The Photonic Energy: “The Wave of the Future”, by Kirael

KIRAEL: On this journey of life, everyone is looking for a miraculous cure. Well, a miraculous cure does not exist, but photonic energy is the closest that can be achieved to a miraculous cure for the diseases of the planet. I said as close as they can get, because the journey of life has to unfold. It will be a long time before the photon is used exclusively as a source of energy, but they can begin to deploy this trip simply by inspiring the photons within their efforts. You do this by imagining that the photon penetrates through your crown chakra, towards your pineal gland, your thymus and then towards the rest of your body.

For example, one of the best jobs for photons is during healing. No matter what they do to heal, be it Reiki, Healing with the Signature Cell, or something else, put your hand on the person's head to be healed and inspire the photonic energy through his pineal gland, his thymus, his shoulder and going out through his hand towards the body of the person. The body will feel it.

My medium does Healing with the Signature Cell, a healing of the four bodies that begins with the inspiration of the photon. When the medium was in bed at the hospital after his stroke, he said, "Master Kirael, am I dying?" I replied, "No, you are not dying. Just make an inspiration! ”He made many inspirations, penetrating the photon, and here he is today, with full mobility. He inspired the photons and began a healing of the four bodies and, against everything predictable, returned home in three days. When you do healing, you have to heal all four bodies. The healing of the four bodies is the most important healing they can achieve. It is a deep and complete healing. Inspire the photons whenever they remember it, especially when they don't feel well or when they are healing. This can only strengthen your healing. Inspire the photons with all of their light.

They can even breathe photons into their car. When they go to the gas station to load gasoline, remove the nozzle from the gas pump and blow photons into it when they put it in their gasoline tank. Lower the photons down their crown to their shoulders, their hands, directly inside the nozzle and into their gasoline tank. The first time you try to do this, your car will crack a little, because you have to get used to the photons.

Here is a little secret to save you some money at the station to load gasoline. Try not to fill the tank too quickly. When you pump with your hand into the nozzle, that snapping sound is in fact an outburst in the energy that draws gas from your tank while the meter keeps walking. I am not inventing this. This is the truth. So, when you fill your tank, don't pump the nozzle. Stop a little. Just remember to blow photons into the tank. See if you can feel the difference in your machine when you drive. That gas tank is going to get some extra energy and you will feel better and wiser with it.

They can even breathe photons into the electricity in their homes. Every time they turn on the light, or an appliqué, they breathe photons into the appliqué or the light switch. They will save some of your electricity bill.

Your planet could follow the path of Mars, if you don't do something with the photons now. Breathing and circulating photons is the purpose of this whole trip. Help the planet insufflate the photons to the trees. Trees help them exist on this plane. They cannot exist without them. They are part of the cycle of life. They breathe photons into the trees and they will help circulate in the atmosphere.

Be aware of the photonic level by controlling the photonic graphic that is sent to you by email every month, by This photonic graph indicates the daily photonic levels, which range from one to nine. The magic is right at level five. Five is the energy of love. That's what balance is, right in the center line. Five is the best they can reach. Five is when they are in love, and that love is the whole focus of the photon.

Start now and be ready for the new wave of powerful photonic energy. Soon they will have so much photonic energy that they will no longer have to think about it. Meanwhile, make the trip of five or fifty to get used to inspire photonic energy.

The photons surround them. They are everywhere. Use them. Start today Be aware You can work with photons even when you can't see them. Many people believe that if they cannot see them, they do not exist. Photonic energy exists and you can use it now.

QUESTION: Is there a way to reach level five when the photonic energy in the atmosphere is less than five? Do we have to reduce the level when it is above five, and if so, how?

KIRAEL: Suppose the graph indicates that the photonic level is 2.3 and you want it to rise to five. Use some of your own photonic energy to introduce it into the journey to raise the level for yourself. When I say your own photonic energy, I am talking about the photons that are in your body. Your body produces photonic energy and you can increase the level in a day when the photons around you are low. If the level in the chart is 7.5, they don't have to try to reduce the level to five. Leave it where it is. That five, that middle level, is present in that 7.5. Your responsibility is to maintain that average level on this trip.

