Embracing Sacred Sovereignty - The Earth Chronicles - July 2010- Message from Metatron through J. Tyberonn

  • 2010

Greetings Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I welcome you to this meeting. We surround each of you in a specially created vector of Unconditional Love. A non-linear space vector is exceptionally open as each of you reads these words from your own chosen space and time ...

I greet you all in Unconditional Love!

The current phase of linear time on your planet is a uniquely timely union for a self-examination and chosen solitude. Teachers, many of you, specifically those above the age of 49, the seventh cycle of 7 years find themselves in a state of loneliness after the spouses have left, the relationships have ended and the marriage contracts have ended. And although this path is sometimes totally lonely, extremely difficult and can be perceived as "abnormal" for many, it is with purpose. So we tell you to use this time wisely and embrace and accept it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

Now there is a recurring message in many religious texts that says "For everything there is a time, a time for every purpose under heaven"

There is certainly a time for loneliness. Divine Solitude is a noble condition and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth when it is understood and recognized for its profound purpose.

You see that the Divine Self is fundamentally and conclusively, only in your final search for omnipotence. .

In its terms, the soul enters the earth alone and the spirit leaves the earth alone. The Ascended Masters who travel the Earth have sought loneliness in their incarnations for millennia before attaining Mastery. And so in the same way it is with you.

Dear Beings, many of you who are alone at this time have the belief that you must find a partner. Many seek their "soul mate, " their twin flame. However we tell you, in many cases among advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it that way. By the way it is a noble and special task. It is time for Divine Solitude.

Loneliness for those in the search for sanctified light, for those who seek what is called "consecrated spiritual enlightenment" who chose specific periods in their life plan to be alone for a while. This does not mean that they will always be alone, it simply means that they have chosen it for a time to 'work on the self'; To achieve love for themselves. Among souls in search of Mastery, approximately one in three or four times of life, is a time of life chosen for loneliness.

Loving the I is a Requirement

Loving the self is a requirement that many, especially those of Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its original sin teachings taught you that you were vitiated in your nature and that you need to forgive. They spent times of life asking for forgiveness for what they are. They lost the sense of their divinity and found it easier to give than to receive. The balance was lost

Now we tell you that as the Earth transforms into the new Crystalline Era, the nature of the resonance of energy and the control of the planet are expanded. There is a decrease in the influence of duality / polarity for those of you who choose to expand beyond the third dimension.

You can ask if loneliness or societies bring greater advancement to the soul. The issue is especially pertinent and timely for many of you at the dawn of the Ascension.

The short answer is that both being in a relationship and loneliness have their divine purpose. and we give emphasis to the word BOTH. You earn a lot by being engaged in a love relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most of the states on the Earth plane.

But Masters, we tell you that there is also a great purpose also in solitude. It is indeed a requirement.

It is no mistake that a large number of you in the final stages of the path of enlightenment are alone in this period. Now it is the prelude to the next Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your loneliness is adequate. Maybe that's how it should be. As you can see, it is how many of you planned it.

However, many feel that loneliness is too difficult to bear and that they must get a partner the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is a lot of confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the twin soul and the role and nature of the optimal association in the Master of the Self.

Loneliness and No Dependence

Loneliness is destined to be a period of sublime reverence of the self. His life and his experience on this plane is his own creation, his own life tapestry, interwoven by his individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is propelled towards self-revision and the opportunity is offered to dive deep into the deep waters that flow within. Swim in the ocean of the I and in doing so, rediscover inner love, learn what a brilliant spark of God you really are.

Relationships are a method of reflecting the sensitivity / affectivity of your belief system and giving you information again about what in a few words is working and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self to reconnect with the internal horizon and this facilitates and makes sovereignty necessary. The Supreme Power or Sovereignty is the predominance of Mastery.

A bond of two non-dependent sovereign human beings has a greater balance, greater creativity and greater longevity than a union of two co-dependent beings from each other. Do you understand?

After all, each soul must clearly define the I to achieve Mastery. Self-mastery manifests itself in planned, planned periods of detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we say to you Dear Beings, crystallization, through impeccability, is a necessary phase of Self-Mastery. It is a calibration union in the multidimensional stay. One enters the void, the great mystery in the search for strength and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers the sublime totality and self realization.

Do not misunderstand our explanation; there is great legitimacy in joining in the natural aspect of the soul mate. But conclusively one travels the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment.

One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must strive for the final conquest of what we call "impeccability." Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul and is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This implies the liberation of dependence, the liberation of everything that does not serve your divinity. It is a reprogramming and a restart of all that you are.

We have told you that language, the fabric of the higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul's mind. By defining themselves through impeccability they become crystalline and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. This is only achieved by deciding who you are, what you believe and then living it. Recognizing their truths and fully aligning with them.

Ask Metatron: Are you saying that love relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

AAMetatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in Sacred Unity, each one, a part of the Divine One. So in terms of the duality experience, the answer to your question is yes, In this context, Yes! Teachers, in the highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

Relationships in the linear experience of duality are a means to the end. We are saying that love relationships are a sacred tool, joyful to achieve Self-Mastery, but in the end, in the journey of each soul there is a fundamental requirement of growth towards sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self and truly has no need to depend on another. Such conceptual dependence can be an impediment to the Master.

Actually, you merge into sovereignty with your other half. The other part of his soul that separated in the expression of duality. Each of you has a masculine and feminine component and the other half merges back into the Integral Divine Self before rising into the higher realm.

