Lighthouses of Light - The Trialization of Love - The next evolution.

  • 2012

Lighthouses of Light - Reminders from Home June 2012


The next evolution

From Steve:

This pipeline contains several interlaced messages. Deep down, in this channel there is a message of love. They say that everything on Earth has to be imperfect in some way for it to exist. They used the example of love, since all love in the Home is perfect and unconditional. Here on Earth what prevails most is conditional love, since even marriage vows are a statement of those conditions. It is not right or wrong, it simply means that on a plane of duality there is mostly conditional love, but as we move towards triality it will become unconditional. They suggest that we use unconditional love in our relationships as much as possible, since that will allow these relationships to grow together with us.

During the channeling, The Group said that the hall would soon be filled with beings. Two minutes later, the door to the main entrance suddenly opened wide, leaving everyone speechless in the room. I had to contain the laughter inside when The Group muttered, "We told them they would come." These were the beings that stepped aside so that we could be here on Earth right now. Love in that room was a beautiful expression of total unconditional love. Feel it now, take it with you and transmit it with every smile. Know that you are never alone and that you are loved dearly.

Have a great month!

Big hugs and soft elbows,


Note: The following message has been re-channeled and edited in this format with the guidance of The Group to offer greater clarity.

From the Group

Greetings from Home

The path of the soul

There is an energy that crosses the veil every time we say these words: Greetings from Home. You believe that every time we start talking we send you this incredible love that you feel. We want to tell you, dear ones, that this is something you carry inside. They are using us as reflectors. We are the ones who can help you remember your true magnificence and your true nature. Yes, it is challenging, because they have designed a veil that prevents them from remembering their history, not only their past lives but also their true origin - who they are and where they come from. We have told you many times that, indeed, they are the sons and daughters of the King. They are the royal family that is here to anchor all the spirits of the Home. This is an amazing task that you asked for. They bring their greatest desires from Home to create an impact on the planet. They try to keep these energies on Earth, sometimes with great success because they work with the energy of the heart. However, sometimes it does not work the same way, due to the limits on planet Earth and the veil they have designed to have this experience.

Many of you say: “Well, let's take the veil aside, it's getting dimmer anyway. Let's take off the veil once and for all and let's play without it, remember fully who we are. ” Sounds fun, doesn't it? The challenge is that the moment the veil is removed, the game is over. Everyone returns home. There is no reason to be on planet Earth if they don't have the veil. They will remember who they are, and they are here to learn it through experience. And what about these experiences? "I've only accumulated good, " you say. "I have only had wonderful experiences on the planet." But the truth is that they are here to accumulate a great diversity of experiences. Some of these experiences are called surprising or even full of passion. They think others have been mediocre, painful or simply survivors. All these experiences are extremely valuable to the soul. They are not only valuable for the soul, but also for the collective of humanity. It can be said that they have the mission of accumulating experiences. Last month we talked about accumulating mistakes, which in many ways are similar to experiences. Mistakes sometimes define us and help us find strength in our true nature.

Trialization: leaving duality

Today we want to share with you something more about the veil, and particularly about this energy that travels to and from both sides of the veil so quickly. Within a field of duality there are positive and negative energies. They are moving from a field of duality to a field of triality where they will not have the polarity of good and bad, right and wrong, up and down, or love and fear. They will have more options with which they could work, and they are beginning to see it from a greater perspective. The way to see this is very simple: imagine a line between the two polarities, the line below is negative and the line up is positive. As triality arrives, they will have a new connection with their Higher Self, obviously a third point from which they can see everything more clearly. If they were really on this line, they could not distinguish where another one ends or where it starts, because they would only be aware of the line. Once you change your perception and establish a strong connection with your higher self, you will experience a different view. That is what is happening now with all mankind, not just with spiritual people. Everyone is learning to see from a new perspective outside the limitations of duality, and we call this trialization.

Today we want to talk about something else, and for a better illustration we will call this Heaven (Steve places his hand at head level to signal above or Heaven) and this Earth (Steve places his hand at waist level to signal down or Earth). It is very interesting because they refer to heaven as ibabo . It has to do with the first experiences they had when they were infants and for the first time they experienced the energies of the Earth; most of their experiences and care came from above. Their parents approached their crib and from above took them in their arms. Someone held them and gave love from above; so that when they look for love and care, they still believe that heaven is up. We think it's very funny and sometimes we have fun with that concept. Because they live in a polarity field, they even invented hell and put it down, the opposite side of the sky. Oh, that would never have occurred to us! They are so imaginative! It's so fun to watch how they change this game continuously. They call this the Home (again point it up with their hand) and they call it Earth (pointing down). Everything on this side of the line (above) is complete and perfect, while everything that exists on this side of the line (below) has to be imperfect in some way. A good example of this is their music, which is a representation of the energy in which they live all the time in the Home. Believe us when we tell you that you have not really listened to music until you return home. They will experience the music in a new way, because it will fill their spirit completely with all kinds of music. Yes, they can even enjoy rap at Home, because it is simply a representation; It has to be imperfect to be on planet Earth. Even its chromatic scale is not perfect. If you take those notes and divide them into perfectly equal parts, it does not sound pleasant to the human ear because it is too perfect. There has to be a small taste of imperfection, which allows the expression of its beauty. Let us show you where we are going with this process.

