Weekly Bulletin Uriel Heal- May 31 "Illuminating Your Life

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 Joining the Pieces 2 The Energies of June 3 Have You Made Enough? Archangel Uriel through Jennifer Hoffman 4 Indigos and Crystal Teaching to Land

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In this number:

· Joining the Pieces

· The Energies of June

· Message from Archangel Uriel - Have You Done Enough?

· Indigos and Cristal - Teaching to Land

This month's article is titled A Potential Life. Our life is a flow of potential awaiting expression. Our potential is simply all that is possible for us, within the limits of our will and energy. The potential takes shape where we have the will to transform and is in the energetic vibration that allows it to happen.

How do we create potential? Have you ever assembled furniture? It is a process that requires focus, intention and will as well as courage, determination and concentration. Read about this in the first article of the newsletter. In the second article we discuss the energies of June, which will be softer and nonetheless more dramatic than those we experienced in May.

In Archangel Uriel's message this week we are asked to decide when we have done enough and that does not mean that we should expect all the work around us to be completed. How do they deal with Indigos whose behavior frustrates them and who would like them to grow and be responsible? Use their behavior to teach them how to land their energy. Read more in this week's Indigos and Cristal article.

The Indigo and Suicide series, as well as newsletters and previous articles are available in Spanish at www.templodelsol.com. I would like to welcome all our new subscribers and thank them for joining the Uriel Heals newsletter. The list grows daily and your emails and testimonials are appreciated.


Joining the Pieces

I am a person who likes to do his things, so the furniture I buy usually comes in a box with an instruction. After opening the box and taking out the many pieces of wood and other pieces, I wonder how everything will come together so that it looks like in the image of the box and works as it should. If I'm lucky, the instructions are useful and with the right amount of time, commitment, perseverance and tools, all the pieces fit together (and there are no leftover pieces left) and I have a new piece of furniture. This is how we create life from potential.

Our potential is a dream, sigh, desire or longing that calls us when we are ready for something new or different. At least, we must have the will to transform or for change to happen in our lives so that the potential becomes a reality. On the other side of the spectrum, we can be motivated, directed, focused and have the intention of laser beam to pass through a red carpet to our potential. This is our moment and the potential is the next step in our trip. Are we going to be afraid of this or welcome you with open arms?

We often see the potential as the impossible dream we can never create, such as looking at dozens of small parts and wondering how they will become a piece of furniture. If we wish it can become that and the potential is only limited by what is possible for us. The tools we need are the will to act and the energy to focus. We do not need to know "how" it will happen, if we can go beyond our fears we have won the battle because that is our greatest challenge.

If we ever wanted to know what our fears were, all we have to do is put our thoughts into manifesting an aspect of our potential and there they will be, showing us every reason why our dreams cannot come true and everything we have " failed ”to manifest before. We can stop there or push, if it is our choice. But if we can turn our fears aside we have a wonderful opportunity to express our potential and manifest a new aspect of life for ourselves, one that we have probably never been able to experience before. What aspect of their potential is calling them? Do they have the will to establish their intention to manifest a dream? What are your fears and how powerful are they? Are they more powerful than your dreams? The choice is yours, do you have the will?


The Energies of June

I know that I am not the only person who is glad May ends. Although it had a rather benign beginning, it brought every fear and doubt we had to light and challenged us to deal with the past, with every connection we needed to release and do that while we were focused on manifesting what we wanted and keep that energy in place, no matter what else was happening to us. But it was uncertainty that made the month of May so difficult, and the way things seemed to manifest at the last minute, just when we had almost lost hope. Then all of a sudden, everything worked, almost as if the Universe were telling us See how everything works so that there is no need to worry or be afraid . Easy to say for them.

Now that May is over and along with this the energies it brought, we can see that things work in June and I will not say that June is easier because it is not the best way to describe the June energies. I will say that June will allow us to put our manifestation skills into use and that we have graduated in a new phase of working with energy. This month we have the blessing of some very unusual energies, an eclipse and the learning we gain from our experiences in May.

One thing we learned last month was that a solution was always available and that it was our focus and intention that manifested it in our reality. June is a month of great activity that flows from our resolution, focus and intention. We will continue to learn patience, not as a test of faith but as a test for our being having the will to wait, stay focused and allow the Universe to work with us as co-creators of our reality. This month will affect us in many different ways. For some it will accelerate the passage and full of action, for others, it will be an opportunity to do more work of liberation and healing. We will see some new earth changes as the earth reminds us that it is our companion and home and that we need to take care of it.

