Ascension Notes: We are underway

  • 2015

We are now in a situation where we are moving rather quickly towards being and being more in the New than in the old, more fused with the being than based on the ego, more in Unity than dwelling in duality. Personally, as everything is a message, let me share with you some things that have happened to me in the last 24 hours.

A dead branch of my tree fell (yes!) And my bank destroyed my old bank card because someone bought something that I had not bought. This is a perfect example of easily releasing what no longer serves me (the dead branch of the tree) and a new level of abundance (having to get a new bank card). What is your life showing you right now?

This does not mean that we have "arrived, " for there is still more to be released, even if it is becoming easier now than it has been. We are more focused on serving a purpose than just living our lives. Some have arrived, being fully immersed in the Self, while others continue to struggle. There are those who straddle between the old and the New. Wherever a person is, she is where she is, and this is not judged. It is very clear where a person's conscience is by his words and through one's Intuition. I see him personally in a very clear and honorable way to each person for the path he has chosen, and I also see where that path leads them; and yet it is not my business to correct or guide them since that is to insinuate my path to others. The days of rescue, healing and saving are gone. That is from the ego, to think that we can save someone is like saying that person cannot do it herself.

Realize that Ascension is continuous and infinite. Although some use words such as "mastery, " what is mastery? Is mastery the end point? No, it is not, and it is an illusion to think that mastery is the end of the path. When one has mastered a level, there are more levels to “dominate.” Although the solstice brought a great leap into our New Lives, that is not the end point or the culmination of anything. There is neither end nor beginning. life is a continuum that goes from the old to the new and beyond. Therefore, there is no “mastery.” We continue in our upward spiral to be Divinity, growing infinitely.

All we have is this moment. All we need is to be aware in this Now. Everything will be presented to us so that we can give it energy or release it. Being in this space we know exactly what to do ... if we take some time to see what each Moment is trying to tell us. When we pay attention to how we feel, we will know. If you feel at peace and expanded, that is a message that everything is fine with respect to where you are at that moment. If you feel doubt or something does not feel right at all, go deeper and see what your message is. Sometimes fear tells us that something is not quite right and sometimes it tells us that we have left our comfort zone and that it would be a good idea to follow it, although sometimes it is uncomfortable and unfamiliar. In fact, feeling uncomfortable and out of the familiar could be the best because there is a great growth in it. It is simply that we do not know the future. All we have is this moment to feel our way. No choice is wrong, each thing we choose leads us to a path and over time we see what that path is, which requires a radical confidence in ourselves.

We have been working diligently to transcend the separated ego for many years. Aeons really. And we have been doing a great job! Now it is more important to focus on what we are creating again. We are more fused with the Self, we are more Divine than we have ever been. This does not mean that we have not been Divine all this time but that it has been hidden beneath layers of thoughts and actions based on fear. We have released many layers so that we can hear and act according to our spiritual guidance. We can more easily see the old patterns we have sustained. many of them passed from generation to generation and in lives of being deceived into complete darkness. Now there is so much Light that we can easily and clearly see the path of Love.

Ascension is no longer something in the future, but it is here and right now. It is now more challenging to remain in the old than to be in the New. Instead of saying that we are ascending we can say that we are descending, which means that we have reached the highest dimensions of multidimensionality and are bringing it to our physical bodies and to Earth, for that is what Ascension / Descent really means. . We are not going anywhere. Our mission has been to bring the Light right here and right now. As we personify this high dimensional Light, we share it effortlessly without proselytizing as in the old way of doing it, and we are authentically ourselves. This is more than enough because others are elevated by our Light Love.

We are gaining strength in our Light Essence and for the rest of this year we will personify and integrate more of our natural state of Being. We will continue to recalibrate and reorganize mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually as our Divinity is fully in command. The Solstice, together with the immense solar activity that has been happening, helps us by making sure that of course we are who we have been destined to be all along. We share everything we are. We do not worry if the other "understands" or not, because that is your choice. The important thing is that we start from Love. Love has no expectations or ties. He simply is. Love is authentic. Love is what we are, and therefore all we say and do is Love ... to the extent that we have revealed it within ourselves.

