To be or not to be, that is the question ~ Message from God the Father (Part One)

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 First Part 2 Channeled by Adele Arini, March 27, 2018. 3 What if I tell you that you are all Gods? And Goddesses? 4 I AM YOU. YOU ARE ME. WE ARE ONE. United in every way. FOREVER. 4.1 People who are reading this particular message can be categorized into three different groups: 5 “It all comes down to this: Do you want to choose Love or Fear? Missing or Abundance? Do you want to experience a physical reality in which you are One and United with God (and with Everything on your planet) or, do you want to experience your polar opposite: living in the illusion of Separation from God and All that is? ”5.1“ The The following proverbs perfectly describe the function of all religions and / or beliefs based on Earth: 6 “You will always have the freedom, free will to believe what you want to believe, provided you offer others the same courtesy and respect as you do. same.

First part

Channeled by Adele Arini, March 27, 2018.

My beloved children,

Today I would like you to remember another higher dimensional concept that you are ready to understand. Every day they get closer to Nova Gaia. With each channeled message, we are fulfilling our promise to you. A promise to remind them of the truth of who they are, where they come from and what they can be .

Each of these messages contains Codes of Divine Light, designed to awaken you more and more to the wise, powerful and multidimensional Being that is your Higher Self.

These messages are written to help you break, tear apart and destroy ALL the three-dimensional concepts / beliefs that are deeply rooted within you and then, awaken you to the higher dimensional concepts / beliefs that many of you have forgotten, after being physically incarnated in Earth for so long.

What if I tell you that you are all Gods? And goddesses?

You are all Infinite Expressions of My Divine Being. Individually, this means that you are also of Divine origins, made in the same likeness of Me (that is, you possess ALL my powerful Divine attributes ). When I created them, I impregnated your Inner Essence with My Divinity; with My Divine Attributes and this makes them, my beloved children, in the same powerful Creator as I AM.

I AM YOU. YOU ARE ME. WE ARE ONE. United in every way. FOREVER.

One of my beloved daughters named Alaine has created a beautiful song 'You Are Me' (inspired by ...? Who else? * Laughs *) that perfectly describes your Unity with Me and EVERYTHING).

People who are reading this particular message can be categorized into three different groups:

  • Those in Group 1 will find my previous statements very difficult to believe, perhaps due to their own strong feelings of: inadequacy or lack of control in their own lives. These people have truly forgotten their Inner Power, their Spiritual Powers of Creation and Manifestation .
  • Group 2 contains people who, in the past, have been indoctrinated too thoroughly into the systematic and organized beliefs of all earthly religions. They can find My statements frankly sacrilegious / blasphemous and believe with absolute certainty that ALL information that directly contradicts their religious teachings is 'false' information with the intention of leading them out of their sacred ways.
  • Group 3 is all of you who are waking up spiritually and have chosen to ascend in this life . They are attracted to these messages because they resonate with their hearts ; your inner barometer of Truth. Your whole being (mind, body, emotion and spirit) is now ready to open to the Divine Higher Wisdom, which I am always here to remind you of, the Wisdom that has always been deeply buried within you, waiting for the right moment to be revealed. And that time is NOW!

For those of you who belong to Group 1 or 2, this is my message:

“My beloved children, as always, are FREE to believe or not to believe in the Wisdom that I just reminded you today. You can choose to continue feeling and / or behaving like yourself, or as others have told you to be: inadequate, fearful, out of control, small and helpless, and / or as sinners in God's eyes. You are free to continue belittling yourself ; in a position below Me and / or lower than any other Light Being of higher dimensions in this Universe.

You can continue putting Me and / or certain Ascended Masters / selected religious teachers on a pedestal that is located much higher than where you are. They are free to believe that the place where they are is a destination they can never reach. You are free to believe that what they could do (to demonstrate their internal divine powers) during their physical incarnations, you can never do. They are also free to continue believing in Fear, Separation and Lack of Consciousness. My children, you will always have the freedom to believe in whatever you want.

It all comes down to this: Do you want to choose Love or Fear? Is there a lack or abundance? Do you want to experience a physical reality in which you are One and United with God (and with Everything on your planet) or, you want to experience your polar opposite: living in the illusion of God's Separation and all that is?

All the Ascended Masters whom you have `` worshiped '' and `` labeled '' as Gods / Goddesses in your faith / religions have once walked on Earth EXACTLY as you. They are powerful and divine souls that walk in their human costume . They are all My beloved Sons and Daughters, just like you, they are My beloved Sons and Daughters. These Ascended Masters are powerful, just as your own Higher Beings are powerful.

In their famous physical incarnations as L deres or Founders of your religions / faith, they have also individually gone through the process of spiritual awakening and the lighting . They have `ascended 'successfully from their lower three-dimensional way of thinking / being / behaving. They did so by consciously choosing and fully committing to be the embodiment of the Christ Consciousness in their daily lives and surrendering to the Divine Light / Divine Spark that is within them, which is within of all.

(The Christ Consciousness is not related to a specific religion; it is a state of Being where one is fully embodying Divine, Unconditional Love and Unity with EVERYTHING).

“The following proverbs perfectly describe the function of all religions and / or beliefs based on Earth:

“All roads lead to Rome.” (Alain deLille)

"There are many roads to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same."

(Chinese proverb)

The first proverb means that there are many different ways to reach the same goal or conclusion. In the second proverb, the “Top of the Mountain” is your True HOUSE with me, or being in a state of perfect Unity with Me . The "point of view is always the same" means that no matter what path you take, the result, the consequence, is always the same. You will always find me there, in perfect union with You. "

“Over the centuries, innumerable wars have been fought; countless people have died, struggling to prove the 'supremacy' and the 'domination / power' of one belief, one religion over another. They were trying to prove that their path, their religion / belief / faith is The `` best '' and The `` only '' path to God, to Me. It is complete and total madness! And if you think this only happened in your "old" past, think again. This is STILL happening now in many parts of your planet. History repeats itself. It is time for the Human Collective to adopt a new path, a new paradigm, a new way of thinking, being and doing. A path that is based on Love and Unity for all. A form of inclusion instead of exclusivity ”.

“You will always have the freedom, free will to believe what you want to believe, as long as you offer others the same courtesy and respect as yourself.

NOW is the time to decide if they are happy to stay as they are, as they always have been, or if they are ready to open their hearts to the possibility that they are destined to be something bigger. There is no judgment, there is no pressure. All of you, on a Higher level (pre-birth), have made the decision to either wake up spiritually now or not yet wake up . There is no right or wrong. One decision is NOT better than the other. It all depends on their level of preparation (in their own evolution as the eternal spirit they are) to embrace their higher dimensional beings. ”

Continued in Part Two: Message for Group 3

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Channeled by Adele Arini. To be or not to be, That is the Question. If you republish, keep the message in its entirety and provide the link below. Much love and gratitude. Namaste

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