We have some interesting astrological alignments in June and an eclipse, which will be paired with Pluto, the planet of transformation. They are prepared for anything that happens because it can be, whether they want something desperately or what they are terrified of. We will still see many movements in the form of long-awaited movements and energy movement. Whatever you have been waiting for in May, it will be manifested in June so prepare for anything, keep your eyes open and remember what you have lost because it will come to you. Examine your motives, especially those that are hidden because they are where they are creating. It is time for us to become serious about who we are and stand in our power. We are in the middle of the year and now t is the hour of truth . Good luck and have a wonderful month.


Have they done enough? Alexander Uriel through Jennifer Hoffman

Their many lives prepare them for the journey of reconnection and they want it to happen in this final stage of their spiritual path. In each life they are not aware of the vast amount of learning, healing and growth that they have achieved since their first entry into the terrestrial plane and third dimension. You feel that you have arrived without knowledge, learning or understanding and yet everything is available to you once you release your fear of your own power and accept that within you there is a center of divine light, despite the darkness and fear that may feel.

The blockages to your growth and liberation from the third dimension come from your questions about whether you are doing enough for yourself, for others and for the world. They question their competition for the results they see in the world around them, instead of looking inside and measuring their results according to the path of their soul. His desire to heal the world begins with healing. Each thing heals according to its own abilities, direction, soul contracts and healing path.

Those in your life that require your help on your healing journey are seeking your guidance and support because they see the light within you. Some believe that being with you they can receive it from you. Others want to learn from you. And there are those who want you to do their healing work for them. While you can participate in the healing of others, it is better if you are observers, guides and make your light shine so that they can learn how to find yours. You cannot do enough to heal them because their healing is beyond your control.

They have done enough when they know that their own healing is complete. There will always be darkness, pain and confusion in the third dimension, which you cannot enlighten. Do not confuse your own healing journey with that of the earth, in whose journey you participate but are not responsible. They have done enough when they recognize their power and then are free to continue on their journey to higher levels of being without regret, fear or guilt because they think the world is not healed. This belief limits their growth and keeps them in the confines of a journey that will never end. They have done enough when they recognize that their work is done and they allow themselves to rise to new levels of being, energy and higher dimensions of love, knowledge and light.


Indigos and Crystal Teaching to Land

Having spent a lot of time with my Indigo son last week, while helping him prepare to move to Germany, it became very clear to me that beyond packing and other things that were needed for his move, one of the reasons he was with him it was to keep his feet on the ground. While the move was stressful and what he is doing duplicates it - moving to a foreign country whose language you do not master is stressful, he needed help to manage the energies or rather, learn to use stress in a positive way. Many lessons were learned last week, including patience and tolerance.

Some of the funniest moments we actually had were not very funny because they reminded us how unrealistic the Indigos can be and how poorly prepared they are for certain aspects of responsibility, no matter how much we have tried to prepare them. I soon learned to ask a lot of questions because I couldn't assume that everything had been taken into account or that I was ready. The ways I asked questions helped him land his energy or disperse it. So the 'why haven't you done this?' He was left out, and was replaced with identifying what needed to be done and suggesting solutions from which he could choose.

We expect our young Indigo to act as we did at their age and simply not. And they don't take the initiative to be more responsible because they don't think about it, it's not critical yet or they know we'll help them. By being present and landing them in their energy, which we do when we are in the present moment and without getting angry with them for what they have done or not, we can help them learn life skills by showing them how to make decisions instead of criticizing them for not taking any.

When our Indigos are afraid, they are confused and withdraw from life, their energies are scattered and the best we can do is help them connect to the present moment. This brings them back to their energy and focuses on what needs to be done now. They are not good in the past or the future, since the best use of their energy is to direct what can be done at this time. They can deal with their fears, find solutions and learn focus and direction. Without these skills, they remain scattered and afraid. These are skills that you must learn because you have not mastered them. As their parents we are also their teachers and they seek us for guidance and guidance, even if they cannot tell us or seem to reject us. Having calm and patience and maintaining our focus in the present moment we can return them to their energy and connect them with their power.

** All articles are copyrighted © by Jennifer Hoffman and Elightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. Distribution and reprinting is permitted provided all appropriate credits are given.

** Site in English: www.urielheals.com

** Translation: Xitlalli Contreras - www.templodelsol.com

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