Mark - Celebrating life! Giving birth to the eternal human

  • 2016


This comes from a deep well of self-acceptance and self-love. Celebrating is first, because if you do not celebrate first, you will not be able to see anything to celebrate in anything outside of you, whether in nature or in your Human partners. Think that the World is 'triumphant'; This elevates you to a victorious place without enemies.

When you celebrate, you are sowing joy. On the New Earth, celebration is the road to ease. Your current World is of work and burdens, full of Karma, guilt and sin; It is a very heavy world. The World that you are introducing, in which you are celebrating, playing and dancing, is the World of ease and grace.

In your current World, you work first, then celebrate the achievements. In your New World, the celebration dances in the achievements. So first begin to introduce joy, not only after hard work. Joy opens the door of magic! The magical worlds have always been there, but they have been relegated to the fantasy in which only children believe. The kind of magic we want you to believe in begins celebrating life.

Work is important, but achievements should not be the only reason for celebration. The work will give you a way to express yourself in the action, that's why you're here. Sometimes you think that work is more difficult than play. The difference between doing your job and running a marathon is not in the amount of difficulty. It is probably more difficult to run a marathon, but you choose to run a marathon because that is an expression of what you want; The marathon becomes part of your self-expression. The effort to run is driven by your heart, not a necessity.

The Change of Consciousness

Change is beginning to open consciousness in new ways; you are learning again what humanity once forgot. The consciousness that you see when reading the newspapers is the total cracking of the old consciousness. You were not born to introduce that.

You were born to bring here what you see when you close your eyes and enter your heart, when you hug. This new consciousness is the strongest we have ever seen. All of us in the Higher Realms are grateful for all that you are achieving in the new consciousness.

So please, when you look at the World, don't just look at the World of news. The collapse of the old is essential. You have to see the darkness, you have to see the violence, you have to see the hate, so that you can really embrace them again. You can understand that an unrecognized or denied bodily injury can eventually cause illness. So you must ask that the darkness come out, not deny it. Bless the violence, bless those events that show that Humanity is not yet One. Feel that your hearts, your Souls, are One.

Love the abominable

Consciousness is the expansion of knowledge to Love. There is nothing else. The more you are Love, you come from Love, you see Love, the more you can expand your consciousness; This includes loving the abominable. This is the most difficult lesson to expand consciousness, which Jesus came to teach: Love the abominable. When you see the abominable, you say, "Thank you, I'm ready to see you."

Who share your life; Your family and your friends may not be able to love the abominable, they may tell you how bad all things are. Love them for that while your heart knows the true celebration.

Meditation Process:

Birth of the Eternal Human

Please close your eyes and enter that golden place of your heart where the celebration lives and the magic that is your truth ...

Like 'Alice' through the mirror, falling into the rabbit hole where everything is different and wonderful, let yourself fall deeply into yourself ...

Before seeing anything, find silence there ... Now entering into that quantum emptiness of stillness ... There will be a time when stillness opens you to a different kind of stillness. Once you find it, go through it to another kind of site ...

It is a different world, of stillness. Simply immerse yourself in the change that has occurred; and be assured that this change that is entering your consciousness, reconfiguring you to a fundamentally different place Note that things change around you Empty is expanding; You celebrate it while you explore it.

Allow yourself to let go, let go of your frame of reference Allow yourself to be universal, without having a specific reference point Become one with the infinite stillness of the Universe .

Relax even more, so that you become atoms scattered throughout the Universe. Nothing to see. Nothing to do. This is the stillness that rewinds your consciousness.

The space or field in which you are creates you in your image, not the other way around. The image is of totality. Your individuality disappears and what is present is your totality. In this field there is no time Your sensation of time disappears ; and what remains is your knowledge of eternity Allow yourself to know infinite eternity.

In this field there is no giving or receiving, only being. Everything different from being disappears. The part of you that is this eternal field becomes stronger

You exceed your need to make or understand Your eternal parts are strengthening, becoming more real, while you are simply in the field of this eternal silence.

This vast field of Quantum Consciousness opens you to places that did not exist before as part of you. The Universal Human is born in silence, in a deep field of awakening expanded

Now we will be silent for many minutes to allow you to expand into this deep field of the Universal Human ... Without trying to achieve or understand anything ... Letting you go ...

(Long pause)

Dear Ones, imagine that you are on the other side, the side you have been looking for, the side you call awakening. Imagine it is done ... That the doors are open ... Here the truth is too big to fill it with the things you think you know, with the things you think you want to know.

Awakening is a field of consciousness that needs nothing, that needs no explanation, does not need lists of what to do. Keep on realizing that it is as if your atoms have dispersed throughout the Universe, for all time and space. You are one with silence. If God had a name, it would be silence ...

Realize that there is nothing to look for ... Your wise people say that enlightenment is the end of all searches; It is when you stop searching and fall here in silence, where you have always been waiting for you to stop.

In this final phase of meditation you can feel a Cosmic tickle as you begin to incorporate what is opening you. Realize that your body responds to the field, to space, for this awakening event. Realize that you are feeling softer and fuller; Your mind is blissfully empty ...

Notice that your body feels different ... You may feel that you are quantum, that you have no location. Although you know you have a body, you can really feel that you exist universally.

Find that Portal of your heart again and anchor your Universal Humanity in your heart . Return to your body through your heart. Notice the radiance of your cells, of your Spirit ... This is a luminosity of being that took the place of all your thinking.

Now inhale your bright and beautiful Cosmic Self back to the room, back to your body ... You are so magnificent when you allow your I to leave!

Thank you.

I'm Mark

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Jonette Crowley


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