Divine Mother How to get out of the Depression by the Divine way?

  • 2013

My dear children, do not allow yourself to be depressed, without courage and with the sadness of a contracted heart. Depression decreases the activity of your lower bodies, partially disconnects you from the Divine Presence - break this structure: Break, break, break. Depression is a false sadness; it must be eliminated from the beginning as it is taking on more intensity and then; Fear, anguish, anxiety, guilt, loss, frustration or demerement, sabotage them and make the feeling of depression increasingly intense - they need to break the structures of intensity - tear them apart, get rid of them - break them with the light, with the energy of the light, with the love of the light, with the love for yourselves. Depression also becomes more intense because there is something that they are holding on tightly to let go. The more they cling, the more intense the depression becomes, because what they are clinging to is trying to be released by their souls. Let it go.

Their souls and their soul families are part of the light. The Creator is the light. So, depression let her go to the light. Even say Mother, teach me to let go of this sadness, show me how to free myself from this. This is what has to happen. Do not repress or accumulate the suffering because they explode, they run out of energy and fall into depressive neurosis because of external problems that are difficult to solve and that have lasted a long time, or because of feelings that have repressed and catapulted. Depression is reactionary, it is an exploitation that can become increasingly intense.

Acceptance is being open to your own feelings in the here and now

Their feelings come from their souls and are their connection to life itself. Tell me; Mother this happens to me, can you help me? or I am upset about this situation, how do I release these feelings that are oppressing me?

They have to learn to let go, they have to learn to relax on the most subtle level; to allow my love, my healing and my peace to help you, you have to trust me. It is their small egos, which are holding on and causing the pain. You have to give up that little identity, those little limits, the small conditions, the fear, the painful memories and that false sadness. This is where they use the trust that Jesus called faith. Take that leap of faith, and get out of your bad habits that also cause depression. You have to trust that the Divine really knows more than you and has a greater good for you. You let go and follow me, and everything will be fine. That is what you have to trust. That everything will be fine when released.

The liberation of pain is in the expansion of being

Do not hide your real thoughts and feelings, you are kind, generous, kind, sincere and detached - the third eye simply closes with the contraction of your heart, when you cannot be who you are. If the third eye is open, the pineal gland is activated. Expansion is what we want, the third eye open, the heart soft and expanded. People tell me: "If I am soft I could be vulnerable to damage, I have to close and protect myself." And I tell them: Expand through any attack that could come. Stay softer and more expansive for that attack energy to vibrate through you; leave, if they close it is rigidly locked. With the closure, the opposite of what you want to achieve has been created. An exploitation has been created for the pain of the attack. What we want is to let it go, flow through it and let it dissipate. They are stronger when they expand and soften because they have more access to their infinite Being. What attacks them comes from a stiff pain and whoever attacks or judges them is not even very aware of what they are doing, is someone who is suffering. This is what these extreme pain contractions create - senseless attack. And you can be victims of these attacks if left. Do not leave. Stay away and expanded. Healing is what must be done within yourself; the attack can hit them and bring them pain - so you have to dissolve it, break it, expand it, soften it through the attack. They soften through their pain so that the pain does not damage them again. The defense against pain is to expand, to soften through it, so that it melts.

There are so many people with pain in the world that they are attacking without thinking of others. Out of their own pain, they attack. You must be the vessel of dissolution and the melting of pain. You are too big to be caught in the little pain trap. It is no good for them to contract and defend their pain. It only serves to dissolve it, let it go. You can find yourself in that you have to dissolve so much pain on this planet, of people who don't even know they have it. This is their destiny, this is their purpose and although they cannot tell them directly what is happening to them, they are being catalysts for them to dissolve their pain. As they clean this planet; the pain is dissolving, by expanding beyond it, they become infinite. So when a pain is thrown at you, you take it with your hand and pull it towards the infinite ocean where it melts, where it completely disintegrates.

Join the fragments of your souls, heal the scratches and breaks of your energy fields, and continue to expand beyond whatever the structures of pain are present and expand your consciousness. until they are spherical.

You are full

You in your physical bodies; you are not your whole being but a part of it the truth is that you are huge and therefore you are in several dimensions at once. With his 12 chakras and his 12 llamas, he has had many lives, and not only on this planet.

Until you begin to reconnect with your whole Being, you are not completely A A are building the light bridge (antakarana) back to your Divinity; visualizing it between you and your Divine Presence. You have been activating the merkaba and the holon (your ascending vehicles). You have been activating the Star Gates and the Star chakras of the Being that are huge transmitters that connect you to your Divinity, which is held within your soul family.

All that pain comes from fear

Fear creates pain, collapses and nervous breakdowns, then the heart shrinks to an infinite being with fear, contracts with such force that all they experience all the time is pain. And in his attempt to heal, to shake off the pain, without thinking, he throws it at other people. It is an unconscious action that comes from people who are suffering deeply, who are very scared. I want you to understand this and have compassion. Having compassion, however, does not mean that they allow them to be harmed. His compassion heals them, breaks their pain structures, ordering them to go to the Light. This is where we are now on this planet the pain is coming to break, the mandate to go to the Light must be heard everywhere and we must expand and become larger than Fear and pain You must return to your self-mastery to return home - do not forget that you have incarnated here to heal this planet, to unite with others in the healing of this planet. There are enough of you to make a significant change in the way of life that is lived on this Earth. We must not tolerate the old control through fear, the old ideas that if you hurt me, I do it too, the old fears that you are alone, the old anger of those who believe they have control and power, terror and evil against the innocent.

