Animal therapy | Ways your pet can improve your mental health

  • 2017

Have you heard about animal therapy ? Today we will talk about her and how beneficial it is to have a pet at home.

For those of us who have pets, we know how they make us happy. Fortunately, a growing group of scientific research is proving that our pets are good for our physical and emotional well-being.

The strength of the animal-human bond has been known for a long time, but the scientific evidence on its operation was first published only 30 years ago when a psychologist Alan Beck of Purdue University, and a psychiatrist, Aaron Katcher of the University of Pennsylvania, really measured what happens physically when a person strokes a friendly and familiar dog. They found that the person's blood pressure went down, the heart rate slowed down, the breathing became more regular and the muscle tension relaxed, which They are all signs of reduced stress. In addition, a study published recently in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine not only confirmed these effects, but also showed changes in blood chemistry demonstrating reduced amounts of hormones related to estrus s.

How to improve your mental health with animal therapy

1.- They put you in motion:

Walking your dog and participating in outdoor activities such as throwing a Frisbee, gives you a boost of natural energy . It also makes you more physically fit, strengthening muscles and bones, which helps not only your body, but also your self-esteem. Studies have shown that animal owners, both adults and children, have lower blood pressure, as well as a lower level of cholesterol and triglycerides, which can be attributed in part to the fact that more active animals promote life.

It has also been observed that pet owners have better circulation and a lower risk of experiencing major heart problems. And when your body feels stronger, it is less susceptible to mental health problems.

2.- Stroking reduces stress:

Animal therapy also involves rhythmic petting or grooming, as it can be comforting for your pet and for you. Focus on the texture of your soft skin, your deep breaths and the heat it radiates. When connected to your pet, oxytocin, the stress-related hormone and anxiety relief, is released, helping to reduce blood pressure and reduce cortisol levels.

3.- They can give you a purpose:

Having a pet to care for can give you a sense of purpose, which can be crucial when you feel really depressed and overwhelmed by negative thoughts. By caring for your pet, or another person or animal in need, you are focusing on something that is not related to you or your life. Your good deeds, and your pet's positive response, will give you a sense of instant gratification .

4.- They make you smile:

When your dog does nice things like rolling on his back or putting a paw on his arm, it can make him smile, which in turn shoots the neurotransmitters into the brain . These pet smiles can increase your serotonin and dopamine levels, which are nerve transmitters associated with calm and happiness.

5.- They love you unconditionally:

Seeing your enthusiasm when you enter the door can be an instant boost of mood elevation . The tail wagging, the tongue hanging from her mouth making it appear that she is smiling, the way her ears are animated, her grunts or purrs. Your pet doesn't care what he did in his day, she loves you for being as she is with her, and she wants to be close to you, love you and be loved by you.

To enjoy a good animal therapy, it is necessary to have a pet, love it and enjoy everything they can offer us, in this way our physical and metal health will be in good condition.

AUTHOR: JoT333 R, editor of the family

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