Jiddu Krishna Murti Quote: I must love the same thing I am studying

  • 2016

What is, is what you are, not what you would like to be; It is not the ideal because the ideal is fictional, but it is really what they are doing, thinking and feeling from moment to moment.

What is, is the real, and to understand the real requires the realization, an alert and fast mind . But if we begin to condemn what it is, if we begin to blame it or resist it, then we will not understand its movement.

If I want to understand someone, I cannot condemn him. I must observe it, study it. I must love the same thing I am studying.

If they want to understand a child, they must love him instead of condemning him. They must play with him, observe his movements, his idiosyncrasies, his forms of behavior; but if they merely condemn him, resist him or blame him, then they do not understand him.

Similarly, to understand what it is, one must observe what one thinks, feels and does from moment to moment. That is the real thing. Any other action, any ideological ideal or act is not real - that is merely a desire, a fictitious desire to be something that one is not.

So to understand what a mental state is required in which there is no identification or condemnation, which means a mind that is alert, and yet passive.

- Krishnamurti, The Collection of Works, Vol. V ”, 50, Perch Without Choosing

AUTHOR: Méline Lafont

SEEN AT: http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.de/2016/01/jiddu-krishna-murti-quotes-i-must-love.html#more


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