QUESTION: How are photons affected by our thoughts?

KIRAEL: Photons are always affected by their thoughts. The Earth plane consists of thoughts. Thoughts are what is your matrix energy. You could say that its matrix is ​​the food of thought. If you do not continue to use thought, then you cannot be here. Thought is everything in this plane of consciousness.

You can use photons to alleviate the energy of the matrix by thinking about what you can do to improve things. Those are thoughts influenced by love and they can relieve the energy of the womb. If you are thinking, Oh, this is wrong, then that is fear, and fear is a dense energy. They cannot relieve the energy of the womb through fear. Photons only respond to love. Think loving thoughts and you will pull the photonic energy into the womb.

Thinking is the most important thing in the level of consciousness of the third dimension. You have two brains, a left brain and a right brain, analytical and creative, respectively. Thinking loving thoughts does not mean going completely to the right brain, just because it represents your creative side. It is about staying focused on both the left and the right brain and using the whole approach of that balanced energy. If all of you collectively were aware of what is going on with the photonic energy, you would be aware of it every day of your life and the womb will be relieved. This whole trip now has to do with advancing from the fear of love.

There are no magic pills to alleviate the matrix. When you hear the news on CNN and listen to all the horrendous things that happen in the world, you have a responsibility to change them into the Now. If you do not seek change Now, then no one will. What can they do in the Now? Well, when the announcer says, "One hundred thousand people have died, focus on those who are still alive." Focus on finding the positive in everything you hear.

Where does that leave the negative thinker? Well, if they are a negative thinker, the photons will still be present. The photons are present no matter what you are thinking. It is here one hundred percent of the time. Negative thinking does not diminish the photon, but they cannot take advantage of photons when they think negative thoughts. The photons will make them more aware of each negative thought they pronounce, and when they are aware, they end up receiving all this energy. You will have to learn to be aware of the photons and use them to your advantage, and the only advantage that the photon knows is to bring love. CNN news will be there and will continue to sell the news. Every time you hear the news, determine what good is happening. That is the way to use the photon.

QUESTION: I would like to reduce my meals to once a day and use photonic energy the rest of the time. What do you think about this?

KIRAEL: First I got from here to there. Practice replacing your meals with photons. Do not stop eating simply. Gradually change to your new way of eating. If you decide to have only one meal per day, it should be breakfast. After all, he slept all night and will be working all day. Make the trip starting your day with a good breakfast. Your second meal can be an apple, or a banana, or pear, or whatever. At dinner time, have another meal. The most important thing is to make pranic breathing on your food at each meal. You want to introduce that golden energy to enrich your food. Bless your food and breathe pranic energy. You can reduce the number of meals one at a time until you are only eating one meal per day. This is doing five or fifty. The key here is that you are making the trip gradually.

Suppose you are working on a weight problem, but you don't want to get thin. They just want to feel a little better, because their heart is not beating well, whatever it is. So they want to reduce their weight just a little. Have a good breakfast, a light lunch and a nice dinner, and breathe prana into each meal.

Use pranic energy and can eat all day. They can reduce their meals to one per day or even half a meal per day if they wish. They can do everything they want. Just make the trip, whether it's five steps or fifty.

QUESTION: Are government scientists already using photonic energy on some machines? Should the healing of our four body system be the top priority?

KIRAEL: A number of people in your American government are working with photonic energy clandestinely right here on the island in Camp Smith. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you are well ahead on this trip, because you are not. His government knows what to do with photonic energy and is working on it.

Currently his government is practicing with photons, but he is not understanding the main point, because he is not working in terms of his four-body system. Photonic energy is the most important part of your healing journey, and healing your four body system is the first place to start. Use the photons by bringing them first to the realm of the spirit, and then to the realm of the mind, which is not in your brain, by the way; It is in your thoughts. Then introduce him to his emotional realm. That is the energy of your heart and it is not within you either. It is out there. I am talking about the energetic heart. Finally introduce it to the physical realm.

