XIV Meeting of the Iberian Network of Light - Toledo June 11 and 12, 2011

  • 2011
Table of contents hide 1 What is Iberian Network of Light (RIL)? 2 Objectives of the Event: The XIV Meeting of the Iberian Network of Light has the following objectives: 3 Why Toledo? 4 How to get it? 5 Program of Activities, Tables: 6 Development of the Event.-

Toledo will host an Encounter to Promote and Develop New Communities of Light, Love and Consciousness in Spain.

What is Iberian Network of Light (RIL)?

The RIL was born within the framework of what was called the "First Meeting of New Consciousness Groups" held in November 1998 in Madrid. It is horizontal and open to non-sectarian people and groups and is integrated into the Ibero-American Network of Light that emerged in Monterrey (Mexico) in June 2000.

Little by little, contacts were established with similar networks in Europe and the Anglo-Saxon world, with the intention of creating a great Network of Planetary Consciousness. Today, its coordination is made up of individuals individually and more than fifteen spiritual groups and groups spread across the geography of Spain and Portugal.

Objectives of the Event: The XIV Meeting of the Iberian Network of Light has the following objectives:

1) Lay the foundations and develop the model of self-sustaining communities,

2) That Toledo resurfaces as an international spiritual reference through meditation and prayer.

3) That Toledo is also a world reference for Peace and Unity of Peoples.

This idea is not new and in this meeting we want to bring together various groups that are developing projects for the change and evolution of our society, which seeks to live in common and ecological well-being, so that they give us their experience and present their proposals on what that today is already being done and what can be done.

Especially those projects that have already had results due to their practical application. Thus, among all of us, we can create the new Communities of Light, Love and Consciousness and lay the foundations for Spain to be a model and reference for other countries.

Why Toledo?

It has been planned to hold the Meeting in Toledo (Spain) because this city was in the past a city model of tolerance, respect, development, knowledge and wisdom of what it was to live in harmony and communion in the social and spiritual with three cultures: Arabic, Christian and Jewish.

We feel that Toledo can recover that essence to become an international center of well-being, harmony and spirituality.

Throughout the history of humanity, there have been cities of light, where its inhabitants have lived in harmony, peace and respect. Toledo in the thirteenth century during the reign of Alfonso X the Wise is an example of coexistence, like Granada, which was at the time the greatest exponent in Spain of such coexistence, along with Cordoba, Seville and Gerona, among others.

Let us know some of the preparatory work that has been carried out:

Since the last 30 years, various groups in Spain have been developing projects to raise the level of awareness of the population, in order to live in a more just society, sharing in harmony and respect, based on a new education, equality and welfare of its inhabitants.

Since the 1990s, various works have been carried out, in silence, on meditation, healing and

energetic cleaning of the earth and cities in preparation for the social and spiritual change that today is already glimpsing, to name a few, we have those made by: WTT, "The Brothers of the Eagle", "Project Ighluz", Arcadia, Altamur, DirDam, among others.

In 2010, at the XIII National Meeting of the RIL in Madrid, the issue of living in community was already raised and discussed; Likewise, progress was made on this issue at the V Meeting of the RIL in Catalonia, as well as in Zaragoza at the First Meeting of the Aragonese Network of Light, whose motto was “Alternative Models of Coexistence”.

Today, some projects worldwide that seek access to new forms of relationship, coexistence and development of human beings, including:

The Venus Project (“Venus Proyect, beyond politics poverty and war”), initiated in the seventies by Jacque Fresco, is one of the most advanced and visualized on how the Communities-Cities of Light could be in the future, since Your design to your philosophy. It proposes an action plan for social change and works towards a global, peaceful and sustainable civilization (http://www.thevenusproject.com/).

An important reference is the Findhorn Foundation, which is part of a spiritual and international community located in the Northwest of Scotland. It was founded in 1962 by Eileen and Peter Caddy along with Dorothy Maclean. This community currently houses more than 500 people, of all nationalities and ages, united by a common vision of creating a universal culture based on spiritual principles. The Foundation is an education and experience center that offers the opportunity to visit, live and explore various work areas. Their guest programs are the result of a personal and collective search to find the meaning of the sacred in daily life. http://www.findhorn.org/

Another reference is the Tamera community in Portugal. It is a Research Center for Peace, founded in 1995 on a 150-hectare farm near Colos, where about 200 people live and study. They develop experiments and inventions for a sustainable community, from Holzer's permaculture to the solar village . It is considered one of the most advanced, similar to Findhorn.

The Eco Truly Park community, based in Lima, Peru, is a beautiful ecological, artistic and self-sustaining community, where residents and volunteers live together based on principles of nonviolence and Universal love.

www.ecotrulypark.org. There are similar projects in nearby countries such as Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.

Damanhur, is an eco-society based on ethical and spiritual values, recognized by the United Nations as a model for a sustainable future.

