions remembering painful events, nor to do hypnosis ... The SAAMA Therapist locates and erases the emotions that were trapped since long ago and were blocked, thoughts, beliefs and inherited programs, habits and patterns that you never knew how to question yourself, and all those negative energies that may be affecting your physical and emotional health.

The results, in most cases, are fast and profound, being able to undergo positive changes from the first session, in other cases, depending on the objective or blocking, several sessions will be necessary. In addition, it is a safe and 100% compatible technique with any medical treatment, it can even help reduce the side effects produced by other therapies.

SAAMA can be successfully applied both in person and remotely, with the patient being anywhere in the world. In addition to being able to work with people of all ages, children, the elderly, etc., it is perfectly applicable to pets, places and spaces that need to heal or harmonize their energies, thus becoming one of the most complete Integrative Therapies that exist today .



SAAMA therapy is framed within quantum therapies, and therefore it is possible to conduct SAAMA sessions at a distance . As the Quantum Physics shows, in the universe the distance does not exist and in the same way, it does not exist for the Unconscious, which is why the necessary connection between the therapist and the person receiving the session can be made regardless of the distance among them. For SAAMA 50 centimeters away or 5, 000 kilometers is the same.

As in the face-to-face sessions, the SAAMA remote session consists of three parts. The first part is to complete a form that is sent by e-mail to the consultant with a series of personal data and some questions about the reason for the consultation. Later we schedule the SAAMA session as if it were a face-to-face session and the therapist performs it at the agreed time. After the session we send the consultant a complete report detailing and explaining each of the corrections that have been made.

The optimal efficiency recommended is three sessions and between one session and the next one a little time must pass, which we specify at the end of the session, and that will allow us to assimilate all the changes that occur in our mind and therefore in our body .

For Energy Review

With the help of the SAAMA protocol, we carry out a complete review of the Energy System, in which any disagreement in the body that may be negatively affecting is identified and corrected.

During the session we checked the status of the main Chakras . The Chakras are psychic-energy centers, the main ones are aligned along the spine and govern a main organ or endocrine gland. If there is any disturbance or blockage, this is reflected in the level of vitality of the chakra and therefore affects the vitality of the physical body. They also control aspects of our emotional, mental and spiritual system.

In the energy review we also close the cracks that your Aura could have. The Aura is the Electromagnetic Field that surrounds us, called dimensional bodies: Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Causal, Spiritual, Monadic and Divine. When we have an illness, malaise, accident, etc. our aura loses density and cracks open that leave us exposed to the loss of our own energy and the entrance of the density from outside. Depending on how “healthy” and strong our aura is, we will attract this or that from the environment and from other people.

We also check and eliminate possible vibrations attached to the body, balance the main meridians and detect and counteract foreign energies that are interfering with your health, in this way we return to the body its harmonic life force.

Review and Remote Energy Correction is ideal for those moments in life when the person is planning an important change, a trip, some oppositions, a pregnancy, a change of home or country and also, a good solution to recover strength and energy in general.

For Fertility and Pregnancy

SAAMA is extremely useful when we are looking for pregnancy and fertility treatments . Given that our Unconscious handles 97% of the information that allows us to decide one thing or another in life (we would say that it is our operating system), if a person carries with him certain belief or programming Mental that prevents the possibility of having children, no matter how consciously (3% of the Mind) wants to procreate, it will not be possible, since 97% of the Mind that is unconscious will not allow it. It is about blaming yourself but about becoming aware and repairing the conflict, which can sometimes come from our ancestors.

With SAAMA, all the information in the unconscious of the couple is extracted and corrected so that the person can become pregnant and have children. It can also happen that the consultant wants to get pregnant, be a mom / dad and have children with their current partner, but the Unconscious says otherwise. Thus, in that case, the unconscious of the consultant will be investigated, what is blocking the desired process, to correct it.

This protocol also checks the functionality of the reproductive organs of future parents, hormonal levels and the nutritional status of both.

For Family Relations

With SAAMA we treat the Family Core as a living and dynamic organism, regardless of the family model to which they belong. In this protocol we check if each of the members that make up the family clan is fulfilling the Biological Role that corresponds to it and we review the information that each of them is projecting.

We also work on the different relationships within the family model: the couple's relationship in the family, the children in relation to the mother and father figures and the relationship between the siblings, in addition to the relationship with all those external aspects that may be affecting the health and well-being of the family, such as the respective work of parents, studies of children, family and friends, etc., all this to achieve a better coexistence, better people, happier and healthier.

For animals

It is possible to perform SAAMA therapy to our pets. Like people, animals also have a physical body, an energy part and an emotional part. Who has not seen anger or fear in any of our pets? With SAAMA we can identify, and subsequently eliminate, the blockages and problems they may have. You can treat physical problems, emotions, the relationship with other animals or people, behaviors, etc.

The SAAMA therapy for Animals is very beneficial because it does not generate any type of stress in the animal, since it does not require physical contact and also the ideal is to perform it at a distance without the need to mobilize it until the consultation, thus avoiding the disorder that this generates in the animal and its owner.

As with people, SAAMA is fully compatible with other veterinary or other treatments that the animal may be carrying. It can even help reduce the side effects that other therapies are producing.

On many occasions the problems of pets are determined by the problems that people who live with him may have, they also express and reflect our moods, often leading to inappropriate behaviors. Animals are great guides and companions, who can even pick up problems and conflicts that would otherwise affect their owners.

Mar Palou

Barcelona, ​​Spain

+ 34 699 326 154

What do you expect to recover natural well-being?

If you want to start regaining your health and improve your quality of life, treat yourself and give to those who love this fantastic job.

I encourage you to try this technique and check everything it can do for you.

Write to me at indicating your country and I will answer you immediately.

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