Breathing photons to all of their four bodies is the biggest advantage for healing. You are an energy of four bodies, and the photon is available to you and you will take it to the fourth light. In order to reach the fourth light, in the first instance they have to go through that journey of the third dimension of truth, trust and passion. Soon the photon will be the most important part of your trip. It is more than simply putting photons in your gasoline tank, or in your air conditioner, or in your heater, or anything else. Photons will be your vital breath.

QUESTION: I like working with the photon, especially when the level is high. Will it be the highest photonic level, in itself, after three days of darkness when we enter the photonic belt?

KIRAEL: Yes, absolutely.

QUESTION: When we meet in groups, for example on Earth Day, and meditate, does Earth get closer to the photonic belt?

KIRAEL: The Earth doesn't come closer to the photonic belt when they work in groups, but most likely they recognize that the photons are there. It does not matter if the photonic level is at two points or at nine points. If you gather a group, inspire the photon; hold it, and then Om, and your energy can travel wherever you want it to go. That is the power of photonic energy. Photonic particles speak to each other. They do not go to the past or the future. They are spoken in the Now, and that is the journey.

Breathe, and I will breathe into your light now and you will feel my energy. I am sending you photons now.

QUESTION: I am feeling it.

KIRAEL: OK, it's fine. I can send you photons through the waves because you are aware of my energy and can hear me. Over time, you won't even need to do this, because when the masses come together and amplify this photonic energy, you can introduce it to this whole trip. If you want, you will be able to hold the photons in your hand. When you become more adept at what you are doing, there really begins the fun. I was giving you this energy and you received it. You are in Canada. I am in Hawaii. There is nothing that separates us that love cannot surpass.

QUESTION: I have several people around me who are not positive minded. How do I invite photons to my space, allowing the truth to surround me?

KIRAEL: Let's say you're working in an office with one hundred people and you're the only one who has ever heard or even thought about photonic energy. Remember, photonic energy speaks to photonic energy. So, simply because others don't know it's there, it doesn't make photons less powerful. If you can maintain your presence and power with enough force to amplify the photons, they will speak to the other hundred people in your office. The person who is at a distance of ten people might say, “You know, I really feel good today. I really do it. ” Over time this sensation can reach all one hundred people.

There may be a few people who don't feel anything because they don't know how to let the photons penetrate. They are stuck in fear of love and can't even get close to photons. If you amplify your energy while talking with these other people, increasing the photons around you, the photons will talk to each other, and over time these few people will begin to feel better. Photons do not have a voice like yours. However, he knows what he wants to do and they will go to the person who is increasing the photons in the atmosphere.

Be powerful enough to make the trip, because if you make the trip, the photons will extend beyond you. Let them be bigger and bigger and then, suddenly, two or three people in the environment will be affected and those two or three people will affect two or three others, and before you know it, the hundred people in that whole company will They will be affected. In a very short time the fear will be reversed, so to speak, and instead of fearing love, everyone will feel fear of not making the trip of the photon, the journey of love. This journey of love always has to do with attracting photons, and the photon will talk about love, because that is what the photon is: energy of love.

QUESTION: Master Guide Kirael, you have told me how to analyze and do alchemy and geometry to discharge a stem cell through the matrix, through the four bodies to the Now. I have done that.

KIRAEL: Congratulations. That is beautiful.

QUESTION: Now what?

KIRAEL: Use it. Go with it. If you are ready to go, get the information for Us People. You have only achieved one step in the process. You know as well as I do, that it might take another day, or ten days or ten months, or ten years, to complete the project. It doesn't matter because we know that photonic energy speaks to itself based on love and from then on we can go anywhere.

QUESTION; Can you give me some guidance on how to make photonic energy and use it at this level of consciousness?

KIRAEL: Your whole trip, which is about to explode over the entire planet, is about understanding photonic energy and how to do it for yourself. If you amplify this energy by getting it to speak to itself, it will reverberate, and when it reverberates, it echoes itself. Work with this part of the information. That will give you the answer you have been looking for, it is the only one of many answers. This arena of photonic energy is so fortified and satisfying.