Founded in 1975, the Federation has about 1, 000 citizens and extends over 500 hectares of territory along Valchiusella and the Upper Canavese region, in the foothills of the Piedmont Alps. Damanhur promotes a culture of peace and equitable development through solidarity, volunteering, respect for the environment, art and social and political commitments.

In November 2001, the Founding Assembly of the Iberian Ecovillage Network was held in Madrid. The purpose is to create links and connections between the various human settlements through ecovillages and the like. Also, support new projects that are yet to be created. The settlements already created are:

Valdepi lagos (Madrid), Aquarium Gardens (Murcia), Valley of Sensations (Granada), Lakabe (Navarra), Valle Pino los Condes ( vila), Matavenero (Castilla-Le n), Tamera (Portugal ). http://www.ecoaldeas.org/, Artosilla (Huesca), Liuramae (Zaragoza), El Mensajero Foundation (Granada), Amalurra (Vizcaya)

The Arcadia community develops a wide range of activities in order to produce positive changes in society through business activities: editorial services, event organization, product sales, etc. www.alambarsinapsis.es and also non-profit such as: yoga, psychological counseling, participation in events, etc. Arcadia develops part of its activities in the center of the city of Barcelona and another part in the middle of nature, in the province of Girona, where it has a property in property.

There are many other projects with this profile, however, this document is informative and is not intended to mention everyone.

The real challenge is to manifest multiple Communities-Cities of Light that are self-sustainable, with resources and support from the European Union and private companies to generate this type of life model as an alternative to the global crisis, having as a basis a new social, economic and spiritual model.

How to get it?

It is necessary that our freedom to act and to be in society have their base in respect and common well-being and that this extends to each of the living beings with whom we coexist and with the Earth itself, since she is a great living being.

Our beliefs and lifestyles must evolve.

To the extent that we are changing old structures, where money is not the one that governs our lives, or that small groups of people exert control over the majority, we will then really live in a society of common welfare.

Technology has evolved very quickly, in the face of an immature society that play adults with weapons and manipulations that lead us to suffering and self-destruction if we do not correct it.

Therefore, it is essential for the evolution of our species that we give priority again to Education and to a good development of the new generations, which allows them to manifest their capacities in mental and emotional balance; where the System that governs us is that where well-being and abundance lead everyone to a more respectful and conscious coexistence so that the common good is our Fundamental Pillar. To lay the foundations for all that has been said, we have developed a program of activities around tables related to Community Life, Sustainable Development and Light Networks.

Activities Program, Tables:

1. Economic Dimension: A) Ethical and Social Companies, B) How to Live Well with Our Resources, C) Sustainable Communities, D) New Exchange Formulas: Time Banks, “Lets”, New Community Currencies; E) Local Economy versus Global Economy and F) Silver Leaf Project “Living without Money”.

2. Holistic Education Dimension: How can our education evolve?

3. Dimension Living in Community: A) Group Relations / Facilitation and Dispute Resolution, B) Compassionate Communication, Decision Making and Personal Empowerment and C) Permaculture, New Technologies and Sustainable Resources, D) Co-creating with Nature.

4. Health and creativity dimension. Science and Art at the Service of Health and Healing.

5.Dimension Spiritual Convergence and Points of Union. The New Spirituality

6. RIL Committee. Meeting of the various Autonomous Light Networks.

7. Cyber ​​networks of Light and Internet Communication. A Platform for Collective Consciousness.

Each project will be developed and presented at the next RIL meeting, giving the opportunity for various groups to unify to achieve the same goal, thus strengthening the Project and Meeting that, doing it together, can reach an international reach .

We are currently living in a state of global crisis and not only economically, but also on the social and spiritual level. It is therefore very important and fundamental to jointly develop new models of life, being clear that the unity of people strengthens our rights. Alone we achieve few things, together, whatever we want.

Event Development.-

The Event will be held on June 11 and 12, 2011, at the Hotel Beatriz de Toledo. The reception of the participants and guests will be held on Saturday from 8:30 am, starting the meeting at 9:30 am with the opening ceremony and Peace flag.

That same Saturday the day will have a rest at 2:30 p.m., to resume activities at 4:00 p.m. until 10 p.m. Throughout Saturday and Sunday, the topics that will give foundation to the Communities of Light and Love will be presented and developed, previously prepared by groups and experts in different subjects.

Before each exhibition there will be activities to harmonize the participants: meditations, music concerts, promotion of joy and laughter, dances and dances, etc.

The closing of the Meeting will take place on Sunday at 6 pm, approximately after the groups that make up the RIL have met to follow up on the projects they propose.

Another important part of the Meeting will be to organize a market to sell products and services to the attendees to defray expenses of the participating groups, as well as the payment of investments and expenses of participating artists, laying the foundations of an Event that can be repeated and not only cover expenses, but also, in the future, provide access to

abundance to launch the Project on the physical plane.

There will also be an area to serve children, as they are a fundamental part of our Project and future.


For more information, collaborations and stands contact: 617 901 651, 656 703 804 and 665 459 348



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