Archangel Michael. Creative impulse. Channeling by Adriano Pereira.

  • 2019

We want to share with you a nice message Channeled, made by Adriano Pereira, message from Archangel Michael!

Archangel Michael. Message channeled on March 28, 2016.

This Channeling was translated from the Portuguese language, if you want to see it in its original version, we invite you to enter here.

Life is made of magical moments, because life in the third dimension is pure magic.

From your physical body, an ingenious and wonderful machine that gives you life, to the systems and ecosystems that support and support human life, which also have their own life, allowing on planet Earth There are billions of different life forms, all interacting with each other, bringing to the earth a unique, multipolar and multidimensional experience of soul growth.

The living conditions in the terrestrial plane are hard, heavy, very different from the living conditions in the higher planes, more subtle and malleable for immediate creation.

In the roughness in which human beings are born, grow and live, the soul has the opportunity to learn faster by experiencing experiences with a huge impact, strengthening learning, preparing souls on earth, who know what it is to live and survive. . In difficult and difficult conditions.

In this scenario the new man emerges, who walks towards the New Earth, in a continuous journey of consolidation of the lessons learned, of application in the daily life of the lessons learned, which leads them to lead the way of those even at the beginning of your trip. .

Although life in matter is difficult, there is magic in the air, the new man still cannot create and materialize material things, but with the force of his intention he can attract to the materialization the conditions and situations he needs to have a better life, healthier, more comfortable, more prosperous.

This is the challenge of the new man, becoming aware of his creative power through attraction, realizing that his focus and intention on the goals is what gives him the creative impulse necessary to definitely attract what he wants.

And when he opens his eyes at the dawn of a new day, the new man must thank the Creator for being alive on earth in these magnificent times, where incarnated souls begin to use the magic that the universe has always had for everyone. .

Get happy!

You have a good day.

I am Archangel Michael.

Channeled by Adriano Pereira - Archangel Michael. March 28, 2016.

Author : Patricia Gambetta, Editor and Translator in the Great Family of

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