QUESTION: I am working with the use of the scope of energy to change matter, to create matter in this world.

KIRAEL: Have you had any success up to this point?

QUESTION: Partially, yes. Sometimes matter changes and some does not. Sometimes it works well and I can access this energy, and change it, and sometimes nothing happens. It is very frustrating because some element of control is missing.

KIRAEL: Work with the control element. Be in love with what you have achieved so far. Celebrate it You have achieved more than the average human would have thought. You have already seen the matter change and you are making it happen. Work with the control between the factor of one and the factor of five. This is the whole trip. You will work in stages. It is only at the beginning and eventually it will open this trip for the rest of the world. If you work with one hundred percent love, you will achieve this small factor that you are looking for. It's right there by your side now. I am going to download it to your heart and your brain.

Just be with love the next time you go to meditate. Then move on to your higher self and give him what he wants, and he will give it to you. You will bring it back to this Earth plane and you will have completed the first part of this trip.

QUESTION: Can the photographic particles be established with our intention? Do they have different frequencies?

KIRAEL: I'm going to be a little technical here. The photo has different layers of energy within itself, and all of them have a love particle inside. Now, the photonic light is equivalent to the spectrum of E minus 4.7. This whole trip has to do with his attempt to find out the spectra of the photo. Make this energy of your intent penetrate this field of photons that communicate with each other. The photo will perceive that you are trying to find out its frequency. In turn, the photo will send the energy back to you and give you the answer.

Now, how do they do this if they don't know what they will receive? Set your intentions. Your intention has to be set to receive. You will receive the answer only after your intention energy is clear and has come out. When that energy comes back to you, the answer will be there. This is a journey of energies that unfold. As you fold, fold again and eventually unfold the energy, the same will be pure love. You will bring the energy back to the same space and understand that it is like the scent of a flower. He can't see the scent but he knows it's there. This is how photons are. You can't see the photo, but it's there. He will learn to recognize and understand the photo, because a thought will be introduced into his mind. You will fold or examine that thought and re-fold or re-examine it and will eventually display it and the answer is there. That is the whole trip, my friend. The answer was always there in the photo. He simply had to learn to understand it.

It is like being a scientist. Have you ever noticed how scientists always try to prove something they can't prove until they check it? They know something is there, but because they haven't tried it, they feel it can't exist. However, they keep trying to prove it, and only when they check it, they say it exists. Don't you think it existed before they checked? Of course I do. That is the beautiful part.

QUESTION: I know that we use oil for things other than energy. What will be the trip of the oil in the future? Are we going to continue using it to do things that are part of the earth or just won't continue to be used for energy?

KIRAEL: Oil will remain for quite some time, boy. Some people are hogging oil because they think it will end. I promise you that you will not run out of oil immediately. They will not need it as much as they do now. When they stop putting it in the gas tanks or on the fuel ballot or home heating, they will have more than enough to reach hundreds of thousands of years. They currently have a supply that reaches one hundred thousand years. They simply have to stop using it to heat their homes and so on.

On this trip to the next light, you will use oil for things other than plastic or fuel. Oil will not be combustible. They won't have to turn it on to make it work. They will take advantage of other things in the most perfect way.

QUESTION: How does the photon work as a medium and remember our trips in other dimensions?

KIRAEL: What you enter when you leave this third-dimensional journey is photonic energy when you enter the other realms.

Each one should be a medium because in order to be a medium of the highest rank, he has to be in love and that requires photonic energy. When they make the journey of a medium, they leave this plane and enter the photonic energy.

If you want to go from here to there, start the journey in your mind. Not his brain, his mind. You can move from here to there - wherever this is - by passing through the photons. You can track this photonic energy from here to there, by lowering it down your pineal gland and taking it to your heart chakra, and then turning it on. Before they know it, they will be there. Now where is it there? Well, in the other kingdoms, there is here and here it is there, because there is no time or space.