Love yourself as divine beings

Only when they love themselves is that they can love others, can they love God, be filled with God because God is Love and their hearts heal.

Those who hate and do not respect others hate themselves. Hate is an extreme contraction - it must be melted. Thank's for your love. I am the Divine Mother, I come in the name of Truth. I see the lights of his love shining in my life. Everything is perfect. His love is complete. The unconditional love of their hearts and the divine love of their souls.

Love is inside, it is not outside

I, the Divine Mother, love you as you are, I want to see you in the freedom to be everything you are. I assure you that you don't have to play any games to be accepted by a heart and soul that really loves you with the fire of divine love. Divine love flows more easily between soulmates or soul mates.

Whenever you are afraid of being rejected, you suffer disappointments, or the loved one cannot be with you, you feel doubts in a relationship; I want them to start looking for me. If you get lost and can't find me, just say from your hearts: "Mu" or "Mother, I love you." Let my love be your openness to what is important to you. Notice what moves in love. Keep loving, getting deeper and see where love is leading you.

You have the power to free yourself from what is not love. You are in charge of your energy. If you are connected to a fear, cut the thread, break the thought. Cut, cut, cut. Break, break, break. Do not believe in fear - this is a defense mechanism. Trust your Divine Being. Do not trust fear. Trust me. I am one with you. Trust our Unit. Essentially we are Love, Wisdom and Will, to heal this Earth.

You can experience unity with all creation and enjoy the participation of your individual life stream as a part of that. There is great joy in knowing that you are part of the flow of universal energy, of universal love, even though you are keeping your attention on your individual life stream. You have to be clear on this. Freedom does not mean debauchery - some are in the error of thinking; I love all human beings and I can be intimate with several at once and satisfy them all. This demonstrates low self-esteem standards. How many times have they found themselves in a relationship with which they don't resonate, and think that letting it go would be even worse?

Co-creating the life partner

It is not about the kind of relationship they would like to have or that they could have at this time in their lives. Visualize the kind of relationship with which they really resonate, and be safe and confident that the universe will send exactly to the person they need. Continue to create a better relationship that sustains a high level of self, until you find your twin flame who is able to sustain your Divine Presence, here on Earth.

Do not accept a relationship of distrust or dependence, a life without joy or illusion in your hearts. Do not accept that you do not respect them for what they are, do not accept the fear or doubt of not having or not getting the person who vibrates in unison in a relationship. You are connected to the Earth's magnetic grid and the similar attracts the similar. Think about this. Do not reach an agreement with yourself if you are not too demanding.

His love is not in his physical body - many confuse love with pleasure or physical attraction. His love is not in his lower mind - many confuse love with fantasies, with having company or with beautiful words or attachments - love is in their hearts. You live with a consciousness of unity and can only surrender your hearts - I am happy with your hearts - your hearts are good, you have learned the qualities of love, and the love you give elevates the vibrations of those who receive it.

Some think that there are many kinds of love and this is not true, it only manages to divide your consciences and you are whole. In love, the mechanism that forms the images must be stopped because the latter belong to the mind and love belongs to the heart.

Observe yourself, if you allow someone to love only a part of you and not your totality, then you can see elements of division in your own consciences and in your interactions with others.

Keep the softening. With the practice of softening you are practicing healing until it is flowing in your physical form, in your life stream, as a Divine flow of Divine Love. Keep letting go, and softening. No matter what the situation of the relationship, let yourself be carried away by the divine wisdom of Mother God, and what is not right will move.

So your whole being has to be brought back to alignment with the divine flow of life through the universe, the flow of life force. When you are in alignment with the divine flow of vital energy, everything in your life is going well, including your relationships. You are one with the Divine Mother, so if you love yourself and others, you are loving God Father-Mother All that is.

You are Divine Beings with control of your thoughts, emotions and actions, and to help others, you have to have the necessary elevation to respect the feelings and ideas of other people. You also know how to protect your energy fields with a blanket of light in your interactions with others.

Your attention is powerful. When you put your attention there in a relationship; and in the movements of the infinite, by softening through that point of attention, the Infinite meets with you, and there is the encounter of the two Infinites. When both infinities are at a point of energy crisis, the storm calms down.

It is love that is leading and driving them through their relationships. Stay in love Do not get caught by the mental ego. Love is the life that is here to offer it to this planet. Stay focused on that.

We are all together in the healing of this planet for love. We are bringing it back to balance. All even their galactic brothers are working together to bring love back to this planet, being better with each other, with a consciousness of unity.

