Master Jesus talks about Channeling (Spanish Translation)

  • 2017
Ascended Master Jesus talks about Channeling

TOPICS: Many people can turn the consciousness dial - Many tune into the psychic sphere - There are astral beings with different intentions - You must select the Ascended Masters as their mentors - The risk of channeling - Hitler was a channel of the dark forces - Dark forces can take over your mind - Be balanced and use discernment - Many people can tune into the spiritual realm - Many people can develop their tune - Learn to read the vibration based on the knowledge of higher vibrations - Examine your motives - You cannot grow without testing yourself - The key is balance - Test the spirits - Look first for Cristeity.

Ask the Ascended Master Jesus: What is your vision of the Channeling?

Response of Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

Higher teachings explain that God's creation is made of energy . There are many levels in divine creation, and they are separated only by their vibration . The human mind has the ability to tune into the different levels of divine creation. By turning the dial of his conscience, a person can receive ideas or messages from other realms.

There are several kingdoms that are beyond the material universe, but their vibration is too low for them to be part of the spiritual world. One of these kingdoms is what we call psychic kingdom or astral plane. There are a large number of beings residing in this area. On earth, it is seen that human beings are in many different states of consciousness. The same happens in the astral kingdom.

In the lower levels of the astral kingdom, there are beings that clearly have a bad intention. Such beings will deliberately seek to manipulate human beings for various purposes, including the theft of their spiritual energy.

  • In the middle levels of the astral kingdom, there are beings who do not have a bad intention but simply act out of ignorance.

  • At the highest levels of the astral kingdom, there are beings who have reached a certain level of spiritual understanding. Such beings may seem wise or advanced to the people of the material world. These beings may have no bad intention, and perhaps they would be able to give directions or teachings that contain a certain amount of truth. However, one must ask why these beings reside in the astral realm and why they have not ascended to the spiritual realm. The reason is that, for various psychological reasons, these beings have become stuck at that level of divine creation. Therefore, if a person continues in communion with such beings, he risks being trapped on the same level.

  • For most students, it is difficult to climb higher than their teacher's conscience. Therefore, when the spiritual master is selected, it is better to select a teacher who is a member of the Ascended Masters . If maximum spiritual growth is desired and one wants to ascend in the spiritual realm, why choose a teacher who resides at a lower level? Of course, if only `` spiritual entertainment '' is sought, then many astral beings are experts in telling people exactly what their egos want to hear.

It is not my intention to make an absolute statement that automatically denounces channeling as dangerous. However, I am aware that some New Age people subscribe to the idea that there is no risk associated with channeling . I must say frankly that this idea is incorrect.

In its broadest sense, channeling can be described as a process by which a person on earth turns the dial of his conscience and tunes in a level of divine creation that is more It is beyond the material universe. However, if you think that everything beyond the material universe is good and spiritual, then you are suffering from a very dangerous illusion.

To see the danger of this illusion, you only have to look at the actions of human beings. Why do you think certain people commit acts that are clearly evil? The reason is that these people have tuned their conscience to the lowest level of divine creation. For example, it is known that Adolf Hitler was fascinated by the occult. Actually, he was a channel for the dark forces that manipulated him and used him for his purposes. When looking at Hitler's life and death, it should be obvious that channeling is not a risk-free activity.

Some people have allowed the dark forces of the astral kingdom to influence them or even take charge of their conscience. Therefore, these people are often tools of the dark forces, either voluntarily or involuntarily, knowingly or not.

What I am trying to explain here is that if it is taken for granted that channeling is risk free, then you have placed yourself at one end. The other extreme is represented by people who never dare to turn the dial of consciousness to achieve something beyond the material universe. Both types of people have an unbalanced approach to spiritual growth .

If you look at some of the most spiritual people on earth, it will be seen that there is only one reason why these people are spiritual. The reason is that they have turned the dial of their conscience and are in tune with the spiritual realm. Through this tuning, these people receive understanding, understanding and sometimes various types of messages from the spiritual realm. Many people on earth are already open and in tune with something beyond the material universe, and many more will open in the coming decades. This openness is a very important part of the spiritual plan to raise the consciousness of humanity.

In general, I don't want people to close their minds. However, I strongly recommend that people consider at what level, with which radio station, they contact.

I encourage people to learn how to turn the dial of their conscience and tune into something beyond the material world. However, I obviously want people to learn to tune into the spiritual world without connecting to any of the lower realms. For this, it is necessary to reach discernment, and so you will know what comes from the spiritual world and what comes from the lower worlds.

Such discernment can only be achieved by placing yourself in your personal Cristeity, and I deliver many tools and teachings to help people achieve this.

I must say frankly that I see many wonderful people within the New Age movement who are very open to the idea that human beings can communicate with the spiritual world. However, some of these people try to take heaven by force, and seek this communion with impure motives. Such motives may include pride, a need for self-aggrandizement, a need for power and control, or the desire to experience phenomena that are out of the ordinary.

If you seek inner communion for a disorderly desire or with impure motives, you are likely to tune into a level that is below the spiritual sphere. Therefore, you must be very aware of your motives.

The best way to overcome imperfect motives is to make a sincere effort to participate in the way of building your personal Cristeity . Seek first the kingdom of God, seek first the conscience of Christ, and everything else will be added to you.

Balance is always the key to spiritual growth. There are those who say that due to the risk of contact with the psychic forces, you should never try any kind of personal communion. If you accept this idea, how can you rise above a certain level in your path? On the other hand, it is clearly dangerous to affirm that any person can attempt communion and that there is no risk.

At a certain level of the spiritual path, a person has to develop the ability to reach beyond the material universe and to communicate with the spiritual world. However, this communion must occur only through the person of Christ Himself . Through that same Christ, he can test the spirits and know if they are from God.

If you never try this communion, you simply cannot grow beyond a certain level. However, if you try this communion without discernment, you run a risk. Therefore, focus your attention on the development of the Cristeidad, and do not try to force internal communion. Simply build your Cristeity, and let your spiritual Master find you when you are ready.

This is the concept that I have described in the parable of the virgins who were preparing for the arrival of the husband. If a stream of life tries to force the process, it could end with the wrong boyfriend, and then it won't be a marriage made in heaven.

Some people are so trapped in a materialistic state of consciousness that they cannot communicate with anything beyond the material world. If you have risen above that level and reached a kind of connection, why not make an extra effort to achieve the discernment of Christ? Why not make sure to enter into communion with the true Masters in the spiritual realm and not with beings of lower levels?

My classmates and I are ready and willing to communicate with anyone who achieves a certain degree of Cristeity . Find us with discernment and pure motives and you will find us.


ENGLISH-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Eva Villa, editor in the big family


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