When they light the photons and let them go, they go to the plot of their higher self, the one who takes it and they go with it. The photon is constantly communicating, a particle with the next one. You never communicate backwards, but you can take any particle and forward it to yourself, and the whole trip will unfold for you in a forward motion.

In the past you thought you couldn't talk to the photon, because you hadn't tried it, but now you know you can tell the photon what you want and he will make the trip with you.

QUESTION: You said that the photon is energy of love. Do I have to change my definition of love to understand the photon?

KIRAEL: Yes. This whole trip is about your way of thinking, your thoughts. Your thoughts are what create the trip. In this dimension, the fear of love is the journey that most people undertake. In order to change your definition and your entire journey of understanding love, begin by loving yourself. If you do not love yourself, you will not be able to access photonic energies. The photon is energy of love. The energy of love are photons. It is not a pure light, but it is the closest they have now. I am not talking about love between two people. I am talking about a deeper, more expansive love. If you deeply want to be in love, start now by inspiring the photon and loving yourself. The photons are around him. Inspire them and let them go. The minute a photon leaves, another takes its place. So love, the photon, is always at your service. That is what happens at the moment they commit to their love factor. Be in love and you will achieve what you want done with little or no effort. Just go with love and say, “I don't care what you are doing. I'm in love". This is how the whole trip unfolds.

QUESTION: What can I do to use his wisdom in a way that brings a greater awareness of photonic energy to the world, to help introduce this Change in this plane?

KIRAEL: If you want to highlight my energy, find some way to be where I am. I am not inside the medium. I am using the medium's body, so I am right here in this vicinity.

You call me the professor of photonic energy, because the photon is about my love. You will never see me mad at someone. Anger is not part of my energy because I am a being of the seventh dimension.

Understand the power that this medium can wield in this process. My energy is being expanded beyond your most daring expectations. Everyone in my vicinity is feeling love. Some people are even crying. If we had 150 to 200 people in this room at this time, we would have that many new people with intact photonic energy in them and they would know how to spread it to the person next to them.

So how can you help me, per se? Find out where I will be in the world and be there.

QUESTION: Pele is spitting gaseous minerals into our air in Lemuria, which creates an amount of smog, and people are being affected with it. How can we use photonic energy to minimize the effects of smog?

KIRAEL: Smog is a natural phenomenon of the earth plane and is simply blowing through you. Learn to breathe without inhaling through your nostrils, because they inspire the photon through your crown chakra. Imagine the particles coming down through your crown chakra and into your body. Do this again and again. Let the air in and out. As the photon in the air is introduced you will feel your lungs expand. They can do this only by thinking, by intention. Remember, your thoughts create your reality, and your reality is that you want to incorporate the photons into your interior, not the smog. If the air is mixed with smog energy, learn to inspire only the photon.

When all the smog is gone, continue to inspire the photon. Do not stop pretending to pull the photon into your body. Incorporate it slowly, and be sure to get it out of the air. You can introduce the photon to your body by lowering it through the pineal gland and into your chest, because that is where your heart and lungs are. Leave the photon there. Let the exhale come out. Leave the photon inside. That is the trip.

Make the trip of five or fifty and practice inspiring the photon. Remember, communication will occur between you and the photonic energy, and the photon will communicate with the next photon, and so on and on. Simply hold the photon in your body and use it for everything you need and then release it, because it will come out directly and revitalize, and then penetrate again if you want it. Photons are an endless supply of energy focused on love, for love, towards love.

QUESTION: Currently a large part of my trip is the divine energy of the free will of the Kundalini. Could you explain the difference between that energy, which I understand is quite powerful, and photonic energy.

KIRAEL: When the energy [1] kundalini rises through the body, this feels good and make it work for you by amplifying it with photonic energy. When they raise the kundalini first, this is a bit hard because they simply don't understand it. Remember, the photon communicates, and if you tell it what you want the photon to do, it will work for you. If you raise the kundalini and exercise it with photonic energy, the kundalini can expand by approximately 250 percent. That 250 percent is able to amplify your energies and everything in between. You think you can simply go from zero to 250, but you can't. Do five or fifty to reach that point. If they get a percent of that 250 percent to go to the kundalini, they would feel it immediately. That is all they can pretend. Imagine 250 percent above and above what you have now. Practice breathing the photons and you will reap the benefits of that 250 percent.