The most powerful thing we can embrace is to have a radical Faith and Trust. in which every step we take is decreed by the Self. We no longer have to limit ourselves by fear, fear of change, fear of something new, fear of rejection, fear of leaving what is comfortable and familiar. We do not have to fear anything in life because everything we experience is designed to help us evolve. When we thought we were victims of circumstances, we had never seen it this way. Now we can clearly see that nothing is random and that we create it to help us evolve. This is the total impact of Self-Responsibility. And I love it because there is no shame, there is no guilt and there are no excuses. It is my full expression and experience and everything leads me to Casa a M .

As they are delivered to the Grace of Flow and Acceptance, our cells and DNA let go of the old programs. If our minds still want to invent stories from the intellectual memory of the old beliefs and patterns, well, that is an election as well. It doesn't have to be that way because we have changed inside. And if we have the courage to see those old stories as false and illusory, we free ourselves to be authentically Divine. It is an election and requires being in the Moment and fully aware. Come how have we changed 180 degrees? And this will gain strength and will be integrated more in the course of the rest of the year.

Every time there is a new door / portal opening, such as the Equinox or the Solstice, we have a period of time in which we go through a recalibration in order to integrate the high dimensional light that has entered into us. With this last Solstice came a great solar energy, which makes this recalibration more intense than usual. Instead of complaining about it, let's thank it because that means that we are receiving and integrating more Light and Love. Perhaps we experience it as anxiety, except that it is not anxiety, it is an increase in our energies. This new expanded energy is positive because we can finally move forward instead of feeling stuck in some old pattern. We can take a step towards new missions and a new way of living our Truth.

Take care of your best. This could include settling, breathing deeply, drinking more water, bathing in Epson salts and anything they feel guided to do so that our most recent recalibrations can be more gently integrated. If we resist complaining or blaming or focusing too much on physical discomfort, that prolongs the passage. Realize that the Solstice and solar activity brings with it the Light Codes of the Galactic Sun energies (The Source) and this helps our central nervous system, consciousness and behavior patterns a lot. Along with feeling "anxious, " they may also feel agitated, nauseating, forgetful and have heart phenomena ... or if they flow with all this, they may not experience any of these things. It all depends on whatever it is for its greatest evolution.

We are definitely moving and changing. Our cells are releasing lives of old memories and emotions that may or may not rise to the surface through dreams and memories of trauma. The bursts help the residual energies to bubble so that we can release them and choose a different way of being. As the old cellular memories rise to the conscious mind, we may experience sorrow, sadness, anger and any other emotion, and we may not know why or where they come from. We may even blame life “out there.” Don't look for a cause or reason, just release it, your cells are doing the job. They may feel hot periods lasting a few minutes because the hidden energies are burning. All this helps them to be more aware of the changes to be made in order to achieve their New Employer.

As we become more aware, it is better to focus on what we want to create or how we want to feel. For example, if you focus on feeling free, the details are energetically created so that all you have to do is focus on the feeling. It is much simpler in the New. When we focus on feelings, the separated ego does not take care of handling the details because you circle your separated ego. In this way the Source deals with all manifestation. It only requires that you put your energy where you want to grow. They will manifest anything they focus on, both what they want and what they don't want. We all know at this point that what you focus on is what you are going to create the most. All energy is electromagnetic, so does it not make sense for her to respond to any of her thoughts and feelings? Electromagnetic energy simply creates, without judging, without passion or desire about the result, it simply responds to its own energy field.

With the increase in electromagnetic energy via solar activity, there could be a new game of what is referred to as “Ascension symptoms.” Some of you have been experiencing them for a while too and include, but are not inclusive, changes in the patterns of dreams (insomnia or sleeping “as if they had been knocked out”), timelessness, inability to remember certain words or events, vertigo, nausea and definitely euphoric moments and excitement (without the so-called reason). Their ringing in the ears, if they have it, changes in tone and volume, especially during solar flares or descents / improvements. You may have to urinate more and have an unusual runny nose for you. There is a lot of liberation and integration. However, it is for you, it is designed specifically for you, so it doesn't really help to compare yourself with another . Although we may have unique experiences, we are really in all this together so we are definitely never alone.

Just know that even if the solstice has ended, the energy he brings has not. We are in it in full and the Light continues to regress mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This is a time to play and celebrate and enjoy. Everything else will be solved. The lighter they are, the easier it will be. We are in the phase of enjoying our lives, because that in itself does a lot so that we remember that we are beautiful beings of Light.


Ascension Notes: We are underway

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