The trialization of love

Let's talk about love now. Each of you blooms in love; Humans feed on love. It is the same perfect love of Home. However, for them to experience love here on the planet, it must cross the veil and somehow discover the taste of imperfection. The easiest way to describe it is in your own words. In the Home, there is only unconditional love; For most, conditional love is the preferred flavor here on Earth. For almost all of you that sounds negative, as if we had judged you in some way or indicated that what you are doing is wrong. But that is not the case, because they are on the path where love works, plain and simple. They work with what they have, evolving as they go along and that's perfect. As they perfect themselves in many of these areas as spirits pretending to be human, what is happening is that they are also making love evolve. We will give you an example of this unconditional love we are talking about.

When they get married, they profess their marriage vows, don't they? These vows are really a declaration of conditional love: "I will love you when ... I will love you if ..." That is not bad at all; however, as they evolve they can incorporate more pieces of unconditional love into that conditional love. By doing this, they will eventually release many of those conditions to which they have held on for so long. They are evolving towards their true nature, to create more of what is truly in the Home rather than what is on Earth. Love is his next piece. Another piece of the evolution process is what is now happening with the physical body. They are transitioning to a new area, and, as you know, the physical body will begin its evolutionary process. It will take a long time, until the year 2222 to finish this piece. As soon as we mentioned that, many of you thought: "I will not be here!" But you can be if you wish, because it is one of the conditions you are beginning to release.

The future at your fingertips

They have belief systems regarding how long they will live, and it is precisely those beliefs that end their life. They are living a game. They are living their history, which currently tells them that they only live about 100 years. That story will change before they realize it, but the change must take place in the collective mind. In anticipation of their physical changes, we ask you to begin to imagine that they will have a life span of 150 years. What will they do with all that extra time? What is your purpose, if that is your goal? If they are going to be here all that time, how will they plan their lives to achieve what they came to do? We would like you to start thinking like that from now on, because many of you think you are going to retire at a certain age. Why do it? For what purpose? Are they supposed to stop working to have fun for the rest of their life? It will kill them. We believe that they are already beginning to realize that. It is perfectly acceptable that they change from this to that, but if they only dedicate themselves to playing the rest of their life, they will leave the planet quickly, because that means that everything is over. Once everything is over, they leave. They leave the planet. That is not right or wrong, and it does not mean that they have done something wrong. It just means they have finished their work. Many of the pieces are beginning to change, mainly the piece of unconditional love that we share with you this day.

Rebalancing the two brains

There are two brains inside your body. The one in your head consumes most of the energy. Until recently, it was believed to be the most important organ in the body. However, the scientific community has recently discovered that the caloric consumption of the brain does not even resemble that of the heart. The magnetic field of the heart is much larger, because in reality the heart has its own brain. On Earth, many of his challenges come from the fight between the brain of his head and the brain of his heart. His heart says: “I want this. This is the life I want to live. I want to be this kind of person. ” But his head says: “No, you can't do that. You have to go to school. You have to do this or you have to learn that, and you have to do it in this order: A, B, C ”. They work hard to achieve what their brain tells them to do, and then realize that despite their achievements they are unhappy, because the other brain (the heart) never felt satisfied. This is happening to all mankind, because they are consciously moving towards Plan B contracts, in order to satisfy their heart's desires. Here is an example of how this works. The age of 50 is crucial for humans. Put simply: if they live up to 100, the 50 point half the way; From birth to 50, they have the opportunity to remove all obstacles from the path. Now, does that mean they are going to stop fighting, enjoy life, and live guided by the heart? Dear ones, you are on planet Earth. We would love to be able to tell you to always follow the dictation of your heart, but you still have to balance it with your conscious brain. They live here and have certain responsibilities that they must accept. What we are asking you is to pay more attention when you are experiencing that struggle between the two brains.

Now we will turn it over and the top one will be down, because planet Earth is represented here (Steve points to the head) and Home is represented here (points to the heart). It's that simple. Who do they want to receive signals from? What have you learned or all those beings that are still in the Home sending you unconditional love and working with you in many ways? Unconditional love is represented in many ways on the planet. Dogs, which they often call man's best friend, are there specifically to remind them of unconditional love. They can scold and kick a dog, be mean and unpleasant with him, but still always come back wagging his tail to lick their faces. Why? Because their demonstration of love does not depend on how they treat it; It is an expression of his love, simply and simply. Through the unconditional love they express, they teach them how to be responsible for the pure energy they bring from Home. Does that mean that if they love someone enough they should let it go? Sometimes yes. It is simply that that person decided to take another path to empowerment. Loving unconditionally means starting to bring this energy from Home.

