Hello Brothers !, by Jordi Morella

  • 2011

- Hello brothers!

- Hi! - They answer me.

- Feeling the Family is the most pleasant feeling I have come to know. Being in the Home, with you, where you can feel the love of the Universal Divinity is the maximum fulness lived, to make serve some word of the dimension where I am. It is a compendium of sensations in an instant where you realize that this state belongs to you and you can achieve it whenever your human condition needs moments of nourishment for your true being. It's a sensation that fills you so much, so loving and serene, at the same time! Feeling the Home from which we all proceed regenerates your spirit and fills you with strength to realize who you are and have never been alone. I am part of the Home and to be with you, beloved brothers of the Light, you magnify my presence and set me free from all human conditions that I may have. It makes me a participant as I am performing a service of heaven here on earth, and that you are with me and with all those who in a conscious way come to be with you to feel what the true love and all that he represents. It is an inner state, and external, as you are part of the All and at all times it has been, from the moment you were born. You feel your essence as it is, without interference, only you and the Family . Being with you comforts my spirit and my body is glad to know that it is something more than just biology or matter. (Pause). Transformed into the multidimensional being that I am, I can feel and see you. Here, in the state where I am now, it is all acceptance, serenity, understanding and Love. Everything is Love, what is in the Home . I belong to her and each one of you too. We are Love, and when I am with them, I am One with the greatest feeling that since the reasoning has been cataloged: Love, pure and unconditional love, where every cell in my body is released from any density and he’s glad he came home. These moments give well-being and courage to continue the path I have come to do. They remind you who you are. The path is One with the Home .

(The beings of light only make presence, radiating their immense love towards my being and letting me know that they have always been, are and will be with me. Each time they appear more and purity existing in this place is immense, giving off a great luminosity.Then they transmit :) The Earth will transcend to a higher vibration, where its inhabitants will be one with us. We will collaborate together and will take us into account for your process. We will be with each of its inhabitants and most will be aware of our presences. The technicalities will disappear, and the only language that will prevail will be that of the heart. Those who are already in this service will now be sources from which all those who feel the call of the heart will drink. Currently there are spiritual pillars in every continent of your world. These are and will be the beacons of humanity. You will know them by their plain and understanding language for all. They currently know the true essence of your evolutionary process. They speak as they have been transmitted and instructed from Home . They have a language without technicalities. Everything is experiential, and all mankind will understand. Currently they are breaking the schemes and structures of everything that until now man has been classifying to have everything controlled. The walls will be lowered, the distances shortened, and there will be a unique language: that of the heart. Open your heart! Listen to it! Go to him and trust fully with what you feel, because he will take you to your Ascension, to the true being that you are! Your divinity is knocking at your door to be manifested with all its majesty.

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- Many are already aware of who you are, and many more know that you are much more than a biology, although you are not yet aware of this fact. You are one with us. We exist and we have always been by your side. Now you start to feel us and some to see us, but this is only part of your process. It is not all. Feeling, not our presence, but our essence in you is what will allow you to open other doors in your process and what you have come to do. He who writes these words knows about them, but do not ask him if he knows or not, because what he will answer is that he FEELS. He knows that he is one of us here on Earth, and that any of you who are reading these words is One with him and us. Open your heart! Listen to it and follow its guidelines!

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- When someone comes to the Home, from the heart, knows about the existence of those who created you. We come to receive you and together, we magnify the presence of those who created us. You are the ones who magnify his presence, because you are part of Him. You are his essence. You are in moments of the Great Change announced for a long time in your dimension. Your consciences are no longer waking up, but climbing new steps of the Ascension path. Those who have long wondered if you were anything more than a body, you are beginning to manifest your spiritual gifts, and those others that from the first moment you decided to be pillars of your planet, are already prepared to manifest and that the world knows about you. New teachers of teachers will appear. They are beings that have been among you and being prepared for these moments. Soon you will hear about them. Those who until now have been classifying as spiritual guides have been the precursors of the transformation of planet Earth. Open your heart that he will tell you about these changes and about us. We are waiting for you to give conformity to be able to intervene in your lives. So it must be according to the Great Will. (Silence).

- Thank you for your communications, brothers. Thank you and God bless you.

May Love and Peace be in all of you.


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