Many of you consider a soulmate and a twin flame the same. Only the syntax is similar. The true meaning is different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, divided into duality and these are rarely together in physicality. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have created a contract to grow together within the physical duality, as a means of developing and exploring love with another soul. Movement towards a common purpose.

The apparent paradox in linear relationships is that the concept of the “soul mate” (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings has greater joy, greater balance, a greater interconnection with the divine, a bigger opportunity to move forward than a relationship based on co-dependence. Come?

At this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric twin flame (non-physical) and shaping your sacred fullness into a physicality to enter the crystalline kingdom in complete integrity. In most cases this reconnection of the soul is achieved alone or with non-dependent sovereign relationships.

So we tell you, embracing your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE is the signal of your souls' objective to enter the Mer-Ka-Na Crystal Mastery.

The Divine Feminine

We add that many of you, in this feminine life, have chosen particular roles in the balance of the planet at this time. Isn't it true that the planet has been in imbalance for a surplus of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is the reason why it would seem that a vast majority of those beings attracted to the "New Era" are female, come, to anchor the Divine Feminine. The female sex has been conditioned and labeled in its current paradigm as "weak sex." Nothing could be further from the truth!

Many of the women who are now in a single state are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Once again we tell you, embrace your loneliness. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen.

The ideal for the planet is not to be a woman or a man, but rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but at this moment they are still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you with a female biological mechanism, your strength is really progressing to create the balance that nourishes.

Truly the super-soul is androgynous, self-contained, self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequency principle of the soul, it is certainly the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. There is a time when some of you who have played the role of soul mates will be individualized and in their own words will be separated with joy. The soul evolved to achieve omnipotence will become extremely self-sufficient and in doing so will radiate a spectacular unconditional love to EVERYTHING. That is how it should be and how it should be. It is the way you ascend.

Embracing Sovereignty

The final graduation of the soul is not achieved by associating, you see it. This is done within the Divine I in a universal harmonic with Everything that Exists. Do you understand? This is the activation of the I towards the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystal Field. Separation must occur by osmosis before the final collective meeting, it must occur to allow final fusion or coalescence in EVERYTHING.

It is who you ARE. It is the I AM THAT I AM.

Our point here is that if they are in Soledad, they recognize their purpose. If you are in a relationship, refine it in beauty towards the greatest love of non-dependence. You will certainly discover that love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non-dependence; as they are discovering in co-dependence relationships towards a single course, they are unbalanced and fail.

In sovereignty, humanity will see itself in this frame as part of a 'whole' and not being the property of its partner or the “best half” of someone. Each one will bring his whole integral I into fullness in a strong flow of energy towards the relationship, in a way that often does not happen today. There are pre-agreed points that allow freedom of choice and change, even if that change is to end society. In sovereignty individuals share the best of them without compromising ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other and retain the integrity of the I.

They will offer their own promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be perspectives and opportunities for adjustments and the ability to re-examine the terms. This will allow greater recognition of the I. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and complications in divorces and legal disputes that you observe.

Some relationships in these terms will certainly last a time of life, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on the choice and mutual agreement of each individual's terms. And as such independence becomes joyful, devoid of a couple that is dominant and imposes their beliefs, morality and will on the other.

Mass Humanity today, does not truly recognize or understand its soul, its divine self. The I unfortunately is driven by the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is waking up on the planet now as never happened before, but still only about 10% of the population of more than 8 billion has woken up. That is a sufficient number to give rise to Ascension but much has not been done yet.

Religion in the New Paradigm

Religion in the new paradigm must be individualized, it must truly recognize the nature of the I, THE NATURE OF THE DIVINE SOUL. None of your world religions truly answers these questions today. None of their religions answer the questions of true multi-dimensional Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial origins. And that must come to understanding in the new paradigm. None of their current prevailing religions can fully and accurately express the true history of man on earth. As such, there is no true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold in pre-established and scheduled templates. Each one claims to know the path to God to be able to lead the way to God, nonetheless truly realized. Each one has its dogma, each one has its hierarchy and controls.

Man seeks GOD more fervently now than at any other time on the planet and thus, this search in itself has the potential to bring light. Few religion teachers are true teachers, academics perhaps, but not true teachers. Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so-called "New Era." And few are those who claim to channel the Ascended or Angelic Masters and who truly do.


When integrity is not sustained, the connection to the true spirit is disconnected and all human beings are subject to collapse in and out of integrity. Truly the path to Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise to its higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channeler or spiritual leader, but through the I. Accept only what you discern individually and that resonates as true. Dear Beings, do not surrender your power to another. Each of you can and should channel your higher selves. Study, observe, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within.

The path to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of the I and in the Ascension, the path to the SUPERIOR I is through self-definition and seeking that aspect of God within each one of you, with the great desire that is implanted in each of their souls. Study, search and work! There is little hope for the lazy. You are here to make the unknown known! Work on it! Be a warrior of light within duality, because the real battles are within us for your own self-mastery. The path is not easy. But within the Self-Mastery, of the Mastery of the I lies an energy so exquisite that it gives you everything you need to move forward and there is yet another level on each of you to ascend. Consciousness always expands.


Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love each other, love the divinity within and within each one! Discover the multi-dimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of loneliness.

And think that the path is sometimes totally difficult and lonely, know that such is the challenge of duality, because above you are everything and you are not missing anything. In the highest realm, Masters you are of a sacred nature, of integral totality, in complete and abundant ecstasy and joy.

I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I share with you these TRUTHS!

You are loved.

... And so it is.

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Spanish translation sharing the Light: Alicia Virelli,

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