The Capacity of Discernment - Message of Mary Magdalene channeled by Janani-Sheila (2-XII-2010)

  • 2011

Song of Mary Magdalene

“What joy invades my whole being,

I always want to live singing

for my Jesus my soul saved,

for his blessing and his power,

our sins on the cross expired,

He has also made his promise to me,

If you were faithful, then you will be and live

forever in the arms of my God. ”

The ability to discern

Beloved, my beloved and dear daughters, my little and so beloved sons, I do not speak only to you who are here, I speak to all those who seek, who seek the word, who seek the vibration of Love that you emanate for all of you around, there are many beings here, there is a lot of light, but there is also a less luminous side that seeks clarity, which seeks the light that emanates from the heavens to this place. I also speak to those who will put their eyes on the letters that will be written and disseminated, to each one, this is your moment, this is your here and now, thank you for the opportunity to be in jubilation, to experience and feel the experience of Love, of the Love of the Father, of the Love of the Mother, of the love of the Holy Spirit, of the Love of all beings of light who rejoice together in favor of all humanity.

Beloved and dear daughters, I bless you and poster me at your feet in gratitude to those who express their willingness to meet in the name of the Father.

I am María Magdalena, this is my house, it is a place that has been called Magdala, and Magdala was my house, my abode, the place where I was born and where I lived until the manifestation of the Greater Love has come true in my being .

I walked, walked with my bare feet in search of the Word, and found it, found it and drank it in a golden chalice, and that food has sustained my whole being and now I manifest it here before each one of you, before this city, Before this country, before your planet, fear nothing, the lack of love on your planet, open your hearts to vibrate in joy, to vibrate in inner happiness.

Some of you have in your minds questions to which I will answer.

On protection, you wonder how I do, how should I do to keep myself protected from the invasions of less good energies? of energies that take us away from our inner balance and the words of Love. It is not easy beloved and dear daughters, it is not easy because that protection will only be given in integrity when your vibration is of pure joy, of inner joy, and your planet, your environment, allow that vibration to be constant in your being.

So you will be exposed to experience experiences, which will be manifested in the form of less good energies, of the dark forces but that also have their purpose, beloved and dear daughters, has the purpose of helping you, to live experiences and have teachings and get the ability to keep you in the true vibration of unconditional love.

There are brothers who are here on Earth and they are also brothers because they come from the Light of God, nevertheless they have moved away, they have left the Light of God and have sought the other side, they have sought the shadow and manifest aspects contrary to the force of Love and many, many of you, fail to escape, of those energies, but do not worry because those energies have the purpose of making you evolve, of making you grow and finding the firmness of Love.

Do not look at all corners, you have the ability to discern, ask your teachers, especially those who are determined on Earth to show you the truth. Take their names with you and invoke them, pronounce their name with your lips when you need that protection or that discernment, or to decide or make an important choice for your lives, for your spiritual paths, have that discernment.

Beloved daughters the Elohím Vista, Cyclopea, helps us and shows us the truth, gives us the discernment to know how to choose and once again. I repeat to you, put on your forehead, in your third eye the image of Cyclopea, of the Elohim Vista and so you will have at the exact moment that you need the ability to choose the truth.

There are situations in your lives that cannot be avoided and will happen, there are situations that you must live because it is part of your karma and your evolution, but discernment is still important, the ability to choose, because even if it is karmic, the potential to the events, of the aspects that you would have to live will be softened by the decrees and appeals that should be made to your teachers and spiritual guides.

I feel the vibration of my beloved, I feel the presence of Jeshua, take your hands, accept, accept your words in your hearts and allow, allow the emanation of his light through the heart chakra.

The Christic energy on Earth becomes more and more present and then it will no longer be so subtle, it will be so great that you will be able to move the energy and presence of our beloved, love Him as He loves you, give Him your hearts, and allow Him to use every spark of light that vibrates in your being and you will see how wonderful it is to drink in the Love of the Son that is connected to the Father and that brings to you the divine spark of creation.

I am Mary, of Magdala and I am in each one of you complementing your feminine energy, manifesting the energy of the Christic woman, of the woman who has proclaimed and has folded to the word of Love, of Jeshua's Love I bless you beloved and Beloved in the Light of the Father.

channeled by Janani-Sheila

Published by Elu Iraya

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