View from Home, by Jordi Morella

  • 2010

I close my eyes, and the inner world comes before me. It is immense, bright and full of calm, harmony, peace and love. When I get inside it I feel like I am understood, supported and protected by the universe. This makes me relax even more, because I realize that I am in a safe place. My life makes sense to feel that I am in the right place at every moment, and everything that I live or will live will be adequate. There is nothing out of place. Everything is where it belongs and my situation is appropriate to put more light and give way to the true being that I am.

Here there is no time and every being realizes when it is to be. Everything is governed by the heart, for the greater good of our soul. Only Love rules this world where I live. I am part of him and One with Them, because here there are other beings like me, full of understanding, serenity, light and immense peace. We are all One. I must fear nothing with Them. I let myself go completely because I am at home.

Being here I see how humanity rises and the world is different from today. I see people happy and full of love, understanding and respectful. It is a world where you can live in harmony, peace and the joy of being one. I see a great light that illuminates the entire planet, and at the same time, it radiates its radiance throughout the universe.

While at home I see how legions of entities of Light are paved to Earth and are with humans, having a constant exchange of love and joy. The vibration of Gaia gives rise to the arrival of entities beyond our sky. Earth is a union with Heaven.

Humanity has acquired a consciousness that allows living in harmony with its surroundings, having respect, tolerance and acceptance towards the rest of humanity and the beings that inhabit their spaces. There is some focus of resistance, but these, each time are smaller and weaker. The strength of the heart predominates on the new earth, and paradise manifests itself everywhere.

Many have already left this earthly dimension going beyond our universe and those who remain awake from their spiritual numbness. People are willing to open up and learn faster and faster.

Some of the spiritual teachers have already gone to other places in the sky to help other beings of other dimensions. The sky is full of Love, of the Divine Will. The expansion is getting bigger and faster and faster. Earth has had an important role in this love process.

Being here, I realize the importance of the moments present on our planet. They are decisive times for the evolution of the souls that inhabit it. The present that is being lived is of glory and preparation for the realization of the Divine Will. Everything leads to the culmination of the presence of Love in our dimension. The Light is becoming a place to make disappear the darkness that still rebels to march.

The souls that at this moment feel the force of love in them know about these moments and remain hopeful, serene and with joy for what is happening in our environment. They are understanding and know why this is the case. They are patients keeping their Light on at all times to reassure and calm the spirits of all those in their environment. They keep the energies of the Earth and shake hands with humanity to advance it on the path to the resurrection. They are the true sources of the planet, offering the food that is needed in these long awaited moments.

From here where I find the vision of our walk and where we are going is complete. There is only Love, Peace and Serenity. Everything is harmony and understanding.

I convey this Love and Peace to all of you.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!



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