QUESTION: How will the elements of hydrogen and oxygen be used next to the photon in the human body, of which water is an important element?

KIRAEL: The physical body consists of about 70 percent water. In the simplest terms, when they incorporate photons into the body, they pass through water. Water will cause the photon to "improve" itself, so to speak. Water enhances the photon. That is one of the most beautiful things of this whole trip, my friend.

PREGUNTA: ¿Hay una Diosa o consejo de Diosas de la luz fotónica con la que podamos hablar a través de la meditación ya través de nuestra sanación?

KIRAEL: Hay una Diosa de luz que protege las energías del fotón. Es la Diosa del fotón. No tiene un nombre y no está lista para salir y ser presentada. Ella sabe lo que es el amor y siempre infunde amor. Ella hace todo ese trabajo detrás del escenario. Esta Diosa del amor está proveyendo la energía al fotón. Sea lo que sea de lo que se está proveyendo a esos fotones que llegan a este plano Terrestre, será provisto por el amor de esta Diosa de luz. El fotón ya está aquí y ustedes lo están respirando cada día de su vida. Respiren con intención mis amigos.


El fotón es la oleada del futuro. Andando el tiempo definirá vuestro mundo. Iluminen sus vidas con esta energía mágica que los rodea y que vive en su interior. Avancen su vida hacia la cuarta luz ahora al insuflar esta energía dentro de todo lo que hagan. No lo van a lamentar.

© 2008 Fred Sterling

Contact: Lightways Publishing, 3075 Kalihi Street, Suite 101, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819, USA

– Tel: + 808 952-0880 –

Thanks Anita Manasse !!!

La Energía Fotónica: “La Oleada Del Futuro”
Maestro Guía Kirael, a través de la amorosa mediumnidad de Kahu Fred Sterling.
Translation: Anita Manasse

Agosto, 2008

Aloha desde las cimas de las monta as de Lemuria,

El art culo de este mes de Kahu Fred Sterling y el Maestro Gu a Kirael se llama Energ a Fot nica: La Oleada del Futuro . Qu es la energ a fot nica yc mo nos ayudar su presencia en la Tierra para continuar haciendo el viaje con amor en estos tiempos cambiantes? Aqu est un extracto de la orientaci n amorosa del Maestro Gu a Kirael:

KIRAEL: Todo este viaje tiene que ver con su forma de pensar, sus pensamientos. Sus pensamientos son los que crean el viaje. En esta dimensi n, el temor al amor es el viaje que la mayor a de la gente emprende. A fin de cambiar su definici ny todo su viaje de comprensi n del amor, comiencen am ndose a si mismos. Si no se aman a si mismos, no ser n capaces de acceder a las energ as fot nicas.

Los fotones son energ a del amor. La energ a del amor son fotones. No es la luz pura, pero es lo m s cercano que tienen en este momento. No estoy hablando del amor entre dos personas. Estoy hablando de un amor m s profundo, m s expansivo. Si profundamente desean estar en amor, comiencen a inspirar a los fotones ya amarse a si mismos.

Los fotones se hallan a su alrededor. Insp renlos yd jenlos ir. El minuto en el que un fot n se aleja, el otro ocupa su lugar. As que el amor, el fot n, siempre est a su servicio. Eso es lo que sucede en el momento en que se comprometen con su factor del amor.

Est n en amor y lograr n lo que desean lograr con poco o ning n esfuerzo. Simplemente est n en amor y digan, No me preocupa lo que est s haciendo. Yo estoy en amor . Es as como se despliega todo el viaje.

Estamos compartiendo este art culo con ustedes en amor y gratitud por sus traducciones, publicaciones y puestas en Internet y por compartirlo con sus listas de env os. Tambi n les agradecemos el mencionar al autor, Kahu Fred Sterling y y la conexi n con nuestra p gina web.

Love and blessings,

Karinna Nielsen



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