Have you heard of the Entities and their Contributions?

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 So what can I do when perceiving an entity? 2 How can entities have an impact on us? 3 What can happen if I am not aware of an entity? 4 What is the most important thing to take into account with respect to the entities?

This article is based on a zoom on the class of entities which is carried out by the magnificent Engineer and Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Mandfred Cepeda.

Most people have different views on entities, and generally do not take into account that they are basically energies, energies that we do not see and do not necessarily refer to energies that have to do with spirits of people or ghosts, but rather they are extraterrestrial beings, elementary beings of nature. The definition of entity is so broad and ambiguous that thousands are the possibilities for its definition, so it can no longer be said that such a thing is an entity, since our body is an entity, demons are an entity, all that Surrounding us is an entity . Then it is an energy that is defined, that has a consciousness, that has a space, and defining it in this way the word entity or demon ceases to have so much charge.

When someone mentions or talks about entities, which are popularly associated or usually associated with demonic entities, people put up many barriers and close when they hear them because they are afraid, they don't know what can happen to them, they don't know what can happen to happen due to the amount of views that exist about this taboo subject .

In this way Mandfred Cepeda, from the Access Consciousness ideology, teaches that talking with entities is an excellent way to expand consciousness and thus expand one's energy as everything around us is an entity. All that our body communicates to us is an entity, and the important thing to hear is that by being aware of these entities we help each other and invite us to expand our consciousness in all aspects of our life. In this way, we expand our perception, which is typical of the Infinite Being that we are but that we were limiting over the years. It is then about expanding awareness and perception to remember and perceive that maybe those entities were already there for a long time and see, perhaps, what those entities require. For example, when there is something in our life that does not change despite all our attempts so that if something different happens, we are probably not seeing the energy there, that is, what that particular entity requires.

What resists persists. Accept the possibilities and be surprised by the entities.

Many people perceive these entities and deny or perceive them and give them existence but full of fears so they do everything possible to leave, so they light a candle or incense, among others, waiting for them to disappear. Notwithstanding this, they may be entities that come to contribute to one's life to give the person in question a creative idea, an answer, a signal or whatever that person requires.

So what can I do when perceiving an entity?

The important thing is to listen and be aware of what this entity brings us, and be very clear that entities not only have to do with the world of ghosts and spirits, but are energies that can invite more in this life, and they can be the great help we needed so much.

How can entities have an impact on us?

Entities are electromagnetic charges that, like our body and societies, bring with them their own views, certain beliefs, feelings, etc. and these charges (composed of all these things) are like a radio or Internet wave, which obviously we do not see, but nevertheless they have an effect on us as well as a radio reproduces certain music when tuned in a particular station. Although one cannot see the entities, they also have an influence on people since they have certain information and certain characteristics that when they are close to us can cause alterations or impact on our bodies. Even, sometimes it happens that, the person mimetizes with such an entity, for example if the grandmother of a certain person died of cancer and the Being of that grandmother reaches that person because the latter She is very aware, either because she asks that she always come or establish an interaction with her, so that energy is very present but they (entities) continue to have that magnetic impression, for example a certain disease and when that Being arrives and becomes present one can begin to mimic and therefore to take that energy and create it in itself. Whether you recreate the physical illness or certain mental disorders you suffered. For example, if you had many suicidal thoughts, depression or stress will start to recreate it in your body, it will take it and make it your own. This is how an entity begins to have an impact on a human being so it is important to have tools to have clarity of when we are being an entity or the effect of an entity. Being aware helps us know if we are being ourselves or functioning from the consciousness of an entity.

For example, when they ask you to choose something you like and it takes a long time because you think too much without being able to decide, since you have several ideas about what you like, it is there, in those cases that you can really think that it is about existence of several entities that are talking to you at the same time. So, an entity may like something, but another not so much and there one begins to have absence or lack of clarity since it is an entity that is within us and creates this confusion, in addition to bringing judgments and points of views.

Many times we give work to the entities, that is, we grant them functions that would have to be performed by ourselves but commonly when we do not want to deal with certain people or situations such as at work, with our finances, in how we interact with others people, then the entity in question will begin to act, in other words we will change our masks according to the person we have to face or situation. These masks are the entities that we have created and have allowed them to take on a certain function in our lives so that they face these situations. These Access Consciousness tools are very useful so that they have no impact and that no one else chooses us but ourselves.

What can happen if I am not aware of an entity?

When these beings are close and we are not aware of them, they can have a very strong impact on our personality and consequently we cease to be who we really are . They can have physical impacts such as a disease, a mental state, a certain feeling etc. So the effects produced start to impact us in different ways. Beyond this, we do not have to fall for the trial, that is, we must not judge these entities since they are not guilty of interacting with certain situations or people, but one chose and allowed them to enter so that said entity can deal with certain issues for us. In other words, we are responsible for their influences because we have chosen it that way and generally we are not responsible and give the job to another. That is why we later blame the entities, demons or say that someone cast a spell at us, so as not to take responsibility, this is why we do not have to blame everything on the entities since in most cases it is our conscious choice or unconsciously and as strange as it may seem one is responsible.

Beyond bad situations, say, one is responsible for everything that happens in our lives because everything has to do with different processes and baggage that we bring from other lives, that is, with karma, dharma, etc. So before blaming an entity or others for what happens to us, it is advisable to observe the entire context and everything that happens to us. It is an exhaustive and very tedious process but it is the path of self-liberation and self-knowledge.

As we already know in most countries it is a taboo subject, it is a topic that is scary so we have to start to realize that there is much more than we can see, and everything around us is a entity, energy with which we can relate, such as the telephone, the table in front of us, etc. With all of them we can get a great contribution in us or for us. That contribution comes through making us aware, not before.

What is the most important thing then to take into account regarding the entities?

Be aware of when something is having an influence on oneself, be aware of everything that happens, be aware of when for example we suddenly have little clarity when having to make a decision when making a choice, since This usually happens when we have some entities nearby. So the main thing is to empower ourselves, then to take out our fear towards them so that we can be aware of them and of our own being.

EDITORIAL: Gisela, editor hermandadblanca.org

Listen to the full talk in the following video:

SOURCE: Zoom made on the YouTube channel of MAndfred Zepeda.

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