Let the unconditional love of the Divine Mother consume all divisions of the lower mind. I have come to offer you my unconditional love, like the Divine Mother. So I ask you to consider; Observe themselves and see the elements of division in their own consciences. I want you to see this and let it go, pass it by the violet flame, and by the white flame and by the ruby ​​gold flame so that you feel transformed and so clear that you will be able to make the right decision.

Feel completely involved in the love of the Divine Mother, so that you have no worries, feel my vibration, my warmth, my protection, and my support. They are so involved in the unconditional love of the Mother of God that none of the worries of the world can touch them. No negative energy can penetrate the shell of unity - the circle of unity of my love that I have put around it.

My beloved children, listen to my voice, allow yourself to feel my love. Let me give you a hand, so you can feel the fullness of whole love and the acceptance that you can be full of love. This is my only wish; that you leave aside the divisions and feel the love of the Divine Mother that really is the key to your unity, and then feel like the body of God on Earth that has achieved union with the higher being.

The twin flame

It has always been a challenge to find the twin flame. Now many soulmates are reconnecting and the light of divine love called twin is entering the planet. Finding your twin flames is part of your divine purposes. Do not feel incomplete or dissatisfied in a false need for love, so that your perception of reality is not altered - the relationship with the twin flame is not of dependence but of balance.

Say: Divine Mother, teach me, guide me, show me the way to my twin flame. I want you to find her and let me help you in every way. The love between twin flames is based on trust and adoration for themselves and for their Divine Truth. The twin flames are the realization of the Flame of the Divine Mother in incarnation. The light of the Mother in the flame of the highest love; the love that unites everything and consumes heartbreak - Purity, White Light, the intimate knowledge of being one with the Creator, of being one with the twin flame, in the trinity of the Divine Presence (two twin rays and the Creator). The sacred meeting space of the twin flames is the heart with the light of the inner Christ.

Raise the Light of the Mother within your own temples. It is a decision that everyone must make to keep alive the flame of life and know that their decrees and their love for me; they are the means to raise the Light of the Mother which is the sacred fire of the base chakra of the column. Then, to lower the Father's Light from the I AM Presence, and experience that union of both, in the heart chakra. As the fire of the heart increases, karma will be burned and this is to transmute what is no longer necessary.

The relationships

The secret of love is that love is the most powerful energy in creation. Love is not an emotion. The love is the force of the life. Love is the energy and vitality that keeps them alive. It is the vibration, the power that animates all life in the universe. Most people do not understand love in this way, but I am telling you what is the secret of love, the Secret of Divine love. You have to find divine love in all relationships, not just in yourself.

A relationship can be a mirror in which we see a part of us. All life is a movement in relation. There is nothing living on Earth that is not related to one thing or another. The relationship is the basis of love. The relationship is important in life and does not necessarily have to be with other human beings. Love is not thought. Love is not desire, it is not pleasure, it is not the movement of images; and as long as one has images of the other, there is no love. There is no security in the things produced by thought, to the quality of learning to love, without conditions, it is a quality of undoubted sensitivity and greatness. They are born with an intuitive wisdom in the heart and a consciousness that resides in the Higher Self, which allows them to choose wisely and discern the good from the bad, the natural from the harmful, the real from the unreal, however They can fool them. This voice of consciousness is the atman or Shekinah of the soul, the Christ or the inner Buddha. It focuses on the area of ​​the heart and usually manifests itself accompanied by a feeling that is born in the depths of being.

The Higher Self

People who listen internally to the advice in their guide have fewer problems. They are guided by an intuitive knowledge of life that helps them redo their things, when this is necessary. Ask your Higher Self for advice and always appreciate your help.

Each of your choices is associated with an emotion. What they feel is what must determine their choice or their purpose. Therefore, choose what makes you feel better. Do not forget that the Truth does not cease to be Truth, just because we close your heart. Being willing to discover what the heart says is the way to develop your intuition. Listening to the heart is a challenge, it is a real challenge.

Feeling much love to give means that the seed of the inner Christ has grown in us and is bearing fruit. We are not always born of love, nor do we receive love, but we come to this world with him.

When our thoughts, feelings and actions are in harmony with our Higher Self, and under our control; We feel at peace and happy with ourselves, there is no conflict and then God can inspire or guide us if we live in sync with the superior being, that can make us stronger than our own difficulties.

They now believe in the name of the Divine Presence and the Christ

I want you to believe now what you need to create. Precipitation is possible due to its dedication to the Mother's flame, since this light represents the highest purity of incandescent white light. Creation requires training.

Thank you for your services - I see that you are always willing to help me and this means a lot to me. I see your consciences realize me. You can say: Divine Mother come outside. We have a closer relationship now. Immerse yourself in me, be in me, feel my presence around you. I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of the truth of who you are and I will give you my life. Please take it. We are one. Now ask me what you want. Masters.

You have the power of your Divine Presences and your connection with the Creator. They are no longer at the mercy of any negative condition, or appearance. Focus on that at all times. This is the authority in you. Use it for yourself to continue satisfactorily with your lives.

Divine Mother via Susannah.

Source: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com

Divine Mother How to get out of the Depression by the Divine way?

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