At this time, this does not always work in their relationships, because many of the beliefs about relationships are based on their field of duality and polarity. They have built relationships based on what they call monogamy, which is the most comfortable way to express their love and relationships on planet Earth. A lot of that will change over time. Although monogamy will probably always be your favorite here on planet Earth, since much of its evolution took place within a state of duality. This is neither good nor bad, but all these pieces we are talking about are conditional. Consider that each of them is a special flavor of the original unconditional love.

Feed three times a day

What will be necessary for you to express unconditional love three times this day and every day? Express your love to the person who attends you in the restaurant; to the person who parks their car; to the person they cross in the hall. We are not talking about the face so rehearsed that each one presents to the world. Find a way to be vulnerable and connect with your soul and give unconditionally, even if only for a moment. Find a way to give unconditionally three times each day and your life will change quickly. They will begin to feel satisfied in new ways, because they will see things that they had not noticed before. They will have the choice of receiving all the love they can hold, because that is the greatest challenge of conditional love. Conditional love makes them close the doors and does not allow them to receive love from many people. Many of your own belief structures and much of your own energy will change as your evolution continues. You will also realize that this is one of the areas that you will redesign with more affection, because the conditional love of the Earth has beautiful flavors. The more unconditional pieces they find, the more energy they will bring from home to their lives and their relationships. That is love, which makes them flourish — the unconditional love of Home.

We know who they are. We have seen all the things they hide and we love them beyond their understanding. They are part of us. There is no separation. They have simply been working with this field of duality and with the veil they designed and this prevents them from remembering. Dear ones, the heart is waking from sleep before the head. Now your decisions should receive the input of your heart, otherwise you will remain stuck in the same for a long time. We have seen it again and again. They can reach all their goals, that is no problem, but can they receive love from Home? That is the question and we challenge you to practice it daily.

Dear ones, how we would like to be with you, touch you, guide you every day, and show you what we are talking about. But the truth is that they are learning much better than we could teach them. Actually we have to lower our vibration in order to speak with you. There are vibratory openings in the veil, and in part it is the reason why our message, which reaches them through the Guardian, must be somewhat imperfect so that they can hear it. Find the imperfection and accept it. Love her! Take that imperfection and know exactly what it tastes like. They believe that imperfections are the same as mistakes. “No, we do not do that. We have no imperfections. ” Dear ones, your beauty is contained in your perfections.

Loving the imperfections

It was not long ago that humans learned to make diamonds. Now you can create them in a laboratory. Diamonds created in this way work and are widely used, mostly in industrial areas. But there is always the fear that these diamonds are used in jewelry. There was so much concern about it that now most natural diamonds are engraved to distinguish themselves from fake diamonds. The interesting thing is that these man-made diamonds will probably never be seen in the public market, because they are perfect. These diamonds have no impurities, so that light passes through them as if they were glass. They do not shine in the same way as natural diamonds, because they have no imperfections. The same can be said of you. Their imperfections make them beautiful and even so, they consider them as something wrong. Make them yours, because they are your gift. Find a way to express your imperfections. Wear them as your true badges of light gained on planet Earth.

The decision is yours. For example, let's say you have a problem with self-image because your nose is a little bigger than that of most people. Every time they look in the mirror they say: `` I could have a lot of success if it weren't for this big nose. '' They hate that part of their physical body and for that reason, every time they see it they wonder what they could do about it. They may have surgery to modify the nose, or they may decide to be proud of it and move on. Be true to yourself and your nose, and don't be surprised if suddenly others want a nose like yours. This has happened many times with famous artists. When artists become famous, others suddenly change their bodies to look like them. We guarantee that those artists believed that something was wrong with their body, but they finally accepted it. They expressed unconditional love through their own body and suddenly they all resonated and followed the same path, they all understood the connections. Our beauty is contained in our imperfections, and if they stop putting conditions on love, they will understand. Accept it. Walk with pride, because you shine with the light of Home. We have not given them that light; You have opened your heart and brought it yourself. Be proud of it and know that every time you look at someone's eyes, they affect you, because they leave their mark with the beautiful light of Home. Do it consciously and enjoy every step of this path. They are creating a new Earth, piece by piece, one heart at a time. They are entering a totally new environment. Their physical bodies and the Earth are adapting to better keep empowered humans. They are doing it and we are incredibly proud of you. You have gone beyond the veil, beyond the understanding of yourselves, and have dared to uncover the veil to see who you really are. Hold it. Be proud of it and know that you are from the light of Home.

It is with the greatest honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect at all times. Take care of each other and hold the door open whenever you have the opportunity. And as you build this new world, play well together.


The group

Connecting the heart

By Barbara Rother

Connecting the Heart will be postponed for the moment due to Barbara's disease. See the homepage of to be aware of your condition.

Thank you all for holding your space.

Big hugs,


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